I'm not completely sure, 21 would be the best age, but 18 would be an acceptable compromise.
Many people beyond this age die in accidents.
Sure, but people who are in their teens are at the highest risk for crashing or injury operating a vehicle:
CDC notes:
"The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teens aged 16–19 than among any other age group. In fact, per mile driven, teen drivers in this age group are nearly three times as likely as drivers aged 20 or older to be in a fatal crash.2"
Also, automatics are really effective at killing people, the number of deaths per automatic used to deaths per almost any other kind of gun makes that apparent. It's how efficient they are at killing
Every gun is effective at killing. the question is how dangerous the gun is? The danger of anything is measured in how many people it kills.
Yes, but some guns are
more effective at is, no, that isn't true at all. Handguns were used in maybe 64 to 84% of gun homicides, therefore they would of course have a higher kill count, but guns that are more effective at killing, are more dangerous. We should let the specially trained military personal handle them, not civilians. Need a source? This
study notes:
Although 44% of persons wounded in active shooter incidents died of their injuries, irrespective of the type of firearm used, more people were wounded and killed in incidents in which semiautomatic rifles were used compared with incidents involving other firearms. Semiautomatic rifles are designed for easy use, can accept large magazines, and fire high-velocity bullets, enabling active shooters to wound and kill more people per incident.
Also I never said what kind of regulations I was for, you just assumed you knew what I was going to say, which you didn't.
I don't know your position on guns. If you want to end gun homicides, the only way this would even be possible is with banning all guns, which few people want and I don't want.
Your stats said that the homicide rate is around 5 per 100,000. This means in a given year, the odds of you being murdered by a gun are .005%. That's incredibly small. I think I'll take that chance.
We should do what we can to minimize gun homicides while ensuring the rights of others, it isn't: The solution either cures all homicides by guns or it doesn't matter, that is absolutist. We want to save more people from this fate, and regulating guns, in general, will accomplish that.
Also, do you not know what, "Deaths per 100,000 population: 5" means? It means that per every 100,000 people of the
330,000,000 people who live in the US, 5 will be killed by a gun. That means 19,000 people or so will die to guns each year.
I gotta go, I'll respond to your claims here and abroad in about a week. Have a good afternoon.
Looking forward to it, stay safe, and thank you!