This is a topic which I’ve gotten into some detail before, but I think deserves a forum to itself.
If you think about science and it’s origin, you can conclude that all science is observable in nature. Gravity is observable through day to day observation. Planets have been observed and calculations have been made to estimate the size of planets millions of years away. Evolution is observable through millions of years worth of evolutionary science and the interrelation between organisms.
What I’m getting at is that all scientific facts have come from nature and are observable. Science can be replicated by anyone. Given the right place to look, everyone can notice evolution. Given a good enough telescope and mathematics ability, anyone can calculate the size of Mars.
However, the same cannot be said for God and the Bible. I fail to see how nature proves the bible is correct in any way (like how nature proves evolution is right, or at least extremely plausible). When comparing the Bible to nature, there is almost as much correlation between the two than between an Aboriginal Dreamtime story and nature. Though the bible and Dreamtime stories mention nature, there is nothing testable within it’s pages. Take this as an example. The following is a quote from a Dreamtime story followed by a verse from the bible.
Now long, long time ago of course, in the beginning, when there was no people, no trees, no plants whatever on this land, “Guthi-guthi”, the spirit of our ancestral being, he lived up in the sky.So he came down and he wanted to create the special land for people and animals and birds to live in.So Guthi-guthi came down and he went on creating the land for the people-after he’d set the borders in place and the sacred sights, the birthing places of all the Dreamings, where all our Dreamings were to come out of.Guthi-guthi put one foot on Gunderbooka Mountain and another one at Mount Grenfell.And he looked out over the land and he could see that the land was bare. There was no water in sight, there was nothing growing. So Guthi-guthi knew that trapped in a mountain-Mount Minara-the water serpent, Weowie, he was trapped in the mountain. So Guthi-guthi called out to him, “Weowie, Weowie”, but because Weowie was trapped right in the middle of the mountain, he couldn’t hear him.
Followed by Genesis 1.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
It is clear that there are correlations between the two. Both of them include some mythical being coming down and creating parts of nature. However, neither of these accounts provide evidence. Essentially, an Aboriginal Dream Time is as testable as God. Neither are observable in nature. Neither provide facts, and neither are replicable. So I ask the religious readers, what makes God more evident than these Dreamtime stories? In fact, what makes Christianity more plausible than the Islamic faith? If you got a Christina and an Islam man together to discuss their religion, it would not be a debate, but a battle of blind faith.