Heil Trump!

Author: Danielle


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Yes I got that.  I asked  you what it is that  would you like me to tell them.

Sorry, I misunderstood you. I just meant it would be nice if you told them that all of those things have been proven false, and that it's dangerous to promote those kinds of conspiracy theories with such flimsy evidence.

 Ok I will get right on that for you Daniel

It's irresponsible and immoral to be so careless with accusations like that given how many people are ready and willing to take up arms against the "deep state" for Donald Trump's lies.

Could you show me the evidence of  "many people are ready and willing to take up arms against the "deep state" , and I can pass that on at the same time for you.

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Did you even look at this?

 I did . I couldn't make head nor tail of it. That's why I came to those that should understand it  or at least believe they understand it. Are you saying I came to the wrong place and could you point me in the right direction if I am asking the wrong people here.

thank's for your time

TXHG's avatar
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 I did . I couldn't make head nor tail of it.
The woman says one thing, the group of people harassing her then falsely claim she said something different. There is no controversy here besides people misrepresenting things to push an agenda.
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from a well known racist thug who is also a criminal convicted of fraud

So were all of these video links created by with this "well known racist thug who is also a criminal convicted of fraud?  Or someone else and he has just ` shared' . Did this "racist thug"  record these videos himself, or are you just making that part up?
TXHG's avatar
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TXHG's avatar
Did this "racist thug"  record these videos himself, or are you just making that part up?
Did I say he did? No, so you are simply confused.

The issue is that you are using a convicted fraudster well known for being a racist thug as your main news source. Why would you expect such a source to deliver reliable or unbiased news? Why would you follow him at all?

The question is largely rhetorical, because we've reviewed the videos he's provided and proof has been offered they are nonsense. Whatever your rationale was for following him and trusting in videos he promotes, you were wrong to do so.

Stephen's avatar
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Did this "racist thug"  record these videos himself, or are you just making that part up?
Did I say he did? No, so you are simply confused.

 You said this which is at least implying that he was the source.  
" you continually posting links from a well known racist thug who is also a criminal convicted of fraud? ". But never mind.

The issue is that you are using a convicted fraudster

Well considering that you have brought an alleged   "fraudster" into the mix , I think he is then in a better position than you or me  to smell and spot fraud when he sees it. Don't you? Maybe his sharp eyes and clear sense of smell can smell and spot the alleged fraud going on in Pennsylvania and other states?

well known for being a racist thug as your main news source.

Can you support that claim. Can you give me e few instances when this man has behaved or spoken in a racist manner? 

Why would you expect such a source to deliver reliable or unbiased news?

Why  do you think that  his opinion is less valid that yours own or mine?

Why would you follow him at all?
 I am open to many opinions this man's included, as I am yours.

The question is largely rhetorical, because we've reviewed the videos he's provided and proof has been offered they are nonsense.

And I have accepted that until anyone (including you) can come up with evidence to the contrary. Do  you have any evidence for voter fraud? Or do you believe there hasn't been any at all and the republicans are just hanging on by their fingernails...... as is their right to do by all accounts.

Whatever your rationale was for following him and trusting in videos he promotes, you were wrong to do so.

And I will accept that for the moment, but you haven't answered any of the above questions yet.   Would you ever accept that you may be wrong?

TXHG's avatar
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TXHG's avatar
 You said this which is at least implying that he was the source.  
" you continually posting links from a well known racist thug who is also a criminal convicted of fraud? ". But never mind.

You choosing to read things into my statements that aren't there is your business.

Well considering that you have brought an alleged   "fraudster" into the mix , I think he is then in a better position than you or me  to smell and spot fraud when he sees it. Don't you? Maybe his sharp eyes and clear sense of smell can smell and spot the alleged fraud going on in Pennsylvania and other states?

It's not an allegation. He's been found guilty of fraud in a court of law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Robinson_%28activist%29#Fraud. Also if you have any evidence for your wild suppositions that he is now some super anti-fraudster, feel free to present them.  Until you do, you're merely trusting someone who is already known to be criminally unreliable.

Can you support that claim. Can you give me e few instances when this man has behaved or spoken in a racist manner? 

He has been banned for twitter for hateful comments, such as claiming that all British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing and claiming all adult male Muslim refugees were fake. That's aside from being identified by Matt Collins, head researcher at the anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate, as "one of the main drivers of anti-Muslim sentiment in this country" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/28/tommy-robinson-permanently-banned-twitter-violating-rules-hateful-conduct

He's also a former member of the BNP which specifically stated in it's constitution that it was dedicated to a white nation and "is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples". https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/10-things-you-should-know-about-the-bnp-when-you-watch-question-time-tonight-1806874.html 

Why  do you think that  his opinion is less valid that yours own or mine?
I have provided sources which prove my interpretation of his evidence is correct and his interpretation is wrong, therefore I know my opinion is more valid because it's not just my opinion.

More generally, he's a well known racist fraudster far-right ideologue. There is no reason to mindlessly trust anything he says. When a person has a history of lying and making false claims, it doesn't mean their next statement has to be a lie but it fits a pattern and you should be wary of it. The basic you should be doing in any situation, not just for his content but overall, is performing basic due diligence to see if wild claims are actually true before spreading them further and acting like they have any relevance.  

 I am open to many opinions this man's included, as I am yours.
His opinion is based on racism and white nationalism. What is valid about that opinion? In fact, why merely rely on opinions at all. These are binary yes/no situations. In my prior post I was easily able to provide not opinion but facts.

Either ballots for dead people born in 1900 were being counted or they weren't. They weren't.

Either ballots were being picked up late for some illegal fraudulent purpose or they weren't. They weren't

Either sharpies were invalidating thousands of votes or they weren't. They weren't.

If all you do is listen to opinion you can justify anything. Start looking for facts.

And I have accepted that until anyone (including you) can come up with evidence to the contrary. Do  you have any evidence for voter fraud? Or do you believe there hasn't been any at all and the republicans are just hanging on by their fingernails...... as is their right to do by all accounts.
There are a few instances of fraud on an individual level, like the Trump voter who tried to vote for his dead mother https://www.atinitonews.com/2020/10/trump-supporter-arrested-for-requesting-absentee-ballot-for-dead-mother/. The most major potential voter fraud to my mind is attempts by the Trump campaign to arrange large amounts of illegal ballots to be sent in: https://eu.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/11/06/trumps-wisconsin-campaign-asks-pennsylvania-cast-late-ballots/6182506002/

My larger concern with election integrity is the structural hurdles that have been put in place to stop people voting at all.
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Also if you have any evidence for your wild suppositions that he is now some super anti-fraudster, feel free to present them. 
I didn't say that. You are choosing to read things into my statements that aren't there. I was simply saying it takes one to know one. I was agreeing that he is a "fraudster". 

He has been banned for twitter for hateful comments, such as claiming that all British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing and claiming all adult male Muslim refugees were fake. That's aside from being identified by Matt Collins, head researcher at the anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate, as "one of the main drivers of anti-Muslim sentiment in this country" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/28/tommy-robinson-permanently-banned-twitter-violating-rules-hateful-conduct

 Yes well I wouldn't take too much notice of those left wing twats at the Guardian. They have to make a living I suppose. But saying Robinson is not what he purports to be is simply full blown lies. Robinson is a journalist, he has written books (best sellers in fact) and he is an expert on the subject of Islam. He has debated many high profile Muslims  that happen to agree on his stance against fundamental Islam. In fact Robinson is the first to admit that the Muslims are the biggest victims of ISLAM . I am too anti Islam. It is a barbaric ideology that cannot reform .  So millions of modern day Muslims are trapped. 

If you would like to start a thread and discussion of Islam start one in the religion sub forum. I will be more than happy to engage you. You obviously know fk all about this barbaric ideology.  https://www.debateart.com/forum/religion/topics

Robinsons'  work exposing Pakistani Muslim rape gangs and the   rape of white children  and young white schoolgirls in my country has -eventually - cause government to act after almost 40 YEARS! of cover up. So don't be too hard on the man.  You have heard of the systematic rape of white children & young white schoolgirls by Muslim rape gangs haven't you? Or (assuming you are american)  has MSM in America been silent on the issue as they have been here for nearly 40 years?

His opinion is based on racism and white nationalism.
I don't think so. I have never heard Robinson say anything "racist".  Robinson has many "different coloured" friends and staff and to be honest I don't see anything wrong with loving ones country. Do you  not love your country?

And I have accepted that until anyone (including you) can come up with evidence to the contrary. Do  you have any evidence for voter fraud? Or do you believe there hasn't been any at all and the republicans are just hanging on by their fingernails...... as is their right to do by all accounts.
There are a few instances of fraud on an individual level, like the Trump voter who tried to vote for his dead mother https://www.atinitonews.com/2020/10/trump-supporter-arrested-for-requesting-absentee-ballot-for-dead-mother/. The most major potential voter fraud to my mind is attempts by the Trump campaign to arrange large amounts of illegal ballots to be sent in: https://eu.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/11/06/trumps-wisconsin-campaign-asks-pennsylvania-cast-late-ballots/6182506002/

Lovely, back on track.

 So you do recognise some voter fraud has gone on and all committed by Trump supporters. I see.   And that is you fair unbalanced opinion is it?

Well done. We got there in the end.

You may find this interesting. I did.


TXHG's avatar
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I didn't say that. You are choosing to read things into my statements that aren't there. I was simply saying it takes one to know one. I was agreeing that he is a "fraudster". 
You're just admitting that what I said was right, you're just trying to make it sound more reasonable. You believe that because he is a known and convicted fraudster, he should be trusted as knowledgeable about fraud. Also "takes one to know one" is a schoolyard insult, not an actual criteria for assessing facts.

Yes well I wouldn't take too much notice of those left wing twats at the Guardian. They have to make a living I suppose. But saying Robinson is not what he purports to be is simply full blown lies. Robinson is a journalist, he has written books.....
I'm not going to bother quoting the whole thing, because you're not really responding reasonably or relevantly.

As shown with evidence, Tommy Robinson has a long history of racism. That is supported by factual evidence I provded such as quotes and videos, unlike your arguments such as "I wouldn't take too much notice of those left wing twats at the Guardian".

Not only that but none of your points rebutt Tommy Robinson being a racist thug. Sure, let's say he's a journalist if we're willing to count people who just rant on social media* and repost false conspiracy theories as journalists. Are journalists not racists? Are they somehow mutually exclusive? Of course not. Your argument does nothing to address his racism.

Also Tommy Robinson did nothing to stop Muslim rape gang" the police arrested Muslim perpetrators based on their own work, then Tommy Robinson spent years spreading hatred against all Muslims based on it.

*The social media he hasn't been banned from for racism.

 I am too anti Islam. It is a barbaric ideology that cannot reform .  So millions of modern day Muslims are trapped. 

I have reported you for this.

I don't think so. I have never heard Robinson say anything "racist".  Robinson has many "different coloured" friends and staff and to be honest I don't see anything wrong with loving ones country. Do you  not love your country?

I've literally linked in my previous post to him claiming all Muslims are vicious criminals, as one example. Also "I have black friends" is an illogical defence of racism that is so bad that it's literally a joke.

Lovely, back on track.

 So you do recognise some voter fraud has gone on and all committed by Trump supporters. I see.   And that is you fair unbalanced opinion is it?

All the actual evidence supports there being little to no fraud and what fraud there is that has been highlighted being Republican fraud. It's not an opinion, it's just looking at the evidence. if you have any actual evidence to the contrary, feel free to provide it.

Danielle's avatar
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 Ok I will get right on that for you Danielle

Good. I hope you show the same enthusiasm for calling out BS fake news stories as you you do for sharing them for our "consideration." 

Could you show me the evidence of  "many people are ready and willing to take up arms against the "deep state" , and I can pass that on at the same time for you.

Stephen's avatar
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 Ok I will get right on that for you Danielle

Good. I hope you show the same enthusiasm for calling out BS fake news stories as you you do for sharing them for our "consideration." 

 You can be assures that I will Danielle. I will look at your link later and get back. BFN

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I'm not going to bother quoting the whole thing,

 You don't have to. I am asking to you support YOUR claim.   Show me where Robinson has said or done anything racist. 

Your argument does nothing to address his racism.

 You mean your claim that he is racist .  For which you haven't shown one iota of evidence. I am not here to prove your claims.

Also Tommy Robinson did nothing to stop Muslim rape gang"
 Robinson along with author Peter Mcloughlin exposed this scandal . McLoghlin sat on this story for ages for fear that his left wing cronies " would shun him".   He  finally found his nerve (he was writing for the daily Mirror at the time) when Robinson after years of his own investigations started exposing it to anyone that would listen.  

 I am too anti Islam. It is a barbaric ideology that cannot reform .  So millions of modern day Muslims are trapped. 

I have reported you for this.

Good for you. Thank you for the platform maybe I can give the story a push on my arrest, such as  how Islam stones women to death for getting themselves raped.  

I've literally linked in my previous post to him claiming all Muslims are vicious criminals,
You are a confused little petal aren't you.. Islam is not a race and neither is being a Muslim.  And to remind you, it was a vicious Muslim criminal that blew up mothers and children (mainly little girls  ) at a concert here in England in the name of Islam and allah after he came here as an asylum seeker.  It was a Muslim criminal that recently went on a shooting spree in the name of Islam and allah in Vienna killing and wounding 22 people. I gather these are truths that you refuse to hear.  I can take it that you won't be starting  a thread on Islam here in the religion sub forum.  

Do me the favour of watching this interview . it only 10 minutes or so. 

TXHG's avatar
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You don't have to. I am asking to you support YOUR claim.   Show me where Robinson has said or done anything racist. 

I already did, 2 posts ago, and you just responded with a weird rant about how he is a journalist as if that makes his racism okay.

 You mean your claim that he is racist .  For which you haven't shown one iota of evidence. I am not here to prove your claims.

Already done. To reiterate what I've already said:

He has been banned for twitter for hateful comments, such as claiming that all British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing and claiming all adult male Muslim refugees were fake. That's aside from being identified by Matt Collins, head researcher at the anti-fascist organisation Hope Not Hate, as "one of the main drivers of anti-Muslim sentiment in this country" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/28/tommy-robinson-permanently-banned-twitter-violating-rules-hateful-conduct

He's also a former member of the BNP which specifically stated in it's constitution that it was dedicated to a white nation and "is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples". https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/10-things-you-should-know-about-the-bnp-when-you-watch-question-time-tonight-1806874.html 

Robinson along with author Peter Mcloughlin exposed this scandal . McLoghlin sat on this story for ages for fear that his left wing cronies " would shun him". He finally found his nerve (he was writing for the daily Mirror at the time) when Robinson after years of his own investigations started exposing it to anyone that would listen.
The investigation into the Rotherham grooming gang, which started the focus on Muslim dominated grooming gangs, started in 2008 and lead to convictions in 2010. Neither Peter McLoughlin or Robinson were involved and the story got national exposure: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-11696508

You can check the internet for Robinson's activities and he has plenty to say at this time about Christmas being cancelled and being against "Poppy Burners" but a search for Tommy Robinson, Rochdale and sexual grooming during this time period brought up 0 results. he was not involved. he merely leapt onto the phenomenon after it was revealed and used it to help stir up racial hatred as already shown.

Good for you. Thank you for the platform maybe I can give the story a push on my arrest, such as  how Islam stones women to death for getting themselves raped.  
Reported you using the report function on the forums, where presumably a moderator will review your post for deletion. Something of a persecution complex I spy?

You are a confused little petal aren't you.. Islam is not a race and neither is being a Muslim.  And to remind you, it was a vicious Muslim criminal that blew up mothers and children (mainly little girls  ) at a concert here in England in the name of Islam and allah after he came here as an asylum seeker.  It was a Muslim criminal that recently went on a shooting spree in the name of Islam and allah in Vienna killing and wounding 22 people. I gather these are truths that you refuse to hear.  I can take it that you won't be starting  a thread on Islam here in the religion sub forum.  

Do me the favour of watching this interview . it only 10 minutes or so. 

As already explained to you, he was a member of the BNP which was explicitly against Non-Europeans, not just muslims. But then again that was another bit you didn't respond to because you can't face the truth.

Muslims are predominantly non-European and racists frequently use criticism against Islam as a vehicle to criticise people of colour as it isn't instantly as reprehensible to most people as outright racism.

Also seeing as Tommy Robinson is responsible for causing terrorist attacks in the same way as Mohammad is (Anders Brevik who killed 76 innocent people was inspired by the EDL and Darren Osborne who drove a van into a crowd of people killing 12 was converted to extremism by Tommy Robinson videos) - why aren't you treating Robinson with the same disgust you find for Islam? Something to do with the paleness of his skin? Terrorism being okay when it's being done by the right kind of people? Can't wait for your excuse.

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He has been banned for twitter for hateful comments, such as claiming that all British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing

So he was banned from twitter, so what!?  Twitter as does face  book, ban anyone they don't agree with.  And they were British Muslims. 

and claiming all adult male Muslim refugees were fake.

 How do you know there aren't .  and maybe he should have said "many" and not all. your scraping the barrel. Thousands of these so called refugees are coming here ILLEGALLLY from  sub Sahara  Africa and not war torn countries.  If they are real refugees, then the law states that they should  claim asylum in the first "safe" country they land in. But they are not doing that. 

He's also a former member of the BNP

Former. So what?  He is independent now and has been for at least 10 years. he also founded the EDL but left that because it got infiltrated by  far right. 

He's called British Muslims  enemy combatants who want to destroy white people

Many of them are. In 2017 it was reported that  the   "UK home to 23,000 jihadists" and more recently  it is reported that there over 30,000  Muslim jihadi extremist in the UK and over 3,000 of them are high on the anti terrorism watch list according to MI5.

The investigation into the Rotherham grooming gang, which started the focus on Muslim dominated grooming gangs, started in 2008 and lead to convictions in 2010. Neither Peter McLoughlin or Robinson were involved and the story got national exposure: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-11696508

 You way out of whack with that one. Rotherham was at the height of the rape gang epidemic, there are  cases going back way before the first convictions. I told you just in that  Milton Keynes alone these rape gangs had been operating for nearly 40 years.
 You  simply do not have clue what you are talking about.  

Good for you. Thank you for the platform maybe I can give the story a push on my arrest, such as  how Islam stones women to death for getting themselves raped.  
Reported you using the report function on the forums, where presumably a moderator will review your post for deletion. Something of a persecution complex I spy?
I haven't used the report function. That was you. You informed me that you had reported me. here at post  #99  TXHG  you said >>>"I have reported you for this".
Deary me, you are in a muddle and are in a tizz aren't  you?

EDL and Darren Osborne who drove a van into a crowd of people killing 12 was converted to extremism by Tommy Robinson videos)

You mean former Founder of the EDL and  he left years ago because it was infiltrated by the far right. 

Darren Osborne  who drove a van into a crowd of people killing 12 was converted to extremism by Tommy Robinson videos)
 Daren Osborne is on COURT RECORD as saying that what drove him to do what he did was  a BBC drama called Three Girls a  three-part drama based on the true stories of the Rape and hiring out and sex trafficking of white  schoolgirls by  Pakistani Muslims in Rochdale. 

"It appears to have begun when Osborne became fixated on Three Girls, a three-part BBC drama about the Rochdale abuse scandal in which most of the victims were white and most of the perpetrators were Pakistani-heritage men.
His partner told police how he had become "obsessed" with the drama which aired the month before the attack. Commander Dean Haydon, the head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, says that this drama was the catalyst
Osborne began accusing Muslims of being rapists or paedophiles - and the couple argued as he had never previously been openly racist or hostile to Muslims".https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42886464

 And sadly one person died of heat attack ( he happened to be having his attack in the middle of the road when Osbourne turned up) and nine were injured so where you pulled  you're exaggerated figures from of "12 deaths" is sheer and utter bollocks.

I am assuming you didn't watch that video did you?  If you had you would have seen one journalist that Robinson approached over false accusations given to the Guardian by her,  immediately denied what she had wrote. 

Then we have the interview chaired by the well respected journalist and broadcaster Andrew Neil.  along with Robinson,  Muslim Haras Rafiq Chief Executive of the (once government funded till  2011)  Quilliam  and  Tim Martin British also journalist, author and broadcaster.

Quilliam was established in 2007 by Ed Husain, Maajid Nawaz   and  and Rashad Zaman Ali, three former members of the Islamist group  Hizb ut-Tahrir.

If you are too busy or simply want to ignore facts from  the horses mouth, then cut right to 4:22  and listen to what Haras Rafiq has to say about Robinson. 

Neil askes  " on this the Guardian comment, you effectively  did call him (Robinson) a white supremist". 

Haras Rafiq:   "let me clarify something, the Quillium position on Tommy weather he is a white supremacists or not. Quilliam and I, and Tommy knows me, he's been to my house, he's had dinner with my family he knows I am not someone who has a vendetta against him and he knows exactly what I stand for.  So I am surprised as CEO he says Quiliam stands for something else, BUT TOMMY IS NOT A WHITE SUPERMICIST!!!!!"  

BBC Andrew Neil

So TXHG, you simply cannot get that  from a higher Muslim person or Muslim organisation

 And if you happen to be interested in REAL fkn facts, look up one of these other names that I highlighted from the founders of Quilliam, Maajid Nawaz.

Maajid Nawaz proudly bragged to the Oxford Union that he had -  " diligently traveled the world recruiting army officers from places such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to overthrow western governments and their allies militarily coups". 

Maajid Nawaz | Dream The American Dream

Yes this lovely man that spent 5 years in an Egyptian prison for his "activities" And guess what?   He was rewarded on his release with a lucrative position on a Western Radio  Station LBC where he tells the rest of us how we should  live our lives. Yes , by all account this  ex convict and self confessed terrorist recruiter,  has been given another chance here in the west and by people he says he once "despised".  Nawazz is also  friends  to this Muslim Journalist  Mehdi Hassan, who tells the world  (behind closed doors)  anyone not Muslim  "is an uneducated animal that sleep with there mothers" .

I think you'll like Hassan. He spits as much vile bile as you do.

And those original founders of  Quilliam you will notice belonged to Hizb ut-Tahrir  an international, pan-Islamist and fundamentalist political organization whose stated aim is the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate to unite the Muslim community and implement Shariah, so as to then carry the proselytizing of Islam to the rest of the world.

TXHG's avatar
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TXHG's avatar
So he was banned from twitter, so what!?  Twitter as does face  book, ban anyone they don't agree with.  And they were British Muslims. 
He has been banned for twitter for hateful comments, such as claiming that all British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing. That is a racist bigoted statement.

 How do you know there aren't 
The idea that all refugees are fake is not only laughably insane, but the burden of proof isn't "We just assume racist claims are correct". 

If they are real refugees, then the law states that they should  claim asylum in the first "safe" country they land in. But they are not doing that. 
False. Aren't you embarrassed about all the lies you're telling?

Many of them are. In 2017 it was reported that  the   "UK home to 23,000 jihadists" and more recently  it is reported that there over 30,000  Muslim jihadi extremist in the UK and over 3,000 of them are high on the anti terrorism watch list according to MI5.

False (If you check the details you'll see 300 people are being investigated for Islamic extremism and 20,000 have been involved in past investigations and could post a residual risk) and also irrelevant as he wasn't claiming that some Muslims were enemy combatants but all Muslims, any random Muslim in any random house minding their own business and doing nothing. Tommy Robinson is a outright racist.

 You way out of whack with that one. Rotherham was at the height of the rape gang epidemic, there are  cases going back way before the first convictions. I told you just in that  Milton Keynes alone these rape gangs had been operating for nearly 40 years.

Do you have a single iota of evidence to support your claims? Which you're already retreating from as your argument falls apart? What happened to Tommy Robinson being the reason all of this was exposed? Decide to ignore that once you realised it was yet another piece of Facebook fake news you'd gormlessly swallowed without any critical thinking?

I haven't used the report function. That was you. You informed me that you had reported me. here at post  #99  TXHG  you said >>>"I have reported you for this".
Deary me, you are in a muddle and are in a tizz aren't  you?

I didn't say you had used the report function. Your reading comprehension isn't great, is it?

Daren Osborne is on COURT RECORD as saying that what drove him to do what he did was  a BBC drama called Three Girls a  three-part drama based on the true stories of the Rape and hiring out and sex trafficking of white  schoolgirls by  Pakistani Muslims in Rochdale. 
Then why did Tommy Robinson email Darren (or Daren as you call him) Osborne telling him "There is a nation within a nation forming just beneath the surface of the UK It is a nation built on hatred, on violence, and on Islam"?

Or to reference the court trial:

In fact just after picking up the van to commit the attacks he was specifically googling Tommy Robinson and reading tweets like those complaining there wasn't a "Day of rage" and complaining there wasn't enough anger about Muslim terrorist attacks.

Greyparrot's avatar
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 British Muslims were involved in the 7/7 bombing. That is a racist bigoted statement.
Britain is not a race.

Muslim is not a race.

Unless you are using the 2020 definition of racist which means something you do not like.

Twitter also has no authority to criminalize opinions. They are just another group of privileged wealthy individuals with the power to censor granted by the government.
Stephen's avatar
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I didn't say you had used the report function. Your reading comprehension isn't great, is it?
this is what you have further wrote at #10TXHG   "Reported you using the report function on the forums, where presumably a moderator will review your post for deletion" .

This was after you told me that you had reported me for a comment I made. here >>>   #99  TXHG  you said >>>"I have reported you for this". You can'rt even distinguish between who say what you little fascists. Stop pretending I have said what is that you have said. 

I don't doubt Robinson's site sends out many automated new letters a many web sites do. I am not denying Osbourne may or may not have read anything from Robinson.  I don't know and neither do you or those rags you keep quoting.

Robinson has never been charged with a racist offence. Not even saying something racist as much as you want that to be true  it isn't! If he had he would have been locked up. 

They are always looking for an excuse to arrest and lock up Robinson. He was arrested just a week or so ago. He had gone to the famous Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, to support a woman  (of colour ) that has been speaking out against the horrors of Islam and  had been attacked and  beaten up many times there by Muslims. 1:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tKfyTLs4CE

Robinson got arrested just for being there to support this woman that had been attacked a few weeks before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR_set6v3lM

 Robinson was released with out charge. 

So I am telling you , the ignorant:  if they could lock way Robinson, they would do so in a flash and for the maxim the sentence required. Robinson has never been charged with a racist offence EVER!!!!!!

I have shown you good real and hard evidence that Robinson is nothing like YOU and those left wing twats simply try to paint him . I am sorry that  you are disappointed that Robinson has been cleared of your false accusation of him being white supremacists by the very people you say he despises and rants about. get fkn over it.


4:22  and listen to what Haras Rafiq has to say about Robinson. 

Neil askes  " on this the Guardian comment, you effectively  did call him (Robinson) a white supremist". 

Haras Rafiq:   "let me clarify something, the Quillium position on Tommy weather he is a white supremacists or not. Quilliam and I, and Tommy knows me, he's been to my house, he's had dinner with my family he knows I am not someone who has a vendetta against him and he knows exactly what I stand for.  So I am surprised as CEO he says Quiliam stands for something else, BUT TOMMY IS NOT A WHITE SUPERMICIST!!!!!"  

BBC Andrew Neil

And believe me,the bias BBC are no friends to Robinson.

It was also the BBC that reported and the Drama that pushed Osbourne over the edge. I think you want to ignore that too:

"It appears to have begun when Osborne became fixated on Three Girls, a three-part BBC drama about the Rochdale abuse scandal in which most of the victims were white and most of the perpetrators were Pakistani-heritage men.
His partner told police how he had become "obsessed" with the drama which aired the month before the attack. Commander Dean Haydon, the head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, says that this drama was the catalyst
Osborne began accusing Muslims of being rapists or paedophiles - and the couple argued as he had never previously been openly racist or hostile to Muslims".https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42886464

 And I have told you. being a Muslim is not a race, no more than being a catholic makes you a Roman

 You have your opinions of Robinson and you are welcome to them. But stop regurgitating  BS .