You aren't convincing.
Neither are you. The truth is obvious to those who are not Trumpanzees ---like you-- ergo ingnoring truth of this narcisst president words of hate and actions.
1} press is enemy of the people. You and he need to go try out countries where there exists no free press so as you will appreciate what USA has,
2} so popular he could shoot person on the street and would not effect his popularity, which speaks to charactor of Trumpanzees and idio-ump,
3} oh god the list goes on and on. If your celebirty you can grab any p___y you want ergo president is celebrity and his moral behaviour is not of any significance,
4} the amount of lies, and misleading statements for greater than any president of congressman ever, except for those who have gotten in during idio-umps term,
5} the list goes on and on of any signs of moral integrity with this idio-ump and those nationalist, racist, bigoted, ignorant Trumpanzees.
Sure, the degree of of those lack luster qualities vary within the whole set of Trumpanzees, however, the bottom line is this;
if you dont vote democrat, you supporting and encourgaging the high degree of negatives idio-ump Ive listed ---and many more Ive not recalled here.
Those who dont vote either way ---apolitical-- is not a valid position as it is sticking your head in a hole in the ground, while still farting methane into the atmossphere and thinking an apolitical position exists. It does not exist.
It is hiding lack of courage steer the systems of the government this way or that way.
Lock The Trumpanzees and Idio-ump Away! Far Away Today!