This comment of yours is highly problematic: "Just include an option called 'other' for idiots who can't align with the binary. There's only two genders lol."This comment could constitute "invective against an entire class of people," which is prohibited as hate speech under the COC.The issue with your comment is not that you question whether that there are two or more genders--it's perfectly fine to argue that there are only two genders, though it might be anatomically incorrect in the case of intersex people.What is problematic with your comment is that you suggest that gender non-binary individuals and trans individuals are "idiots." This disparages an entire group of people in a way which is, at the very least, troublesome. It is even more troublesome when placed in the context of your other remarks on the matter, which clearly mock gender non-binary and trans people.This is not an official warning. But it is a reminder that language like this is not looked kindly upon by moderation, and that it is best to avoid comments which may be reasonably construed as hate speech.
Well, looks like "bsh1" is the moderator. Geez, I can't wait to have politically right-wing posts deleted left and right for "hate speech" so we can ensure this site is a safe space for minorities against bigots like me.
I certainly hope the guy who creates this website doesn't endorse this action. A potentially great debating site, to fulfill the legacy of, is going to become a crappy place once we have morons like him censor posts left and right for "hate speech" because we insult groups a progressive moderator doesn't like.
If he does, well you can surely insist that you'll have a flight of people from this already in-need-of-activity place.