Many Christians believe that the culture is against Christianity, or at least that's the impression I get. However, 70 percent of American is Christian[1], so how could the culture be against Christianity, or secular, if a major of it is Christian? Which way does the culture lean? Christian or not Christian?
The Western Culture in many respects is a culture that exploded with Christian thinking, specifically, the protestant movement. Yet over the years the predominant Protestant culture has morphed into a secular and progressive culture. Yes, there are remnants of conservative and protestant culture about - in fact it probably underlies most of the primary institutions in society, most notably, our legal system, science, education, and moral systems. Yet over the past 80 years or so - the ordinary institutions of our western society have slowly but surely been influenced by relativism, by evolutionary thinking, Marxist and Hegelism which has in many ways undermined these historical institutions of state, church and family. The family has now been redefined. It is not longer necessary to be a married couple of male and female. Now it can be whoever you want - and you don't even need to be married. It is now the community who raises your child, not the parents. Church has been undermined. The bible has been made redundant. The gospel disputed. The church mocked and scorned in shame, not just because it belongs to another time, but because many of its clergy shamed the Lord Jesus. Where once upon time it was considered a safe-haven - a place of sanctity, nowadays, people refuse to take their kids anywhere near it. The State has gone from being a place which governed in local areas over political matters has grown not only in size but now thinks it is authoritative in EVERY area.
The church and many Christians do feel under attack by our society. Originally secular did not exclude Christianity. Now it does. Where once it was appropriate to have prayers and religious instruction in schools, now it is prohibited. Once, society embraced the sacredness of human life, now it aborts it out of existence. Once society would embrace Christmas as a Christian festival - now if someone dares to put up a nativity display they are hounded for not caring about other religions - despite the fact that we told to tolerate Halloween - Ramadan , hindu festivals and local indigneous festivals.
Often Christians are told they are winging about nothing. You are the majority group they say - you are privileged. The Christian culture is now not even a shell in the community even if many are Christians. My view would be most of the so called Christians are Christians in name only, and do not even know more that a few traditions they learned when they were young.
In our country during lockdown - the pubs are allowed to open up with 50 people inside - and 50 people outside. So are the shops, the restaurants, the cafes, and many other places. The church is permitted 10 people only and they have to meet outside. Interestingly enough, we can have a funeral on the Friday - with 20 people INSIDE - and exactly the same service - minus the coffin is not permitted on Sunday - in fact - only 10 people and then you have to be outside. Meanwhile the Mosques are permitted to have 50 people.
The government also refuses to talk to us. There is no sound reason. But yep, they are not anti-church. It is just our perception.