Add Satanism?
You remind me of something I meant to say, but didn't. I don't think one needs to add Satanism. Satanism has been around since before Adam. My religious context on this matter is as follows:
1. Before being born on Earth, we existed as spirits, literal spirit children of God the Father, and a Mother [probably many Mothers, given our extreme numbers. We are, all of us who have lived, are living now, and ever will live on Earth are their children, but were in spirit form before our physical birth. We are, as spirits, of a single generation of children to physically perfect, resurrected beings, Father and Mother, who once existed as spirit children, then mortals, of an earlier generation of godly parents who were, in their time, also once mortal, etc. There are, therefore, generations of gods, and generations of their spirit, then mortal, then resurrected physical, perfect embodied children. Each generation has had, has, and will have this same process of progression: There is a master plan that all who are spirit children wold potentially have the opportunity to be physically born to parents who preceded us on earth for us to obtain a physical body and experience mortality. The purpose of mortality is to see if we will be obedient to Father's commands, because he has been through this mortal cycle and knows how best to achieve it to eventually become perfect, and a god. That godhood is the ultimate goal.
In our generation of spirit children, at least, but I believe the entire pattern repeats in every generation, there was one who would be chosen to be a savior, redeemer for the rest of us in our mortality, because we will, in mortality, make mistakes in out endeavor to follow the plan. Some mistakes are minor, but many are major impediments to our progress toward perfection. We need someone who can act as a redeemer to offer personal sacrifice in our behalf to reconcile those errors we cannot, ourselves, correct. Thus are our mortal lives lived by our agency to be obedient to God, or not. It is entirely our choice, and we choose to be obedient, or choose to be sinful. The one chosen to atone for those sins, on condition of our repentance, will be our savior. He is our older brother. This is Jesus, in our generation. By his atonement, we all have opportunity to reconcile our sins with God and present ourselves before him, having completed our mortal life, either clean and spotless by repentance, or dirty and filthy by dying in our sins. Those sins are the result of another, Satan, who, in our spirit world opposed the plan, seeking to force us all to return to God, but would do so by eliminating our free agency and forcing us to be good. So Satan is another spirit brother in our generation. God rejected his plan, and accepted Jesus' plan. Satan, and those who followed his plan, were cast out of heaven, leaving us - all who have ever been born into physical mortality - to continue on our path toward mortality, trial, and eventual perfection if we achieve it by our continued obedience.