I suppose I can explain why I'm an atheist, and really it came down to two essential factors:
- I opened my mind to the possibility that I was wrong in regards of god and such
- I read the bible without assuming it to be true
Those were really the only big factors I can think of that lead to my initial disbelief in god. Now, somethings opened the door for me to become doubting as I had, but those are as less important as they are numerous. I suppose I could list a couple: the treatment of gay people and slaves in the bible did not sit right with me; the conundrum of a sincere rapist accepting jesus into their heart and getting to go to heaven, while the good people who simply did not believe went to hell; anecdotal nature of the evidence i was presented, etc, etc, I could keep on going, but I feel like that is sufficient to get an idea of my state of mind.
Needless to say, amongst my first attempts of rereading the bible from cover to cover, I was biased against my own thoughts, surely I was wrong, surely the people in my life that had told me this was true were correct, and I was incorrect. I was only 14 at the time after all, what did I truly know? That me would ask what I truly knew even know, two or so years later as a 16 year old. The biggest difference between myself and that past version of me, is that I do not assume those who are older or more experienced necessarily hold the correct position. Everyone holds positions for reasons, those reasons can be valid or invalid.
It happens that as you become more experienced and studied, these reasons tend to become less invalid, this does not preclude them from mistake, it means they are less likely to make them deliberately. That and a couple of long, drawn out, conversations with my priest later, and I officially declared myself an atheist, it was around the April of 2019. That would make it 20 months now, a year and three quarters, and I have yet to be convinced. Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps I am not, I think currently that I'm not wrong, but I could be. That's really the gist of the story, I'm a teenager who likes to study philosophy and narrative, who just so happens to no longer believe in any god(s).
So this would chronicle why I no longer believe what I do, but why do I believe in things as materialism? Progressive values? Evolution? All of the above. Simply study. I have no profound words or whimsical tales, only the truth, which is that I studied, and weighed the evidence, and was convinced that these claims are true. (materialism, progressivism, evolution, etc,) Again, I could be wrong, I haven't been convinced yet, and it just so happens that now, I actually have adults that explain why I am incorrect and correct on these notions, not simply people who dilly dally in the propositions claims.
Hopefully this account provided some form or semblance of value.