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Author: Stephen


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Tell me how does this>>>>>#194 <<<< nonsense of yours prove I have twisted anything into any shape

It is not nonsense. Over and over in the NT, we are told of the symbolism, the typology, the shadow of the Old Covenant and how it pointed to something far greater, the Lord Jesus Christ and the transition between covenants.

 But neither  they nor YOU show how I have "twisted" anything, as you keep claiming I do,  do they. Like I have said. One tells his mother one thing and another shows the complete opposite actually happened. 

I keep telling to. you have proven nothing and haven't answered anything either as much as you and your new found friend believe that you have.

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Where was he?

Jesus said said to his followers that some of them would live to witness his return to earth:Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom”. Matthew16: 27-28.
Hi Stephen,  I have read that verse and re-read that verse and yet I still don't see where it states that Jesus is returning physically.  
But  billions do. This is my point about how one religious faction reads these unreliable and ambiguous scriptures compared to another. Even Preterist can't get their act together, to  agree on a date of this return - physical or not.

Take the this motely crew>. They believe that: " The Savior’s coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide".

But  it Interesting that you tell us all that you have only read the bible once and "don't believe it".#18
Maybe that has something to do with your own bible ignorance? 

You haven't attempted to answer these questions raised by your own comments. I have asked you three times now. Why are you ignoring them.?

I think the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.

   I see, and what is it that causes you say that  it "makes little sense" ?

No wonder we see so much weirdness in the Christian movement.

And what "weirdness" would that be?

Timid8967's avatar
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Where was he?

Jesus said said to his followers that some of them would live to witness his return to earth:Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom”. Matthew16: 27-28.
Hi Stephen,  I have read that verse and re-read that verse and yet I still don't see where it states that Jesus is returning physically.  
But  billions do. This is my point about how one religious faction reads these unreliable and ambiguous scriptures compared to another. Even Preterist can't get their act together. and agree on a date of this return - physical or not
But  it Interesting that you tell us all that you have only read the bible once and "don't believe it".#18
Maybe that has something to do with your own bible ignorance? 

You haven't attempted to answer these questions raised by your own comments. I have asked you three times now. Why are you ignoring them.?

I think the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.

   I see, and what is it that causes you say that  it "makes little sense" ?

No wonder we see so much weirdness in the Christian movement.

And what "weirdness" would that be?
Hi Stephen,

billions might see it there. I don't know.  But I don't really care what billions believe because I don't think truth is done by majority rules.  The point is - this is what you said and I am asking you to show me where these verses say Jesus is talking about a return to earth physically.  This is your bunny, not billions.   Besides billions have other positions. But let's not get distracted. You have suggested that pastors and priests and even PGA2.0 interprets things and that all you do is simply "present" them. Please show me in these passages where Jesus says he will return physically.  

Did I say I had read it once? I think that was in response to PGA2.0.  I do have access to the internet, like you.  I certainly don't remember a lot about different places and have forgotten much more than I remember.  I am not sure why me saying I don't believe it is an issue.  How can I believe a book that is simply a story book? It is like asking me if I believe Snow White.  Yet, Snow White is a story and has meaning.  And its author had a point when they were writing it. It was not simply up to those reading it to think it means something different to the author.   I think the same applies to the bible and to language per se.  I can read what Matthew and Luke and others say Jesus said in the manner in which they wrote it.  There is a simple theme to it. I don't get the idea they were being mysterious about it or about Jesus.  Some people in history have done so - take Newton for instance - yet he was already mystically involved in things and figured that the Bible fell within mysticism as well. Many Religious people do I suppose. Does that answer your question? Nor am I pretending to be biblically literate. I am merely reading the verses you quoted and don't see it like you do. Which is why I ask you to explain yourself.  

Can you link me back to where I said it makes no sense that Jesus returned so soon after he left? Let me see the context I wrote it in.   

As for weirdness in Christianity - there is certainly plenty of it. Like in every other religion and non-religion. Take BrotherDThomas. Is he religious or not? He comes across as a bit of a weird Christian. I have never met anyone who as a christian believes those things. It makes me think he is an atheist mocking christianity more than a real christian.  So either he is really weird christian or he is a weird atheist. Either way he is weird and proves my point.  

Charismatic christianity - dispensational christianity - brethren christianity - roman catholic christianity - eastern orthodox christianity - evangelicalism - fundamentalism and reformed christianity all have lots of weirdness - cults like the mormans with their secret underwear, JWs with their watchtower prophets - the SDA who think Jesus returned personally in the 1900s are all weird.  But athiests are just as weird.  Buddhists are pretty weird - gee almost everyone except me and you are weird and I am not sure about you. 

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The point is - this is what you said and I am asking you to show me where these verses say Jesus is talking about a return to earth physically.  This is your bunny, not billions. 

I didn't say he will or has returned from the dead or heaven at all, in any shape or form. I have said that BILLIONS believe that>>>>>THE BIBLE<<<<<says he will and offer all kinds of verses that to their minds "prove" a physical" return And that is my point. ....such as :

"Menof Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking intothe sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven,will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."Acts1:11
He was alive and kicking and had been eating and talking and walking when he was taken into "heaven" according to >>>>>>THE BIBLE. <<<<<< and all sound very physical.
So can it be he will be returning in the same fashion... physically?  Why the question about "looking into the sky", seems more relevant to me.  It  seems they are being told they were looking in the wrong place and that their lord and master Jesus hadn't even left earth at all? Maybe he had just  gone into hiding until his "time had come"? 

"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen.Revelation 1:7
Indicates physical , IF >>>>>> THE BIBLE<<<<<< is to be believed?

"On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem,and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west,forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south".Zechariah 14:4

Both feet standing on a  mountain  indicates the physical if >>>>THE BIBLE <<<<<< is to be believed.

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.  Zechariah 14:9
King of the earth.  Sound all rather , well earthly. 

So this " bunny" is very much on the theist to prove and not for me to explain . I didn't write the bible that has been " foisted "onto mankind for over 2000 years and sometimes forced onto them at the pain of death and the risk of being burned alive. I have told you. I don't give two fks what it is you believe or don't believe. It is the scriptures that I read, scrutinise and question.

The Preterist believe >>>>> THE BIBLE<<<<<<<tells them that Jesus has already returned. 


As for weirdness in Christianity - there is certainly plenty of it. Like in every other religion and non-religion. Take BrotherDThomas. Is he religious or not?

That's the person, the Christian and not Christianity, and I don't know anything about him apart from the fact that he seems to know these scriptures inside out, and you don't. 

And I don't see much weird about a person that knows his subject regardless of the subject or if I believe it or not.

Christianity is defined as :

Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in the 1st century CE.

 So can you tell me what you find weird about Christianity? Or are you saying Christians are weird? 

Can you link me back to where I said it makes no sense that Jesus returned so soon after he left? Let me see the context I wrote it in.

Yes. Although I had a few times already. It is exactly as you said it first time around #141 Timid8967  I am not sure how the "context" can be misunderstood.

How can I believe a book that is simply a story book?

 Not for me to say is it?   But it is for me to question any time I choose.

I think the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.#141

   I see, and what is it that causes you say that  it "makes little sense" ?

Timid8967's avatar
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I think the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.#141

   I see, and what is it that causes you say that  it "makes little sense" ?
Because it seems a dumb thing to do. 

There is no reason for Jesus to return so soon.  And reading those verses above - even the new ones you are talking about  does not suggest Jesus thinks he is returning soon. 

Church History as a consensus - even if there are variants within it - seems to think that Jesus has not returned physically yet. Full Preterists think Jesus judgment is the second coming. Partial Preterists do not describe Jesus judgment on Jerusalem as the second coming - but as a judgment. For them - Jesus will return physically when the church has reached maturity.  Only a small section of the church use the verses like you have.  They are primarily baptists, and charismatics.  And although large numbers in America - not so predominant in other countries nor in church history. Episcopalians, Catholics, and Reformed persons - the vast majority of the church in history take a historical long term of history thinking Jesus will return when he chooses in the future - yet would not attribute the verses you have quoted as talking about a physical return but as the finalization of the Jewish age and temple destruction.  

It seems there are two things going on here.  Jesus "coming on the clouds" in judgment against Israel - destroying the temple.  and

Jesus returning to collect his church on the final day. 

In the passages you have quoted - there is no sense of literal returning - no talk of returning physically -  in relation to soon and this generation.  There is a thought of him returning physically - but not related to soon.  

Yet -  the NT talks of second advent - when Jesus returns in the same way he went. But the question is whether these are the same events. Some christians think so - and some don't.  

I think it is a pointless exercise to use this like you - to try and prove a point when clearly not every Christian reads it the way you are insisting.  And if that the case - you cannot make a valid point.  PGA0.2 clearly thinks you are wrong - and he has made his points which are valid.  But your interpretation is yours.  You can hold onto it. For me personally i could hardly care less. 

The fact that Christiantity has so many views on eschatology is probably why there has been no united creed on it.  My brother - would say that it is not even an essential doctrine.  

I think it would be more helpful to find a doctrine we know that Christians are united on - and then dispute this.  But hey what would I know - i obviously know nothing about the bible - as you have clearly pointed out.  So good luck with your witch hunting. 
Stephen's avatar
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I think it is a pointless exercise to use this like you - to try and prove a point when clearly not every Christian reads it the way you are insisting.

 How have I "insisted" ? 

I am telling you what Christians themselves say proves Jesus' PHYSICAL arrival. And gave YOU  just one of the many examples of what THEY THEMSELVES say and "insist" on HERE>>

This is what THEY say-  NOT what I fkn say. LOOK>>>> Jesus Is Coming Back To This Earth. And they quote all of these BIBLICAL verses that ACCORDING TO THEM and NOT ME, prove Jesus is coming back to earth in his PHYSICAL form.

The Savior’s coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide.

 So you can take it or leave it princess, this is not my opinion, I am not "insisting" those verses prove anything and I didn't write those verses that THEY are claiming prove Jesus' PHYSICAL return to earth.

 And reading those verses above - even the new ones you are talking about does not suggest Jesus thinks he is returning soon.

Not to you maybe. But they don't care what YOU think, and neither do I . It is what they believe in and  what they believe those verses to mean to them, that counts , to them.. 

 But your interpretation is yours. 

 No, they are Christian theists beliefs and their own interpretations.  I have simply asked, just as those illiterate peasants of the past have asked Peter _" “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised?."  Notice Peter didn't mention anything about a return in the physical or spiritual?  No, he just spouted a load of old shite saying  words to the effect that they didn't understand or had "forgot" that "a day is a thousand years".2 Peter 3:4-10

You can hold onto it.

 I hold onto nothing princess, I just believe another version of the Jesus story  than the one that mankind had had "foisted" onto us for over 2000 years.

For me personally i could hardly care less. 
Yes, you certainly come across that you "don't care less",  yet you wish that what I have to say  could be "More easily agreeable with the bible." #25 ?  that's you not caring less is it!?

But hey what would I know - i obviously know nothing about the bible

And  that is by your own admission. 

- as you have clearly pointed out. 

 No. I think you shown that fact to us for yourself. I just reminded you of your bible ignorance. But don't take offence, there are Pastors and Priest and Chaplains that are as bible ignorant as you, so at least you have an excuse.

So good luck with your witch hunting. 

" Witch hunt" That 's rich. I haven't tied anyone to a ducking stool or on top of a pile of wood and then set fire to it for not agreeing with me. That will be the Chaplains and  the Pastors and the Priests of yore.   I bet they just yearn for  the past when they had full and total control over all mankind. 

witch hunting.

Oh stop with the victimhood, your letting your mask slip again. I haven't attacked no one for believing in god, or Jesus or the scriptures.  I have told you. It is the scriptures that I read, scrutinise and question . I am not interested  in that fact they people have a faith, and that is what it is , faith, "a  strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof".

 So good luck with your witch hunting. 

And you can feel free to leave MY thread at any time.  I promise you, you won't be missed by me. Princess.
Timid8967's avatar
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Wow! Aren't you the cute one?  It is not your thread.  I will leave when and if I choose.  

Victim??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  

You have not contributed anything of significance to this discussion.  PGA2.0 is clearly the one on this thread with bible knowledge. 

You make assertions and then when pressed deny you made assertions.  

I find it amusing that you think a seventh day adventist is somehow the mouthpiece of the church. Most of the church think the SDA is a cult.  Cults - notoriously are doomsdayers.   But - I think I will plug away at PGA2.0 a little longer.  He at least is capable of rational discussion even if his posts are "war and peace". He is not rude either. Why is that? 

Stephen's avatar
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  It is not your thread.  

It is. Stop being a spoiled brat and pedantic.

Victim??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  

 I don't feel victimised. But are you denying that the church has murdered millions of  innocents over the centuries?  I didn't put the Templars to the flame nor did  I commit genocide against the Cathars for not agreeing with me.  Nope, not me princess.

  PGA2.0 is clearly the one on this thread with bible knowledge.

That will be the SAME  BIBLE that leads him to believe that Jesus has already returned and leads you to say: "  the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.#141". 
When I pressed you a little on this you simply replied :

Because it seems a dumb thing to do. #215  Timid8967

Wow, well that was a well and truly and deeply thought through reply wasn't it?   "A dumb thing to do". Breathtaking!!!

You make assertions and then when pressed deny you made assertions.  

Nope. PGA2.0 keeps accusing me of the same yet when asked for evidence of my assertions and "twisting scripture into pretzels" he comes up empty.

I find it amusing that you think a seventh day adventist is somehow the mouthpiece of the church.

Only you know how or why you have come to the conclusion that I think that. Scraping the fkn barrel is what I call that "assertion" if you ask me, princess.

I posted an example of ONLY ONE of many Christian branches that believe that THE BIBLE tells them that Jesus' return  will be physical, and that it is imminent.  I keep telling you, that is not my belief  but theirs and it is they that interpret and believe what THE BIBLE says, not me.  Why do you keep confusing what I say and what I say that  the bible states? Or others state and believe? 

I have told you. I don't don't believe Jesus even died on the cross. So there is no way that I am going to "assert" that he did die and was resurrected, went to "heaven" and came down again was and alive in Jerusalem 66-70 AD on a cloud and in spirit or physical form.   

I only quote the scripture and ask questions. My own beliefs are irrelevant and I admit to not being able to prove a single part of my own beliefs. Is all I have are the unreliable, ambiguous half stories that make up the scriptures. It is for the theist to " fill in the gaps", I can only guess and I admit as much. Anything I believe I have is or would be only circumstantial.

 So don't waste your time poking and prodding me for answers that only the theist believes he can answer.  Have you tried asking a Pastor, or a Priest to show you in the bible where it says Jesus' return was, or will,  be a physical return ?  What about your local Chaplain, is he up to it?  Surely he is knowledgeable enough and  can be trusted give you a reply to such a simple question? 

Or you could simply keep "plugging at" good ole' PGA20.0 who believes he has already answered that question in his reams and reams of "codswallop" that he refers to as evidence and proof.

Most of the church think the SDA is a cult.

 And many hundreds of Churches believe that  Jesus' PHYSICAL return is imminent, so fkn WHAT!?

Cults - notoriously are doomsdayers. 

 Ok. Does that include Preterists, who, according to them, the world has  already had its doomsday?

But - I think I will plug away at PGA2.0 a little longer. 

oh please plug away , but I should keep this in mind of your new found friend;

Timid8967 wrote: 
Hi PGA2.0 

If you want to me to discuss things with you - you need to make your posts shorter. I simply do not have the patience to read the long ones you post presently. Try 1 point at a time. 

Have you had an opportunity to read Beale yet? Or perhaps Hendrickson? 
I really would like to have your refutation of idealism before we go further. 
PGA2.0 wrote:
Nope. I will leave it to you to defend, for now, since you think it is more plausible than Preterism and you are more familiar with it than I am.

 Seems to me you have a stalemate, unless you drop your demands " before [you] go further" . #198  Timid8967

zedvictor4's avatar
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Any club, based upon whimsical assumption.

Preterism....That was a new one on me....And yep. A club based upon whimsical assumption.

And people heard tall tales and wrote them down.

Same old, same old, up a mountain stuff. Stephen.
FLRW's avatar
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Look up  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed .
Stephen's avatar
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Look up  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed

PGA2.0's avatar
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Yes, Idealism does deal with the Revelation of John. This is why I have asked you to read both Beale and Hendrickson. They are both commentaries on that book.  Yet it does not deal exclusively and only with that book. It is relevant in relation to the rest of the bible. 

According to Don K. Preston, who I believe has a greater understanding of eschatology than most (And I have over a dozen of his books on the subject), Beale is an Amillennialist. Preston says,

"So, Beale, Riddlebarger, Hanegraff et al., see the end of the Old Covenant age in AD 70 as a foreshadow and type of the end of the Christian age."
Don K. Preston, AD 70. A Shadow of the 'Real' End? (see p. 5-6)

I was not aware that the Christian age had an end.

Do you agree with the definition of Idealism on Wikipedia because I do not find it represents the Preterist position accurately in places?

While I think Preterism holds aspects of that definition of idealism (i.e., the spiritual approach), I also see a historical fulfillment in Revelation with the judgment of the Jews and Jerusalem in AD 70. I believe the millennium was the period from AD 30-70, not currently taking place, or some future time. I believe all Scripture is fulfilled, not some still to be, as Beale believes. I believe Jesus spoke of two ages, "this age and he one to come," not three like Beale would have to believe. I believe the Gospel was preached to the entire known world (as generally known by the Jews of that time) before AD70. I believe the new heavens and earth a heavenly realm, a spiritual realm, not an earthly one. I believe the Second Coming happened in AD 70, a judgment of the entire Old Covenant system of worship. I believe the marriage of the Lamb happened at that time also, where the Bride was united with Christ (symbolically). The period before AD 70 was the betrothal, in which a transition took place from the Old Covenant to the New. I believe God divorced Judah, the southern kingdom, for unfaithfulness before taking a new bride. I believe the physical history of the OT contains spiritual truths that always point(ed) to Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah. I believe the restoration to God was completed by AD 70. Fellowship with God was disrupted by the Fall of Adam and restoration accomplished by Jesus Christ in its completion by/in AD 70 (our victory is in Jesus Christ who has fulfilled all that we could not). I believe the last days, as used in and pertaining to the NT, are the times leading up to "that day," or also known as the day of wrath, the day, the day of the Lord or the day of judgment. I believe the Messiah came to an Old Covenant people for two purposes, to bring salvation for those waiting for it and to bring the promised judgment for those apostate and rebellious people who would not repent, the rebellion as outlined throughout the OT Scriptures.

I am not dogmatic on every one of these thoughts (but I am convinced on most of them and can justify them with Scripture) if a biblical argument exists that can show otherwise.  

Now, I wait for your take on Revelation and why you believe Idealism is more plausible than Preterism, per Beale (see Post 208). 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

Look up  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed

I think your second link is bogus. I can't find it there.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Any club, based upon whimsical assumption.

Preterism....That was a new one on me....And yep. A club based upon whimsical assumption.
They are not whimsical. The biblical and historical evidence is most significant. If Preterism is a new one on you, perhaps you should look into it further before making such comments. 
Stephen's avatar
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Look up  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed

I think your second link is bogus. I can't find it there.
maybe because the  - S & the  T - is missing off the end of the link.

Earliest mention of Jesus Christ

try this  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>14

Timid8967   wrote:  What is the evidence that Jesus ever existed? 

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Added04.19.21 01:20PM

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no need to name call.  It does not further your cause, you know? It simply reveals you can't stand being challenged.  

That is why you sound like a victim. Poor little Stephen.  No one can touch me.  

PGA2.0 did not say that Jesus returned physically.  That is you reading your own interpretation into his words. 

He does not take the view that Jesus ever said he was going to return physically. Yes, I know your response will be - but millions of churches do. So what?  That is simply saying - shut up I don't want to actually address the fact that millions of people do agree with PGA2.0. Not all of the church baptises infants either. So what? IT does not make baptism nonsense for those who practice it. 

As for scraping the barrel - it was you who posted the SDA link. That was your go to link.  

More easily agreeable with the bible
I love how you continue to quote this as though it means more to you than it does to me.  It only meant that what you said initially was fascinating until very quickly I discovered you had no idea what you were saying and could not back a thing up.  Take Mark 13 for instance. You use it to say that Jesus lied - yet when challenged on it - you go boo hoo stop being stupid.  I never said that. It was the bible and besides millions of people believe it.   More easily agreeable would be more consistent with what the story says - rather than your imaginary made up stuff which might fire up a few atheists but only those who did not have a brain. 

As I said, you make me embarrassed to be non-theist. Not enough to become a theist. But enough to find you a charlatan and a fraud with your own agenda. You do not come across like one search for truth - and that is because you have found the truth.  and it looks a lot like Stephen. 

I keep coming back to you now - because it makes me smile.  I can't wait to see the next edition of BS that comes from your threads.  If only you were original. Barbara Thearing or whatever her name is seems to have read your posts.  She is as daft as most of the fundamentalists in her blind faith to prove she is correct.  

fauxlaw's avatar
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@ Stephen

Look up  Top 10 Reasons Jesus Christ Never Existed
Look up the only reason he did exist. The first mention of the need of a Messiah comes in Genesis 3. You find the cherry; you're so good at picking it, alone.
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
no need to name call.
there will come a time you realize that name-calling is natural to Stephen [and his twin]; perhaps the singular nature they have. Scriptorian is not a name either wears well. They love hurling verses at people, but it might as well be like picking names out of a hat; utterly random, and without any fair consideration of what any random verse really says. Random because most verses, out of context, are rarely well understood.

Welcome to the site. Most here are very cordial and willing to actually discuss matters and not hurl them in your face. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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1) take verses out of context,
2) Collapse context, 
3) Ignore what this means to the 1st-century audience of address, the primary audience,
4) You do not exegete passages of Scripture. You present them. You think just by quoting a verse; then it is plain to all. Remember that you are 20 centuries removed from that original audience. What did it mean to them? How would they understand Jesus coming in the Father's glory?

Lets see some examples of me doing what you are accusing me of. You can't can you?

Meanwhile lets look at this shite that you posted above.

1) take verses out of context,
How? Give  us an example.
Okay, 2 Peter will suffice for the four points. 

1) The context of 2 Peter 3 is carried on from his first letter "To those who reside as strangers, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen" - and incidentally who are Jews (1 Peter 1:1). 2 Peter 3 concerns the coming day of the Lord in which mockers ask where is this coming? You believe the verse teaches that PETER taught that Christ would not come because of the report of these mockers. Thus you take the verse out of the greater context and make it a pretext.

In 2 Peter 1, the opening of the letter, we are told that these eyewitnesses, Peter included, did not follow cleverly invented stories when these told the Jews in strange lands about the transfiguration in which they were enveloped by the glory cloud of God's presence and beheld Jesus. Just like that coming, so would Jesus come again. Peter says, "we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. Likewise,

Matthew 17:5 (NASB)
5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him!

Compare Matthew 17:5 with 2 Peter 1:17-21:
17 For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such a [j]declaration as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory: “This is [k]My beloved Son with whom I am well pleased”— 18 and we ourselves heard this [l]declaration made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.
19 And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture [
m]becomes a matter of [n]someone’s own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

As for Matthew 17, notice also who appeared with Jesus on the mount besides the disciples - Moses and Elijah. What is the significance of this? Moses represents the OT Law and Elijah represents the rest of the OT Scriptures, especially prophecy. Together they represent the OT and Jesus represents the NT. God is giving these three disciples a glimpse of what is coming, the end of the old covenant age and the start of the eternal age, world without end in which Jesus is glorified with the same glory He shared with the Father before He took on human flesh and blood. 

Peter says, "we have the prophetic word made more sure." (verse 19).

Prophetic word about what? About the coming of the Lord. These scoffers and false prophets are not to be listened to. The coming of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 

2 Peter 2 
But false prophets also appeared among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2 Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; 3 and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

So there will be false prophets and false teachers who bring in destructive heresies as Jesus warned about, saying where is His coming? Jesus warned of these times:

[ A Tree and Its Fruit ] “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

[ A Hard Road Ahead of Them ] “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be as wary as serpents, and as innocent as doves.

Go; behold, I am sending you out like lambs in the midst of wolves.

I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

Once again, prophecy is true and fulfilled. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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Peter warns about the same thing when he ridicules these mockers. 

The Coming Day of the Lord
3 Know this first of all, that 
[1] in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, [2] following after their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers [a]fell asleep, all things continue just as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For [b]when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, [3] 6 through which the world at that time was destroyed by being flooded with water. 7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly people.
8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
A New Heaven and Earth
[4] 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and [c]its works will be [d]discovered.
11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12
[5] looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which [6] the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! 13 But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
[7] 14 Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found spotless and blameless by Him, at peace, 15 and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, 16 [8] as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which there are some things that are hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of [e]unscrupulous people and lose your own [f]firm commitment, 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

[1]  The last days of what? You never answer that question, Stephen. Let me tell you, the last days of the Old Covenant.  
[2]  These mockers follow after their own lusts. How can they be trusted?    
[3] Peter speaks of the world at the time of NOAH. Why would he include that story? How was that world? There were scoffers and mockers there too. These scoffers watched for however long it took to build the arc but would not repent before God. The same is happening during Peter's generation with the mockers. 

6 through which the world at that time was destroyed by being flooded with water. 7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly people.

What is the world Peter is speaking of? This "present" (at that time) judgment is on the world of the Jews. Their heavens and earth are reserved for fire. There is symbolism here if you understand it from the OT. Fire represents judgment and purifying.

Remember what Jesus said of that generation:

Luke 21:22 (NASB)
22 because these are days of punishment, so that all things which have been written will be fulfilled.

These are the days of their punishment. During that time, all things written will be fulfilled. 

1 Peter 4:7 (NASB)
7 The end of all things [
a]is near;

The end of what things? At the end of that age, the age Daniel was told about for HIS people.

Daniel 12:13 (NASB)
13 But as for you, go your way to the [a]end; then you will rest and [b]rise for your allotted portion at the end of the [c]age.”

The world of the physical temple, physical animal sacrifice for sins, Levitical priesthood, and OT economy was coming to an end. Remember, Daniel was told to seal up prophecy until the time of the end. The NT writers keep telling the reader that their time is at that end

These false prophets and false teachers who mock will bring upon themselves swift destruction. It was near. It was time for judgment to begin.

[4] The thief comes when no one expects him, so Peter tells these Jews to keep watch. That is the same warning the Lord Jesus gave the people in the form of a parable.

[5] The day (of judgment) is almost there. The believers were told to "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God."

[6] Fire speaks of judgment. Their whole world, their heavens and earth, will soon disappear, and new heavens and earth will be upon them. The old heavens and earth speak of the Old Covenant. The new heavens and earth speak of the New Covenant. The new heavens and earth are a heavenly country where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13), as made clear in Revelation 21.

[ The New Heaven and Earth ] Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among the people, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them,

[7] So, even though there are mockers who question the Lords coming, Peter reminds these followers of Jesus to,
1) Look for these things,
2) Be spotless, blameless and at peace, and,
3) Regard the patience of God as a blessing.

[8]  Peter reminds these followers about Paul's letters that speak of the same coming and once again how mockers and the ungodly twist to their own destruction. 

So, the above demonstrates how you take a portion of one verse and twist it to make it seem like Peter is teaching that the Lord is not coming. In contrast, he teaches the true believers to be patient a little longer because God's timing is near to the fulfillment of that coming. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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I looked into it.

And significance is as significance does.

The art of philosophical rhetoric, is significant within the field of philosophical rhetoric....And oftentimes is contrived to evidence itself.

Stephen's avatar
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1) take verses out of context,
How? Give  us an example.
Okay, 2 Peter will suffice for the four points. .....Continued

 But this doesn't show or prove how >>>I<<<< have "twisted scripture into pretzels", as you accused me of doing, does it! ?
Last line >> #191  PGA2.0

What you have simply done here , again, is interpreted and presented your opinion and beliefs as fact. <<<<< That is what I would call "asserting".

You haven't shown OR proven that I have taken " biblical verses and twisted them into pretzels" have you?  You are just leveling accusations at me out of frustration simply because I won' accept YOUR version of what certain biblical verses mean according to you and YOUR beliefs. And you have your new found buddy doing the same because he has run out of steam. 
Like I have said. You can't prove those claims that you leveled against me so instead pile on more and more biblical verse s that only YOU believe prove your claim that Jesus returned already in AD 66-70. THEY DON'T PROVE JACK!
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no need to name call.  That is why you sound like a victim. Poor little Stephen.  No one can touch me.  

 More barrel scraping princess. Get over yourself. You are not as clever as you believe you are.

 It simply reveals you can't stand being challenged.

 But I haven't even been challenged. And I don't mind being challenged at all. I have been accused of "translating" and  "asserting" things biblical.  By you and you new found buddy. For which you have not shown  one iota of proof.  What have I "asserted" what is it you believe I have " translated"? 

I am telling YOU and PGA that for very BIBLICAL  that verse he produces as proof that Jesus has already returned in AD 66 - 70, that there are as many BIBLICAL verses produced by those that believe tells them that  Jesus' return is due and is imminent of which  I offered you just one single example of many.  I didn't write those biblical verses, and I have used them as proof for a anything.  I have simply shown the BIBLICAL verses that say Jesus didn't return when he promised he would.

Victim??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  

 I don't feel victimised. But are you denying that the church has murdered millions of  innocents over the centuries?  I didn't put the Templars to the flame nor did  I commit genocide against the Cathars for not agreeing with me.  Nope, not me princess.

  PGA2.0 is clearly the one on this thread with bible knowledge.

That will be the SAME  BIBLE that leads him to believe that Jesus has already returned and leads you to say: "  the notion that Jesus returning so soon after he left makes little sense.#141". 
When I pressed you a little on this you simply replied :

Because it seems a dumb thing to do. #215  Timid8967

Wow, well that was a well and truly and deeply thought through reply wasn't it?   "A dumb thing to do". Breathtaking!!!

You make assertions and then when pressed deny you made assertions.  

Nope. PGA2.0 keeps accusing me of the same yet when asked for evidence of my assertions and "twisting scripture into pretzels" he comes up empty.

I find it amusing that you think a seventh day adventist is somehow the mouthpiece of the church.

Only you know how or why you have come to the conclusion that I think that. Scraping the barrel is what I call that "assertion" if you ask me, princess.

I posted an example of ONLY ONE of many Christian branches that believe that THE BIBLE tells them that Jesus' return  will be physical, and that it is imminent.  I keep telling you, that is not my belief  but theirs and it is they that interpret and believe what THE BIBLE says, not me.  Why do you keep confusing what I say and what I say that  the bible states? Or others state and believe? 

I have told you. I don't don't believe Jesus even died on the cross. So there is no way that I am going to "assert" that he did die and was resurrected, went to "heaven" and came down again was and alive in Jerusalem 66-70 AD on a cloud and in spirit or physical form.   

I only quote the scripture and ask questions. My own beliefs are irrelevant and I admit to not being able to prove a single part of my own beliefs. Is all I have are the unreliable, ambiguous half stories that make up the scriptures. It is for the theist to " fill in the gaps", I can only guess and I admit as much. Anything I believe I have is or would be only circumstantial.

 So don't waste your time poking and prodding me for answers that only the theist believes he can answer.  Have you tried asking a Pastor, or a Priest to show you in the bible where it says Jesus' return was, or will,  be a physical return ?  What about your local Chaplain, is he up to it?  Surely he is knowledgeable enough and  can be trusted give you a reply to such a simple question? 

Or you could simply keep "plugging at" good ole' PGA20.0 who believes he has already answered that question in his reams and reams of "codswallop" that he refers to as evidence and proof.

Most of the church think the SDA is a cult.

 And many hundreds of Churches believe that  Jesus' PHYSICAL return is imminent, so fkn WHAT!?

Cults - notoriously are doomsdayers. 

 Ok. Does that include Preterists, who, according to them, the world has  already had its doomsday?

PGA2.0's avatar
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1) take verses out of context,
How? Give  us an example.
Okay, 2 Peter will suffice for the four points. 

 But this doesn't show or prove how >>>I<<<< have "twisted biblical verse into pretzels", does it! ?

What you have simply done here is, again, is interpreted and presented your opinion and beliefs as fact. <<<<< That is what I would call asserting.

You haven't shown OR proven that I have taken " biblical verses and twisted them into pretzels" have you?  You are just leveling accusations at me out of frustration simply because I won' accept YOUR version of what certain biblical verses mean according to you and YOUR beliefs. And you have your new found buddy doing the same because he has run out of steam. 
I have given evidence of you doing just that. You are a wooden literalist when it suits you. You insist that Peter is questioning the coming ("Where is His coming) while you ignore what the rest of the chapter and epistle teaches. That is called collapsing the context (point two). The mockers are questioning the coming, and Peter is setting the record straight, telling the faithful to be patient and that these false teachers will get their just reward - i.e., punishment. Peter, in fact, tells that false teachers and mockers would come, just as His Lord had warned of such things. Now Peter is identifying such people.  Ethang5 was quite right to highlight the verse that shows your extreme bias on this matter. Others understand it, but you do not seem to. You can't see what the Scriptures are teaching because you don't want to. I say it is a matter of pride and stubbornness on your part. Your worldview confirmation bias gets in the way. Furthermore, you don't understand what the coming of the Lord would mean to the 1st-century Jewish audience who were steeped in OT Scripture. They were the primary audience. They would understand how the Father came in glory and thus how Jesus was to come in glory. 
Stephen's avatar
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You haven't shown OR proven that I have taken " biblical verses and twisted them into pretzels" have you?  You are just leveling accusations at me out of frustration simply because I won' accept YOUR version of what certain biblical verses mean according to you and YOUR beliefs. And you have your new found buddy doing the same because he has run out of steam.
 I have given evidence of you doing just that.

 No you haven't. Stop lying!

You insist that Peter is questioning the coming

Nope!  Peter doesn't question the coming. And you won't find anywhere on this thread that shows that I  have "asserted" or wrote that he did or has.

 NOPE!!!   I have said Peter is saying what " THEY" will say. Not what they HAVE SAID!<< past tense.   FFS don't you know your own shite?  LOOOOOOOOOOOOK >>> "They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."2 Peter 3:4 <<<< SEE THAT!?  It says what what they will say, and  NOT what they have said.  

 You are just as devious as your new found devious buddy that tries to put words into MY mouth because he too LIKE YOU  cannot differentiate between what it is that  I say and what I say the scripture themselves ACTUALLY say. 

("Where is His coming) while you ignore what the rest of the chapter and epistle teaches.

I haven't ignored anything. I posted Peters reply directly from scripture and I called it a bullshite excuse for Jesus NOT returning at the time he had promised to do so. 

And you still have shown how I have " twisted scripture into pretzels"

The mockers are questioning the coming,

 SEE!!!?  you are misreading what Peter is ACTUALLY saying. IT IS PETER THAT SAID there will be " mockers" that would question the no show. AND PETER also said what "THE MOCKERS" would say. He is speaking in advance. But you haven't even recognised that BIBLICAL FACT!  2 Peter 3:3" in the last days scoffers will come" <<< SEE  "will" not "there are or have been" , all future tense.

and Peter is setting the record straight,

 My arse. What Peter is doing is realising that there will be questions in the future if Jesus doesn't show and he is preparing his lame excuses for the dumb, superstitious, gullible illiterate of the time to swallow. 

Do we read of any come back after Peter talks of them "forgetting" the 1 day = 1000 years, BS?  NO we don't. And why do you think that is? It is because there were no mockers present and because he was speaking in the future sense. ie what he will say IF and when he was ever approached my "mockers" in the future.  He was covering his bases as they all tried to. 

And you still have shown how I have " twisted scripture into pretzels".

Stephen's avatar
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That is why you sound like a victim. Poor little Stephen.  No one can touch me. 

 I have said twice now, that  I don't feel victimised at all. I am just fine and happy here in my own skin watching your arguments disintegrate. 

PGA2.0 did not say that Jesus returned physically.  That is you reading your own interpretation into his words. 

 Nope. And I don't believe that I said that he did say that.  I am sure he made it clear that it was in the spiritual sense that Jesus had already retuned. You really need to read ALL  of this thread before you start throwing accusations around. You are making yourself look  stupid not to mention desperate. And I haven't said either way.  NO, what I have said is that  Jesus didn't die only to return in any shape or form at a later time.

He[PGA2.0] does not take the view that Jesus ever said he was going to return physically.

So?  What's you point? If you have one?  And he takes that view because he says that is what the bible tells him his fellow half and full Preterists, so..

Yes, I know your response will be - but millions of churches do. So what?   

I agree, so what? Are they wrong?  And my overall response has been consistent throughout this thread,  that is,  I don't accept his opinion that the dead and stinking rotten corpse of Jesus came back to life from being dead, physically shared a meal with friends, had his physical wounds physically  touched and inspected, then ascended in "heaven",  and came back down again some 40 years later to be present at the fall of Jerusalem in AD 66-70. Ghost or not!

Timid8967, wrote:  More easily agreeable with the bible#25
I love how you continue to quote this as though it means more to you than it does to me. 

 YOUR quote , not mine.#25. It meant a lot the first time you said it and the more your spout your shite the more it means to me.  And here is why.  I just can't understand why you would "wish" what I have to say would  be "more agreeable with the bible", especially in the face of  you making it more than clear that you do not even believe the bible.#18  So I agree, it means more to me, that it would you. But I think it bothers you that I throw it at you often as a reminder? get used to it , Princess, I do that a lot. 

I have never said that I don't believe the bible, YOU said that you don't sunshine. I said I do, and I also said I don't care what it is you do or don't believe.

It was YOU  that said  that " you wish that I would be More easily agreeable with the bible". Why?  What business is it of yours.? What difference would that make to YOUR belief? This is why It means something to me. 

 Take Mark 13 for instance. You use it to say that Jesus lied - yet when challenged on it - you go boo hoo stop being stupid.  I never said that.

Remind me? Or is this yet another case of  you confusing what I say with what I say the gospels actually state. And I don't think someone such as you could ever cause me to "boo hoo", princess.  Although,  I have seen a few Pastors and Priests buckle and "boo hoo" and go awaol when they have been shown to be absolutely thick as shite  dunces and bible ignorant when it comes to the subject they should know better than I.

Indeed , there was one Pastor and Chaplain here recently that seems to have left the forum altogether, No reason given, but I can only guess that it was because his bible ignorance was exposed often and on a regular basis.

- rather than your imaginary made up stuff which might fire up a few atheists but only those who did not have a brain. 

 Imaginary , yes to an extent I agree.  And I don't think that my "imaginary made up stuff" would be enough to "fire up" anyone...... except you it seems. Strange that is.

As I said, you make me embarrassed to be non-theist.

 No. I think you can embarrass yourself without my help, Princess. In fact you have done so a few times already;  getting all fired up because I have spoken my beliefs, that I admit I cannot support and only have coincidental evidence for. And saying things that don't agree with you and your new found buddy. No, any  embarrassment is all your own baby, so you rock it.  And here another one of my imaginings, I think it is a great possibility that Jesus had somehow had a hand in the death of John the Baptist.. but I cannot prove or get the pieces to fall into place? 

Not enough to become a theist. But enough to find you a charlatan and a fraud with your own agenda.

You are entitled to your opinion of me , but it is all irrelevant, isn't it.  Your low opinion of me doesn't make those unreliable ambiguous half stories that make up scripture any more true, do they?

I keep coming back to you now - because it makes me smile.

 Oh well. Great! All is good then.   And there was me, I was beginning to get the impression you didn't like me and wished I would go away or at least "wished I was more easily agreeable with the bible"#25

 I can't wait to see the next edition of BS that comes from your threads.

Then wait no longer. Your wait is over. Hot off the press just yesterday afternoon  >>  You will notice, that it is another question based thread with questions to it. But you would be wasting your time even looking at it as you have told us that you have only read the bible once and don't believe it anyway, haven't you?    But have a go.   You never known, you might just put on your Pastors hat and give it a go, or your Chaplains hat. I'm easy.

If only you were original. Barbara Thearing or whatever her name is seems to have read your posts.

WHAT A COINICIDENCE!!!!!  . I mentioned this author to the bible ignorant Pastor and Chaplain here calling himself Tradesecret., as he is Australian too!!!  Well,so he told us.

Yes I have read some of the work of the Australian historian, theologian, and Biblical exegete specialising in the origins of the early Christian Church. Fascinating stuff, I found. But believable ? I don't know. I still have some of her work knocking around somewhere.  She is qualified to speak on such matter, though, just like the Pastor and Chaplain Tradesecret that I mentioned above,  he too was qualified to "minister " and "lecture" on matters biblical. But it turned out that he knew absolutely fk all about his subject. But got paid all the same. That is fraudulent , if your were ever to you ask me.

She is as daft as most of the fundamentalists in her blind faith to prove she is correct.  

Well each to their own I say.

We all have a different way of looking at these scriptures and other theological literature. Take yourself, you read it and simply don't believe the bible and dismissed it.And fair play I say at least you gave it a go...   pga2.0 read it and it has caused him to believe it in a different way to others ..  Where - as I believe it but not in the way it has come down to us and has been preached, taught and " tutored" on for millennia. 

FLRW's avatar
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I think my 3rd cousin Albert (through the Koch family) said it all: “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.”
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

You insist that Peter is questioning the coming

Nope!  Peter doesn't question the coming. And you won't find anywhere on this thread that shows that I  have "asserted" or wrote that he did or has.
From your own mouth:

Post 157 - "The bible says he didn't show when he promised to showThe Jews complained about this no show, they didn't complain because he did show, now did they, you silly little man."

That would be questioning His coming.

And quit the ad hominems. I don't use them with you. You continually accuse me of lying (i.e., "No you haven't. Stop lying!") and belittle me and state that I'm stupid. I question your ignorance of the subject as warranted by explaining from Scripture your errors. You show you do not understand the message. You think by stating something long enough that it makes it true. I have given evidence of you doing just that. 

Now, to the point: You are the one stating that the Bible says He did not show when He promised. That is not what the Bible says. Peter is warning the flock not to be deceived by false teachers and false prophets who will question His coming, just like Paul warned the church in Thessalonica that some were preaching that His coming, the day of the Lord, and the resurrection had already happened.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the [a]coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your [b]composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a [c]message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the [d]apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above [e]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

Both Paul and Peter were fighting heresies and false teachings. They warned the believers to be on guard when such false teachers appear among them and questioned His coming or said it had already happened.

Post 166 - "The scriptures themselves tell us very clearly that Jesus failed to return when he promised he would."

No, they do not. They teach that false teachers and false prophets taught that, but Peter taught that the Lord's coming was near and faithful believers need not be deceived. That is what Peter taught. 

Post 166 - "HERE see for yourself>>  "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."2 Peter 3:8  
Odd it is that when the promise was made that Jesus forgot to mention this himself.   So how can they forget if they weren't told in the first fkn place?
 And if is the case then 1000 years after the crucifixion would not put us in AD 66-70, would it?  So you can explain that shite for him too if you like."

This is how you conflate and collapse Scripture to make it suit your purpose. You impose your take on the thousand years when in effect, what Peter is saying is not that one day equals a thousand years but one day is like a thousand years in the sense that time is insignificant to an eternal God. He is not slow in keeping His promises but does not want any of the elect to perish but all to come to salvation. That has not happened yet, but Peter makes it plain in his previous letter that the time is near.

1 Peter 4:7 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
7 The end of all things [a]is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of [b]prayer.

So Peter is telling these strange in a foreign land to watch and not be dismayed by false reports of false teachings that question Jesus' coming. The DAY will come like a thief in the night when these mockers and scoffers least expect it to come, but these believers should not be caught unaware.

And the following is a ridiculous argument:

Post 166 - "Not a single written eyewitness account of a return or these disasters that were to accompany the promised return of the Christ "coming on a cloud".

The NT is concerned about the events leading up to the destruction of the city and temple. It is warning the Old Covenant people of the COMING destruction and to repent before it is too late before the judgment comes. God did not consider it necessary to write about what would happen after the judgment. He said that everything necessary for salvation was already contained in these writings. 

What is the title of your thread - No show. 

Post 4 - "So it seems then that not a single person alive in 1st century AD (or after)  witnessed the Christs promised return in their life time as Christ himself says he would.

It was always going to be the case of apologists such as Peter making excuses to the gullible, ignorant and superstitious of time that would swallow his feeble excuses - hook line and sinker.  Peter was a fisherman after all."


First, the underlined is the fallacy of special pleading. He is not making excuses. He is warning them not to believe mockers and false teachers. You, Stephen, have not spoken to every person alive in the 1st-century yet speaks for every one of them.

Second, how is this not an example of Peter questioning the Second Coming and saying "no-show?" If what you say is true, in 1 Peter 4:7, he tells the strange in a foreign land (the Jews) that the time of His coming is near, then you say Peter is teaching another thousand years. Which is it?

Post 30 - "Peter was challenged wasn't he?  But he had no explanation for the no show did he,? So instead just like you he swerved the problem with bullshit : lets see what they said and  Peter's weasley reply."
They asked;
“Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”2Peter 3:4

No explanation for the no-show that had not happened while the city and temple still stood. Like every NT author, Peter is speaking of a soon, near, quick coming judgment, not one thousand years away. You should try reading commentaries on 2 Peter 3 to the significance of what the thousand years symbolized.

Peter never taught a no-show, as you claim. Quite the opposite, he denied what the false prophets and mocker would be saying was true by proving that the Lord was not slow in keeping His promises. He was still coming. And I reminded you of what His coming would mean to these people - how they would understand it as He would return soon. 

Post 74 - "I have claimed that Peter,  the lying turncoat, actually tried to explain away Jesus' no show with the bullshit excuse that to "the Lord"  a generation was a thousands years."

Nope, He did not. I have repeatedly told you that Peter did not say a day IS one thousand years as you claim.

Post 34 - The thousand years explained. 

Post 103 - "You have to admit that even Peter, not to mention those that took him to task admitted that the Christ hadn't return and this is the reason he  was forced to move the goal posts from  " a generation "  to a thousand years!<<<<< this is the "oldest propaganda trick" that has been peddled for TWO THOUSAND YEARS!!!!"

Peter taught no such thing. Peter understood what a generation meant. You continue to conflate 'is' with 'like' when you cite that verse and now state that a generation is one thousand years to Peter, who moved the biblical definition of what it meant. That is rubbish. He did no such thing. You continue to read into Scripture things it does not teach.  

Post 105 - "And so does the bible HERE>>>. “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”2Peter 3:4

that^^^^^^^ sounds like a no show to me sunshine."

Here again, this is not what Peter taught or believed - a no-show. 

Post 105 - "Peter, not to mention those that took him to task admitted that the Christ hadn't return and this is the reason he   was forced to move the goal posts from  " a generation "  to a thousand years!<<<<< this is the "oldest propaganda trick" that has been peddled for TWO THOUSAND YEARS!!!!"

Peter admitted that Christ's return was near, as shown by 1 Peter 4:7 and a host of other Scriptures in his epistles. He never once moved the goalposts. 

Post 108 - "Peter, not to mention those that took him to task admitted that the Christ hadn't return and this is the reason he   was forced to move the goal posts from  " a generation "  to a thousand years!<<<<< this is the "oldest propaganda trick" that has been peddled for TWO THOUSAND YEARS!!!!"

Peter confirmed that Christ's coming was near. He also confirmed that his life was short, thus indicating he would not be physically alive on earth when Jesus returned.

2 Peter 1:13 (NASB)
13 I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly [a]dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder, 14 knowing that the laying aside of my earthly dwelling is imminent, as also our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.

What does that mean, moved the goalposts? It means Peter would have questioned what he wrote earlier about the soon, near coming of the Saviour in judgment. You can't have it both ways. 

Post 114 - "And so does the bible. HERE>>>. “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”2Peter 3:4

The bible at 2Peter 3:4 justified my question and my claim."

No, it does not. Peter taught no such thing as a no-show. He said mockers would question His coming, but Peter never denied His near coming. 

HERE>>>. “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”2Peter 3:4

The bible at 2Peter 3:4 justified my question and my claim.  You are on the ropes sunshine and have proven nothing.

Nope, it does not justify the question or your claims. You are trying to associate what the scoffers and mockers would say with what Peter believed. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

 NOPE!!!   I have said Peter is saying what " THEY" will say. Not what they HAVE SAID!<< past tense.   FFS don't you know your own shite?  LOOOOOOOOOOOOK >>> "They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."2 Peter 3:4 <<<< SEE THAT!?  It says what what they will say, and  NOT what they have said. 
Yes, Peter is confirming that mockers will question His coming - Where is His coming? That does not mean Jesus will not come because mockers question His coming. That does not mean Peter is teaching His did not come or will not come. Peter makes it plain to faithful believers that the "day" is just around the corner, that God is not slow in keeping His promises but is patient, not wanting any of the elect to perish.  

 You are just as devious as your new found devious buddy that tries to put words into MY mouth because he too LIKE YOU  cannot differentiate between what it is that  I say and what I say the scripture themselves ACTUALLY say. 

("Where is His coming) while you ignore what the rest of the chapter and epistle teaches.

I haven't ignored anything. I posted Peters reply directly from scripture and I called it a bullshite excuse for Jesus NOT returning at the time he had promised to do so. 

And you still have shown how I have " twisted scripture into pretzels"
It is hard for you to recognize this. Others see it. D.A. Carson, in his book, Exegetical Fallacies, lists one called "World-view confusion." Others call a similar process by a different name (Historical-cultural background),  but essentially it is when one thinks their "own experiences and interpretation of reality are the proper framework for interpreting the biblical text, whereas there may be some deeper differences once we probe beyond the superficial level," such as what a phrase or context meant to them. Case in point, coming in the Father's glory. 

The mockers are questioning the coming,

 SEE!!!?  you are misreading what Peter is ACTUALLY saying. IT IS PETER THAT SAID there will be " mockers" that would question the no show. AND PETER also said what "THE MOCKERS" would say. He is speaking in advance. But you haven't even recognised that BIBLICAL FACT!  2 Peter 3:3" in the last days scoffers will come" <<< SEE  "will" not "there are or have been" , all future tense.
No, you are twisting and projecting your wishful thinking on me. I acknowledge that the mockers are yet future and in many posts. 

ME: "Peter, in fact, tells that false teachers and mockers would come, just as His Lord had warned of such things."

Here is the greater context:

"That is called collapsing the context (point two). The mockers are questioning the coming, and Peter is setting the record straight, telling the faithful to be patient and that these false teachers will get their just reward - i.e., punishment. Peter, in fact, tells that false teachers and mockers would come, just as His Lord had warned of such things. Now Peter is identifying such people.

Those people will be mockers. They will be false prophets and false teachers. But the DAY of the Lord would come as a thief in the night and catch such people unaware. 

and Peter is setting the record straight,

 My arse. What Peter is doing is realising that there will be questions in the future if Jesus doesn't show and he is preparing his lame excuses for the dumb, superstitious, gullible illiterate of the time to swallow. 
No, he tells these Jews in foreign lands not to be disturbed when mockers claim, "Where is His coming." He is telling them not to question such reports because that DAY will come. 

Timid8967's avatar
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Timid8967's avatar
That is why you sound like a victim. Poor little Stephen.  No one can touch me. 

 I have said twice now, that  I don't feel victimised at all. I am just fine and happy here in my own skin watching your arguments disintegrate. 
Good you don't feel victimised. So now translate that to your actions. Your words speak otherwise. I don't have any arguments.  So they cannot disintegrate.

PGA2.0 did not say that Jesus returned physically.  That is you reading your own interpretation into his words. 

 Nope. And I don't believe that I said that he did say that.  I am sure he made it clear that it was in the spiritual sense that Jesus had already retuned. You really need to read ALL  of this thread before you start throwing accusations around. You are making yourself look  stupid not to mention desperate. And I haven't said either way.  NO, what I have said is that  Jesus didn't die only to return in any shape or form at a later time.
Ok.  You twist things so much you hardly know what you say. 

Yes, I know your response will be - but millions of churches do. So what?   

I agree, so what? Are they wrong?  And my overall response has been consistent throughout this thread,  that is,  I don't accept his opinion that the dead and stinking rotten corpse of Jesus came back to life from being dead, physically shared a meal with friends, had his physical wounds physically  touched and inspected, then ascended in "heaven",  and came back down again some 40 years later to be present at the fall of Jerusalem in AD 66-70. Ghost or not!

Timid8967, wrote:  More easily agreeable with the bible#25
I love how you continue to quote this as though it means more to you than it does to me. 

 YOUR quote , not mine.#25. It meant a lot the first time you said it and the more your spout your shite the more it means to me.  And here is why.  I just can't understand why you would "wish" what I have to say would  be "more agreeable with the bible", especially in the face of  you making it more than clear that you do not even believe the bible.#18  So I agree, it means more to me, that it would you. But I think it bothers you that I throw it at you often as a reminder? get used to it , Princess, I do that a lot. 

I have never said that I don't believe the bible, YOU said that you don't sunshine. I said I do, and I also said I don't care what it is you do or don't believe.

It was YOU  that said  that " you wish that I would be More easily agreeable with the bible". Why?  What business is it of yours.? What difference would that make to YOUR belief? This is why It means something to me. 
Mountain out of a molehill.  I say it as a line in my first post. And wow- for you it is an quotable quote.  

 Take Mark 13 for instance. You use it to say that Jesus lied - yet when challenged on it - you go boo hoo stop being stupid.  I never said that.

Remind me? Or is this yet another case of  you confusing what I say with what I say the gospels actually state. And I don't think someone such as you could ever cause me to "boo hoo", princess.  Although,  I have seen a few Pastors and Priests buckle and "boo hoo" and go awaol when they have been shown to be absolutely thick as shite  dunces and bible ignorant when it comes to the subject they should know better than I.

Indeed , there was one Pastor and Chaplain here recently that seems to have left the forum altogether, No reason given, but I can only guess that it was because his bible ignorance was exposed often and on a regular basis.
And yet that is exactly what you did.  Took your baseball and just got annoyed. 

- rather than your imaginary made up stuff which might fire up a few atheists but only those who did not have a brain. 

 Imaginary , yes to an extent I agree.  And I don't think that my "imaginary made up stuff" would be enough to "fire up" anyone...... except you it seems. Strange that is.
I am not fired up. You making me smile is hardly firing me up.  

As I said, you make me embarrassed to be non-theist.

 No. I think you can embarrass yourself without my help, Princess. In fact you have done so a few times already;  getting all fired up because I have spoken my beliefs, that I admit I cannot support and only have coincidental evidence for. And saying things that don't agree with you and your new found buddy. No, any  embarrassment is all your own baby, so you rock it.  And here another one of my imaginings, I think it is a great possibility that Jesus had somehow had a hand in the death of John the Baptist.. but I cannot prove or get the pieces to fall into place? 
I have not said anything to be embarrassed about yet.  You might be right about Jesus - who knows? 

Not enough to become a theist. But enough to find you a charlatan and a fraud with your own agenda.

You are entitled to your opinion of me , but it is all irrelevant, isn't it.  Your low opinion of me doesn't make those unreliable ambiguous half stories that make up scripture any more true, do they?
Thanks.  Glad to know my opinion matters. 

 I can't wait to see the next edition of BS that comes from your threads.

Then wait no longer. Your wait is over. Hot off the press just yesterday afternoon  >>  You will notice, that it is another question based thread with questions to it. But you would be wasting your time even looking at it as you have told us that you have only read the bible once and don't believe it anyway, haven't you?    But have a go.   You never known, you might just put on your Pastors hat and give it a go, or your Chaplains hat. I'm easy.
Looking forward to it.  I am puzzled as to why you would think I would believe the bible. It is a book, much like many books in the world.  It is full of myths and legends. And other stuff. It is not meant to believer or disbelieved. It is meant to be read as understood by its authors.   If I read a textbook on a subject in science, it might be a question of believing it after reading it and understanding its arguments. The Bible is a whole lot of random authors telling a story - but not one we have to believe or not believe.  

If only you were original. Barbara Thearing or whatever her name is seems to have read your posts.

WHAT A COINICIDENCE!!!!!  . I mentioned this author to the bible ignorant Pastor and Chaplain here calling himself Tradesecret., as he is Australian too!!!  Well,so he told us.

Yes I have read some of the work of the Australian historian, theologian, and Biblical exegete specialising in the origins of the early Christian Church. Fascinating stuff, I found. But believable ? I don't know. I still have some of her work knocking around somewhere.  She is qualified to speak on such matter, though, just like the Pastor and Chaplain Tradesecret that I mentioned above,  he too was qualified to "minister " and "lecture" on matters biblical. But it turned out that he knew absolutely fk all about his subject. But got paid all the same. That is fraudulent , if your were ever to you ask me.
You mentioned a couple of posts ago that you thought Jesus did not die but survived the crucifixion and lived for several decades later.  That is classic Barbara Theiring.  I have wikapedia as well as most people on this forum. 

She is as daft as most of the fundamentalists in her blind faith to prove she is correct.  

Well each to their own I say.

We all have a different way of looking at these scriptures and other theological literature. Take yourself, you read it and simply don't believe the bible and dismissed it.And fair play I say at least you gave it a go...   pga2.0 read it and it has caused him to believe it in a different way to others ..  Where - as I believe it but not in the way it has come down to us and has been preached, taught and " tutored" on for millennia. 

I like reasoned arguments - which is why I find you amusing.  I never said I believed the bible. I have said I don't believe it - I think - because it is a book - not something that I have to believe or not believe.  It is myth and legend.   Fundamentalists don't like to use reason or logic.  Theiring - doesn't use logic either - she is like you - gross speculation masquerading as dogmatic truth. Is it a coincidence that both of you deny the same?