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3RU7AL's avatar
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Atheists deny God in one of a few ways. They either see no evidence for God, or they reject the evidence that is offered, or they don't care enough to seek God because they have not examined their beliefs well enough. 
OR, perhaps they believe "YHWH" IS REAL and just don't give a flying flip.

(IFF) the cosmos is controlled by a megalomaniacal lunatic who demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture (THEN) FUCK THAT GUY.


(IFF) "YHWH" wants to speak to me (THEN) let them SPEAK.

SirAnonymous's avatar
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OR, perhaps they believe "YHWH" IS REAL and just don't give a flying flip.
If they think Yahweh is real, would they still qualify as atheists? It seems to me that someone who believe God is real wouldn't be an atheist because they would believe in the existence of a God, even though they chose to reject him.
3RU7AL's avatar
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If they think Yahweh is real, would they still qualify as atheists?
Most certainly YES.

You can only be considered a THEIST if you follow (subscribe to/adhere to) a specific THEISTIC tradition.

Iff you DON'T subscribe, you are NOT-a-THEIST (ATHEIST).
SirAnonymous's avatar
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SirAnonymous's avatar
Ok. They would definitely be an unusual subset of atheists, since most atheists don't believe in the existence of God.
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
Ok. They would definitely be an unusual subset of atheists, since most atheists don't believe in the existence of God.
Many Atheists I've encountered describe it as more of a non-opinion on the existence of any particular Theistic framework.

Atheism is a worldview in exactly the same way that NOT collecting stamps is a hobby.

Atheism is a worldview in exactly the same way that NOT swimming is a sport.

Atheism is a worldview in exactly the same way that NOT working is an occupation.

Atheism is a worldview in exactly the same way that NOT vandalizing public property is an artistic expression.
3RU7AL's avatar
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If they think Yahweh is real, would they still qualify as atheists?
I believe many organizations are real (even perhaps "good" and "true"), and yet I do not subscribe to them.
Tradesecret's avatar
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(IFF) the cosmos is controlled by a megalomaniacal lunatic who demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture (THEN) FUCK THAT GUY.
I guess this makes every person an atheist then. I certainly don't have any regard for such a depiction of a person. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
-->@3RU7AL wrote: (IFF) the cosmos is controlled by a megalomaniacal lunatic who demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture (THEN) FUCK THAT GUY.
Tradesecret wrote: I certainly don't have any regard for such a depiction of a person. 

 I believe he was talking about your megalomaniac, self serving, vain, sadistic, narcissistic, egotistic, warmongering and jealous god.

I am sure he will correct me if I am wrong..
Tradesecret's avatar
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No doubt really. Yet, I am not an atheist and nor do I serve and worship any god that is described as above.  Which means that his logic is flawed.  

What none of you ever really get is the flip side of the picture you paint. If the presumption that God is good holds true, then God will be seen to be good by those who love him and evil by those who don't. If the presumption is that God is not good but how you describe him, then everyone would see him as evil, and there would no place for good. 

Those opposed to God, don't see the good, refuse to see the good and cannot explain it even if they could see it. 

Those in favor of God, see the good, can explain it and can also see where others are coming from and still see the good and explain it. 

It is easy for someone who does not love God to see him as evil et al.  It is however very rare to see any favorable comments about God from you. Despite the many and overwhelming examples in the bible.   This demonstrates the bias. 

How can such an evil god do any good? That is the question.  And one which is not answered except in a negative manner. In other words, even his goodness is seen as motivated by his own evil agenda. I am not sure if you could even see this if you wanted to . 

zedvictor4's avatar
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If the Christian bible is an accurate account of the will of your god, then Stephens's claims are undeniably correct and your interpretation would therefore be logically flawed.

It's all in the text in black and white, after all.

So are you agreeing that the Christian bible is basically just a human based, supernaturally embellished mythology, and that your god is in fact a god that you personally design, to conform with a set of moral standards that you personally hold?
Lemming's avatar
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"Misotheism is the "hatred of God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective misotheos" - Wikipedia
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

-->@3RU7AL wrote: (IFF) the cosmos is controlled by a megalomaniacal lunatic who demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture (THEN) FUCK THAT GUY.
Tradesecret wrote: I certainly don't have any regard for such a depiction of a person. 

Stephen  wrote:  I believe he was talking about your megalomaniac, self serving, vain, sadistic, narcissistic, egotistic, warmongering and jealous god.

I am sure he will correct me if I am wrong..

I am not an atheist and nor do I serve and worship any god that is described as above.  Which means that his logic is flawed.  

 Well your god freely admits to being jealous and a god of war.Exodus 34:14 & Exodus 15:3, KJV The first 11  commandments are all to do with his ego, narcissism and vanity Exodus 20:1-11. And  it is only after these do we get to the few "thou shalt nots" . 

What none of you ever really get is the flip side of the picture you paint. If the presumption that God is good holds true,

 Yet not one single thing that he and YOU claim he created  is faultless.  Indeed it is full of flaws. In fact he had the brass nerve to say "it was good" >>>>"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Genesis 1:31, when it clearly wasn't. Just for starters, the earth is and always has been an unstable planet., and this instability is bore out by the millions of deaths caused by the earth quakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and land slides, since it came into existence. But then again, this may well be "good" to your god considering that life , human life -  is cheap to him. 

then God will be seen to be good by those who love him and evil by those who don't.

Hope and wishful thinking doesn't make you right. And trying to claim that god doesn't do, or  create, anything evil, is simply denying what your own scriptures have to say.. But again, you are good at contradicting what your own scriptures say aren't you, when there are over 100 biblical verses swearing to the fact that "god created everything in, on and of, the earth".

If the presumption is that God is not good but how you describe him, then everyone would see him as evil, and there would no place for good. 
Don't be so naive. Do you agree with what everyone else has to say about anything. NO you don't.

Those opposed to God, don't see the good, refuse to see the good and cannot explain it even if they could see it. 

I see lots of good in lost of things. But I see lots of bad too and the bad that I read in the bible for instance,  without doubt , outweighs any good that one may be lucky enough to stumble across in its pages. . The OT from almost the offset starts with conflict and it simply gets worse and does't stop till the end. The NT is also beset with conflict, speaks of destruction and ends with torture and murder with predictions of doom thrown in, if it is to be believed.

Those in favor of God, see the good, can explain it and can also see where others are coming from and still see the good and explain it.

 Piffle and rubbish. . You contradict the scriptures to suit your own narrative and make things up. You put words into the mouths of the biblical authors and characters and then presume to discuss what isn't even written or said by either. In short,  you tell lies and  make things up as you go when approached and challenged on almost anything biblical.   

It is easy for someone who does not love God to see him as evil et al.

That is because your god makes it so fkn easy to see him as evil. The threats of death for minor or no reason don't stop coming do they? He sanctions the death of children for nothing less than a wager doesn't he.  He intentionally caused a man to oppose him so he could kill all first born of everything on the planet?  He teased and tested a man to kill his son although he knew full well that the man would be faithful and carry out his wishes . He killed a man simply for steadying and saving the most sacred possession of his "chosen people"!

  It is however very rare to see any favorable comments about God from you.

  Well now you listen to me  princess. That is your job isn't it? You have to cause me to be able to see anything and all things "favourable" about your god. Or  have you forgotten your gods command? Here you are>> "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".Mark 16:15.  

But there is just one problem with that command isn't there.;?  He didn't equip you with the mental tools to be able to answer some of the simplest of questions on all matter biblical, did he.  What a nasty, nasty god he is. .  No, what he did instead was cause the likes of you to torture and put to death anyone that questioned his words  and didn't believe in him;  especially women.

Despite the many and overwhelming examples in the bible. 

Examples of what?  I have challenged many believers her to give me examples of gods " good". Now here is your chance to show us all.  [A] Start a thread on all the good that god/Jesus has done. 

 How can such an evil god do any good?
See [A] above, you can't miss it, it is in BOLD

That is the question. 

 It is and you now you have the opportunity to put your gods case in a brand new thread. 

 In other words, even his goodness is seen as motivated by his own evil agenda. I am not sure if you could even see this if you wanted to . 

 Your gods  "bad"  simply out-weighs any good that one may be lucky enough to stumble on in those ambiguous , contradictory and unreliable scriptures. 
But I await and anticipate your own spellbinding thread on the matter of gods "good".

 And speaking of anticipation, you haven't corrected your false accusations about me on this thread here>.#28

Tradesecret's avatar
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If the Christian bible is an accurate account of the will of your god, then Stephens's claims are undeniably correct and your interpretation would therefore be logically flawed.
Well I deny absolutely that the God of the Bible is megalomaniacal. 

 Psychiatry. a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth, etc.
an obsession with doing extravagant or grand things.
The God of the Bible has not has not been diagnosed with a mental illness, which would be pre-requisite of such a disorder.  The God of the Bible is not marked by delusions of greatness.  If we take the bible to be truthful about anything - it certainly indicates that God created everything. This per se is not a delusion of greatness - it describes greatness. If he made everything - he also owns everything - wealth is not a delusion. He does do grand things - he does awesome things. None of this is delusional.  

You say he is a lunatic. 
(no longer in technical use; now considered offensive) an insane person.
a person whose actions and manner are marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness.
a person legally declared to be of unsound mind and who therefore is not held capable or responsible before the law: a former legal term.
adjective Also lu·nat·i·cal  [loo-nat-i-kuhl] (for defs. 4, 5, 7).
(no longer in technical use; now considered offensive) insane.
characteristic or suggestive of lunacy; wildly or recklessly foolish.
Older Use. designated for or used by the insane:
God is not insane. He is not reckless. He is sound in all of his actions and in all of his thoughts.  

You have nothing to support such ridiculous assertions. 

Furthermore, you say he "demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture". 

Let's leave alone both meglomania and lunatic for a moment. Let's just examine demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture. 

Let's break this up.  Is it wrong to demand or request fealty? When would it be right and when would it be wrong?  Are there times when such a thing is warranted? 

Now let's examine "on pain of eternal torture".  You obviously understand this as Hell.  

I do accept that Hell is real. As I do Heaven.  Yet neither of those are reasons for why I am loyal to God. It has nothing to do with the reward or with the punishment. Incidentals are not the reason why Christians believe what they do. If you think this, then you do not understand the Christian message.  We are often told by the secular mindset that they would do the right thing just because it is the right thing - and not because they get a reward or a punishment for it.  Doing the right thing is enough of a reason to do it. This is  a pretty poor argument if this only applied to secular thinking and not to all people.  Yet, if it applies to all people - then it might hold some water. The Secularist has to accept that Christians and every other religion are capable of doing the same for the  the same reason. And once they do - then the argument of compulsion FALLS over.  And if it does not - then suggesting that anyone does the right thing just because it is right - also fall over. This makes everyone guilty of 
The consequences of ignoring your own conscience is real.  

The other dodgy thing about this comment is - imagine if we applied to this to our own world - and yes I think it is ok to do that. When the government says - do not kill or do not rape or do not have sex with children under the age of consent - if the government says - hey when you break these laws - the implication is - the punishment will - be life in prison or the death penalty or a great big fine - are we able to make the statement - the state demands loyalty to its laws based upon pain of the punishment?" Because that would be the same argument you are making.  But I find it totally incorrect - I will do the right thing because that is what I will do - I will be loyal to the State even though I never voted for them - - not because of the punishment but because it is the right thing to do. 

I take the view that it is the right thing to do to be loyal to the king of kings. He is someone I find totally find worthy to be loyal to.  But you know - even if he was not I would have no reason not to be loyal to him. I am loyal to our current PM - even though I did not vote for him.  I won't vote for him next time either - but the system which is in place is one I find acceptable. And when I look at the bible - I see a system that makes sense to me. 

It is just and it is fair - superfair infact - and full of mercy and forgiveness. 

SirAnonymous's avatar
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SirAnonymous's avatar
"Misotheism is the "hatred of God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective misotheos" - Wikipedia
Thank you. That would be a better description of such a person.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Gods are a standard  imaginary creation that fulfil a particular human need.

Gods can be all things to all men.

Nonetheless if you are prepared to accept the bible warts and all as an accurate account of something, then you must also accept the illogic and contradiction contained therein.

Stephen just enjoys pointing out these flaws.....Pigs and demons are one of his latest issues.

So what is your angle on pigs and demons?
Tradesecret's avatar
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Gods are a standard  imaginary creation that fulfil a particular human need.
Says you - without any evidence. I could say the same thing about atheism. 

Gods can be all things to all men.
Says you again - without any evidence.  

Nonetheless if you are prepared to accept the bible warts and all as an accurate account of something, then you must also accept the illogic and contradiction contained therein.
I accept the bible as God's Word to humanity.  How accurate it is - depends upon who is doing the speaking at any particular time.  For example, the story of Job contains many characters. I do not take the view that the friends of Job are speaking infallibly, even if I do agree that they are speaking from a genuine and good intention.  Nor do I believe that the Pharisees and other rules in Israel are speaking infallibly - although again I try not to judge their reasoning or motives.  I take the view that we ought to consider that most people do things out of a good intention even if they are sincerely wrong in their intention.   

I understand that many people find contradictions in the bible.  I typically start with harmonization because I do think that the bible is in principle the word of God.   This is what scientists do with evolution - they don't see a contradiction as a reason to dismiss it - they see it as a means to ask more questions until they find harmonization.     Harmonization is a natural way people respond to issues to do with their worldview.   Socialists for example never just suddenly dismiss socialism because someone finds a totally glaring evil about it. They just harmonize it. For example - they say - well that is not real socialism. 

Stephen just enjoys pointing out these flaws.....Pigs and demons are one of his latest issues.
Stephen is harmless.  He has a position. It would be nice if he actually put it - rather than trying to assume the mantle of teacher.  He very rarely reveals his sources - it would be nice if he was more transparent. He is also loathe to harshly criticize and is rash to putting people into boxes.   But overall I welcome Stephen's position - I just wish he was not arrogant with his attitude. 

So what is your angle on pigs and demons?

Pigs are created by God - and so are demons.  This is his prerogative. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Pigs are created by God - and so are demons.
Says you without any evidence.

And you are harmless and you have a position too.

And I assume that Stephens' source is the Christian Bible and his interpretation thereof...Just as yours is.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Yes, well said squire. 

My evidence of course is documentary evidence - the Bible - where it says that God created all things. 

As for me being harmless - absolutely. 
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

-->@zedvictor4 wrote: Stephen just enjoys pointing out these flaws.....Pigs and demons are one of his latest issues.

Stephen is harmless.  He has a position. It would be nice if he actually put it - rather than trying to assume the mantle of teacher. 

I think that you will find most of my threads concerning the scriptures, god, and Christianity are all question based. This is because I want and do expect answers.  Teachers do not seek answers as a rule.

He very rarely reveals his sources - it would be nice if he was more transparent.
 My sources all come from the scriptures. I scrutinise , question and criticize the scriptures.  If for some reason I have to gather support from other - outside - sources, I will ALWAYS produce those sources,  even though when I do so, my  outside sources are always dismissed for any amount of reasons although they may have come from learned scholars and academics in the theological field AND indeed the clergy of the church. Example :  From priests who call them selves "father " and are addressed as such, although the bible clearly states that we should call "no one father".  Matthew 23:9.    And also teachers that call themselves "Rabbi" though Jesus himself said "you are not to be called 'Rabbi"Matthew 23:8. We are told to honour our father and mother and not to curse them on one hand, yet, on the other , the same person tell us:

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple".Luke 14:26

I can't wait for your interpretation of that little christian biblical dilemma.

And when a disciple told Jesus the his mother- the blessed virgin Mary herself - and brothers and sisters wanted to speak with him , he offered this rebuff:"Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" Matthew 12:48. Honour thy father and mother eh.? Right. I see

He is also loathe to harshly criticize and is rash to putting people into boxes. 

I do freely admit to criticizing the scriptures and your god. I also scrutinise closely as I possibly as I  can what is written and purported  to have been said by each and every character that I happen to be questioning and scrutinizing at the time. I think you just don't like the fact that I highlight the glaring faults (and some not so glaring) that your so called holy texts have to offer as "gospel truth".

But overall I welcome Stephen's position - I just wish he was not arrogant with his attitude. 

It would be nice of you not to put words into the mouths of the authors and the characters in the scriptures and the proceed to discuss what no one ever has written and no one has ever said in the scriptures. Example,  making up the BS that to "curse"  in the bible means to kill ones parents Leviticus 20:9. This was just a blatant lie but you made pages of posts trying to prove this to be true.
SO. Any arrogance comes from you believers, you actually believe that you know something all the unbelievers don't know and proceed to convince unbelievers of what it is you believe you know. and I suppose that all goes swimmingly until, that is, you are called out and caught cold on something that you have tried to pass of as "gospel truth", simply doesn't ring true, and then out pour the excuses, the reinterpretations, the rewriting and the outright lies.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar

-->@zedvictor4 wrote: Stephen just enjoys pointing out these flaws.....Pigs and demons are one of his latest issues.

Stephen is harmless.  He has a position. It would be nice if he actually put it - rather than trying to assume the mantle of teacher. 

I think that you will find most of my threads concerning the scriptures, god, and Christianity are all question based. This is because I want and do expect answers.  Teachers do not seek answers as a rule.

The point of teaching is to teach.  Seeking answers is a normal way of assessing whether students have in fact leant.  You have indicated on occasion that you don't like people asking you questions.  You like to ask questions. You don't like to answer questions. In fact you become irate when I have asked you questions. 

He very rarely reveals his sources - it would be nice if he was more transparent.
 My sources all come from the scriptures. I scrutinise , question and criticize the scriptures.  If for some reason I have to gather support from other - outside - sources, I will ALWAYS produce those sources,  even though when I do so, my  outside sources are always dismissed for any amount of reasons although they may have come from learned scholars and academics in the theological field AND indeed the clergy of the church. Example :  From priests who call them selves "father " and are addressed as such, although the bible clearly states that we should call "no one father".  Matthew 23:9.    And also teachers that call themselves "Rabbi" though Jesus himself said "you are not to be called 'Rabbi"Matthew 23:8. We are told to honour our father and mother and not to curse them on one hand, yet, on the other , the same person tell us:

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple".Luke 14:26

I can't wait for your interpretation of that little christian biblical dilemma.

You put questions.  This is true.  And it is fair to say that you put questions from the bible - questions that have been raised in your mind.  You do not always produce your sources -  very often I have asked and not received.    Most of your response here is WAFFEL. And does not deserve a response.  Many times I have asked for your source and you refuse to provide it. I cannot recall even one source you have provided that I criticized. Please provide an example. 

He is also loathe to harshly criticize and is rash to putting people into boxes. 

I do freely admit to criticizing the scriptures and your god. I also scrutinise closely as I possibly as I  can what is written and purported  to have been said by each and every character that I happen to be questioning and scrutinizing at the time. I think you just don't like the fact that I highlight the glaring faults (and some not so glaring) that your so called holy texts have to offer as "gospel truth".
I never show concern about faults - and freely acknowledge the same when I miss them . An example recently occurred when the Brother showed Elizabeth's Levitical background which I had strongly denied. I was wrong and freely admitted it.  I am not going to admit something you have not proved. 
But overall I welcome Stephen's position - I just wish he was not arrogant with his attitude. 

It would be nice of you not to put words into the mouths of the authors and the characters in the scriptures and the proceed to discuss what no one ever has written and no one has ever said in the scriptures. Example,  making up the BS that to "curse"  in the bible means to kill ones parents Leviticus 20:9. This was just a blatant lie but you made pages of posts trying to prove this to be true.
SO. Any arrogance comes from you believers, you actually believe that you know something all the unbelievers don't know and proceed to convince unbelievers of what it is you believe you know. and I suppose that all goes swimmingly until, that is, you are called out and caught cold on something that you have tried to pass of as "gospel truth", simply doesn't ring true, and then out pour the excuses, the reinterpretations, the rewriting and the outright lies.
Ok. But you should not make assumptions either which are contrary to what the teaching of the church has indicated was said. I in most parts are merely passing on the teaching of what i have received.  I do not have an agenda. I really don't.   
Stephen's avatar
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You have indicated on occasion that you don't like people asking you questions.

 No true at all . And you cannot give me one example.  But regardless  I will then make yet another declaration just for you.


I welcome any and all questions that are relevant to any and all threads that I create and or take part in. Now cut that out and keep it should I fail to live up to that / MY. declaration.

  You like to ask questions.

Yes. And? 

You don't like to answer questions.
see Declaration; above

In fact you become irate when I have asked you questions. 

 Not if they are relevant to the thread. I admit to getting annoyed when YOU deliberately swerve and divert purposefully from the theme of a  thread, especially when you cannot answer the question. . A very recent example of your diversionary behaviour can be seen here bottom of post  here>>#28 and here #30, where  on both those post I had to remind not to divert to something  that has nothing to do with the theme/topic of the thread,  and worse still, something that was ALREADY  being discussed and argued  on another thread. You ignored this, twice

You put questions.  This is true.  And it is fair to say that you put questions from the bible - questions that have been raised in your mind.

 No. I put  questions that have been raised because of what is written and or been said in and of in the scriptures as shown above.

  You do not always produce your sources -  very often I have asked and not received. 

 The bible is usually my source of queries. You just don't know your scripture enough to realise that.  And something else that you always fail to realise, is that I don't have to prove anything.. at all,  concerning the unreliable and ambiguous scriptures. That is your job unfortunately. But you haven't been equipped to deal with such deep and probing questions have you? or even simple ones. You have just had the scriptures read to you and told which page to turn to, haven't you? You have never really been given the chance to question, and probe and scrutinize these unreliable and ambiguous scriptures for yourself, have you? Or you don't know how to. 

 Most of your response here is WAFFEL. And does not deserve a response.

Then simply do not respond. I don't care either way.


 Many times I have asked for your source and you refuse to provide it.

" many" . Ok give me one.

I cannot recall even one source you have provided that I criticized. Please provide an example. 

 That's your job, you are making the accusation and the claim. Show me where I have not given sources for what I have claimed. You can't can you. 

Ok. But you should not make assumptions either which are contrary to what the teaching of the church has indicated was said.

YOU speak here of assumptions.
 So we cannot assume that John was baptised and given authority by god?  We cannot assume that the one authorized to baptise or  performing the baptismal rite should have FIRST been baptised himself?  YOU make assumption continually, you goddamn hypocrite!

we I in most parts are merely passing on the teaching of what i have received. 

Yes I gathered that. But expect to be called out on what it is that you have "received" and  are "passing on" and stop crying about it when you are. And it is apparent to me that you are simply   not questioning for yourself what it is that  you have  "received" and  are "passing on" before you have "passed it on"!

I do not have an agenda. I really don't.   

 You do. You have admitted as much  right there above. You are passing on the word of your god, That is your agenda.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".Mark 16:15
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
What none of you ever really get is the flip side of the picture you paint. If the presumption that God is good holds true, then God will be seen to be good by those who love him and evil by those who don't.
Why did "YHWH" create hell?
3RU7AL's avatar
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Is it wrong to demand or request fealty? When would it be right and when would it be wrong?  Are there times when such a thing is warranted? 
Loyalty and respect must be EARNED.

It cannot be DEMANDED.

The other dodgy thing about this comment is - imagine if we applied to this to our own world - and yes I think it is ok to do that. When the government says - do not kill or do not rape or do not have sex with children under the age of consent - if the government says - hey when you break these laws - the implication is - the punishment will - be life in prison or the death penalty or a great big fine - are we able to make the statement - the state demands loyalty to its laws based upon pain of the punishment?"
This is an excellent observation and highlights a key distinction between your DOGMATIC (authoritarian) thinking and the alternative.
FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar
Albert Einstein:  “The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change this.”

Stephen Hawking:  “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation,” he said“What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”
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"Misotheism is the "hatred of God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective misotheos" - Wikipedia
Thank you. That would be a better description of such a person.
It seems unlikely that such a person would self-identify as a "misotheist".
SirAnonymous's avatar
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SirAnonymous's avatar
I agree. Even people who fit the label probably wouldn't identify themselves as such.
3RU7AL's avatar
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The "existence" of "YHWH" is immaterial.

What matters is whether or not "the holy scripture" is a practical guide to my daily life.

At this point I am unable to decipher any practical "wisdom" from this particular book.
Mopac's avatar
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(IFF) the cosmos is controlled by a megalomaniacal lunatic who demands my fealty on pain of eternal torture (THEN) FUCK THAT GUY.
If reality doesn't conform to your fantasies about what reality should be, and you refuse to accept anything other than your own will, it naturally follows that you will be in torment. Self will only leads to suffering. Surrendering to God's will, making peace with reality, even loving it and being thankful is the only way to overcome this suffering. Otherwise, it is impossible to abide in hell and not despair.

The only thing rejecting God does is perpetuate a despondancy which can only be cured by loving God.

Stephen's avatar
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Surrendering to God's will,

 Sounds all very Islamic, doesn't it? 
Mopac's avatar
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Mopac's avatar
Orthodox Christianity is true Islam.

 أيها الرب يسوع المسيح ابن الله, إرحمني أنا الخاطئ