As the DART tournament comes down to its last round, I'd like to replicate the DDO "gauntlet tournament" since it seemed interesting. If anyone objects, let me hear it now.
As ClassicRobert said and I will paste:
There will be a tower of five debaters. These debaters will be ranked from lowest seed to highest seed.A challenger will then step up. This challenger must make his/her way through the entire tower of debaters undefeated, and if the challenger wins, he will be the first winner of the Gauntlet (which, to clarify, is not a physical award).However, if the challenger loses any debates in the challenge-tower, the gauntlet is reset and a new challenger will have the opportunity to try to win the Gauntlet!Within three days of the Gauntlet beginning, the challenger must PM me with the topic for the first debate, as agreed upon by both debaters. This is intended to be a serious tournament, and troll topics or excessively pop-culture based debates ("Miley Cyrus is worse than Hannah Montana" "The Broncos are the best football team ever") are not acceptable for the Gauntlet. The debate must then start within three days of my approval.Debates will be 4 rounds (with the first round being for declaration of rules and acceptance), and will be 4000 to 8000 characters at the debaters discretion. The voting period can be however long the debaters want, but for the sake of rapid progression of the tournament, the winner will be declared after three days. If the challenger wins, the next topic must be sent to me within three days, and the debate will be started three days later, and so on.So without further ado, let the sign-up begin!Challenger:1.Challenge Tower:
If there aren't enough guards I'll be a backup guard for the tower.