Morality - Is Atheism More Reasonable than Theism?

Author: PGA2.0


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Proponents of "Creation Science", who hold to the belief that the planet Earth is only about 6,000 years old, preach that the vast sedimentary deposits of the Earth's crust were deposited during Noah's flood and that all the fossils found within that strata are the result of creatures that died during that flood. The Scriptures, the Earth's geology, and a little reasoning and common sense expose the fallacy of that false belief system. If these mountains existed before Noah's flood (which the Bible says they did), and these mountains were formed from uplifted sediments containing fossils (go climb a mountain and see them with your own eyes), then the creatures that these fossils came from all died sometime long BEFORE the great flood.
From a young-earth perspective, any mountains that existed before the Flood would have additional layering to them from the Flood or from activity that happened before or after the Flood, like the pushing up of the crust of the earth as is thought of by folding or young mountain chains from tectonic plates or deposits from volcanos. 

There is evidence to believe the fossil record is mostly from the Cambrian Explosion onwards. Thus, you have vast numbers of dead things buried in rock layers throughout the earth not found below this level or layering. 

In the Appalachian mountain range, you can see deep road cuts exposing repeating sequences of coal, sandstone, siltstone, shale, coal again, shale, etc. The presence of neat, multiple seams of coal in the sequence indicates periods of time when the surface of the land was above sea level, allowing vegetation to flourish, die, and accumulate.
According to the Bible, Noah's flood only lasted one year; therefore, it is impossible for these strata to have been formed by a single global flood event. These formations are orderly and well differentiated, which is uncharacteristic of deposits left by rapid flooding and deposition. In many locations these sequences, which originally formed in a horizontal position, are now tilted at various angles; some are now vertical and others have been found to be turned upside down. The tectonic processes to accomplish this require millions of years. You can be sure it occurred long before Noah's days, not during a one-year flood.
Ussher's biblical timeline is not the only one used in determining the creation. Some believe the timeline has gaps in it, and the age of the earth is older than that but still young compared to the current scientific paradigm. Regardless, I am not going to get into these long-winded discussions in this thread. There are various anomalies to the current thought pattern that pose problems for evolutionists.  
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Why did God create pediatric cancer? I am sure you will say He did it to display his glory and power.  Steve Hawking was confined to a wheel chair and 
was an atheist and he enjoyed life. He didn't believe in God and said an idea of an afterlife is "a fairy story."
He said “After my expectations were reduced to zero, every new day became a bonus. And I began to appreciate everything I did have.” 
“I don’t have much positive to say about motor neuron disease. But it taught me not to pity myself, because others were worse off and to get on with what I still could do."
Remember that he was on The Big Bang Theory a number of times.
Cancer is a result of the Fall, where God cursed the earth and barred humanity from living forever onwards by preventing Adam from eating the tree of life. Over the millennium, the earth has been slowly deteriorating from its pristine condition before the Fall. God has a reason for allowing humanity to experience good and evil, as was the consequence of Adams's decision in the Garden that resulted in the evil. Death and dying alert us to the problem that we only have so much time on this earth. Because of it, some people reach out to God and find Him.  

Again, you appeal to an authority who is not one concerning the Bible. 

Stephen Hawkin's belief is between him and God. He made the wrong choice if he did not repent and find God. And his classification of the Bible and God as a "fairy story" I take as no more worth in than in his subjective opinion. 
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“The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change this.” -Albert Einstein 1954
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I'm guessing you believe that men have one fewer rib than women.
zedvictor4's avatar
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I believe very little, but I accept things as possibilities.

It's possible that the Modern Bible is accurate down to the last detail....But highly unlikely.

And "belief" is a dodgy self-contradicting word, that is often used without consideration.
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PGA2.0 909
[Paragraph 2]
[Paragraph 3]
What we run into is the NaturalisticFallacy, defining morality in terms of natural properties.[323] Natural properties are tangible properties. You can't grab hold of goodness. It has no tangible qualities. It is an abstract concept. A value has to have a valuer. Nature, in itself, has no valuer. That valuer has to be the ideal or else we have nothing fixed to measure values against. Without the ideal, the best, values are turned on their head and become illogical.[324]
Paragraph 2 :  If there is something relevant there I have not addressed yet, please point it out to me. Just to illustrate the irrelevancy of one of your questions : “But how can they prescribe the good, the right, the morally just and righteous from what is?”
You could be asking for a mechanism : How can humans control their vocal cords, lungs, tongue and jaw to produce the specific series of sounds that have by convention the meaning of an ought. However, with your worldview you can't explained that either.
You could be asking why the oughts expressed by atheists are binding. However, no atheist in this thread has said they are. You would again be ASSUMING atheists hold a positions that suits you.
You on the other hand claim that your oughts, that you allegedly got from God, are binding. So, go ahead and prove that.

Paragraph 3 : If there is something relevant there I have not addressed yet, please point it out to me. You repeated several bald assertions, despite having complained two paragraphs before that I had made a claim without supporting it.

[323] Who is that 'we' that falls into the naturalistic fallacy and why should we care what they fall into ?
[324] Are those three claims facts of just your personal opinions ?

If you have your brain on, then you should know that these 4 paragraphs I responded to, are considered by your debate opponents to be garbage. They feel flooded by garbage. You may not see it as garbage, but they do. Do you think that is a way to convince them ? Assuming not, why are you doing that ? I am sure that, assuming your position were superior, when your brain is switched on, you could come up with a strategy that should be less ineffektive at convincing them.

PGA2.0  85 to 3RU7AL
But beyond that distinction, only moral beings can make ought statements, but how did we first cross the divide to get an ought from an is, that is matter, the physical universe, in the case of naturalism or atheism, where a personal being is excluding as the beginning link of the chain?[39] Somehow we got from an is to an ought through naturalistic means according to naturalism, devoid of God/gods.
[39] Indeed we did. See [10] in post 798.
How did we get from an is to an ought according to you ?[*]
PGA2.0 909
[39] What I believe Hume was saying is that we cannot derive the moral from the amoral.
[*] Ought derives from a necessary mindful being - God.[325]
We were derived from the ought, a necessary mindful being - that simple (Occam's Razor). We don't have to go through all kinds of complicated explanations of how things happened.[326] Very simply, God spoke, and it was so. He said, let there be light, and there was light. He said, 'Let Us make humanity in our image and likeness,' and it happened according to His will, His agency, His intent.[327]
[325] You dodged the question. How does ought derive from God ? Does God commanding something make it an ought ? Non-necessary beings can also command things. Does God's nature make something an ought ? Non-necessary beings also have a nature.
[326] Unless we want to understand how things happened.
[327] How and when did that happen, God speaking ? Was it air he filled with his speach ? How did that speach cause that what was so ? How did it become so ? How did light come to be ? How did humanity come to be ?

PGA2.0  85 to 3RU7AL
The biblical God is described as an omniscient, unchanging, omnipotent, eternal God. Thus, that revealed Being has what is necessary for us to know what is good and we have the best to compare values against, provided He exists.[40] Without Him or such an omniscient, unchanging, eternal, omnipotent God what is your fixed standard? Let us test its sufficiency and reasonableness. That is all I ask of you. Since you claim to be a deist, describe why your god out does my God in reasonableness.
[40] You again forgot to mention the reference standard to avoid clarity (the Christian's enemy). [a]Assuming you implicitely meant God's moral standard, then [b] so what ? [c] Adolf Hitler (AH) was neccesary for us to know what is good according to AH and [d] we have what is best according to AH to compare values against. [e] Without AH, what is your perishable standard? [f] Let us test its sufficiency and reasonableness. That is all I ask of you. Since you are a theist, describe why your God outdoes AH.
PGA2.0  913
[complaints that do not appear addressed at me]
[Reminder of thread topic]
Defend your belief.[328]

[a] The Christian God is the only God I believe in, and the only one I defend. I have stated that to you and others before.

[b] So what, you say?
You forget so soon - "The biblical God is described as an omniscient, unchanging, omnipotent, eternal God. Thus, that revealed Being has what is necessary for us to know what is good..."

[c] Hitler's view is subjective and relative and does not have what is necessary for us to know the good.[329] It begs why his opinion is any better than anyone else's.[330] Since you make the charge, how do you think it was good?[331] It is nothing more than preference unless he can provide a universal, unchanging reference point.[332] Did he demonstrate that regarding the Jews, Gypsies, gays, the disabled, political opposition and his handling of them?[333] Are you saying what Hitler did was good?[334] Are you saying that the dehumanizing, discriminating, and torturing done against these groups by putting them to death in mass was good? Is that your point? Can you justify it?

You seem to think that just because someone can state something as 'good' makes it so for that person.[335] [ . . . ]

[d] According to him? How is Hitler's opinion about good best? Why does he become the best standard?[336] Show me his opinion was the one we should all follow because it is necessary.[337]

[e] It is not perishable, providing this God exists, and it is reasonable to believe He exists. The biblical standard, the Ten Commandments, has what is necessary and is sensible to believe.[338] The commands that apply to human beings (e.g., murder, stealing, lying, coveting, adultery, honouring parents) are found in most cultures of this world. The ones that neglect them are unlivable, such as Nazi Germany.[339]

[f] Are you justifying Hitler's standard as good?[340] If so, show me how it is good. I gave you what was necessary for anything other than mere opinion - 1) a revealed Being who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, immutable, eternal, 2) is the fixed standard that is best that no better can be used in the comparison. Hilter is a relative being whose standards changed during his limited life. He was not necessary for morality since people before and after him have different views on what is good that contradict his views.[341] That begs why he was right in his assessment. Show me he was, that what he did SHOULD be done by everyone because it is morally good to torture, kill, and dehumanize those groups that he did not like or value. Are you willing to have a formal debate on Hitler's standard as being the ultimate standard, you defending that position, or are you making a point you cannot defend adequately?[342]
[328] What belief ? I believe in nature. If that was a point of contention, you should have made that clear. In stead of complaining, you should ask demonstration only of claims your opponents actually made and question beliefs they actually hold. You should also support your bald assertions when challenged.
[b] You are mistaken, for I haven't forgotten.
Why can you not see the futility of your response ? You present a conclusion that God is good according how own moral standard (= good GM), a conclusion I don't see the relevance of. So, your explanation for it's supposed relevance is that the Bible claims God is good GM.
PGA2.0 : “God is good GM.”
Amoranemix : “What relevance does it have that God is good GM?”
PGA2.0 : “You forget so soon. The Bible says that God is necessary to know what is good GM.”

That red herring you present after having deemed it necessary to explain what this thread is about! Apparently you still don't understand, but this thread is not about whether the Bible says that we need God to know what is good GM.

[c, 329] To avoid clarity (the Christian's enemy) you again omitted mentioning the reference moral standard, but perhaps you meant God's moral standard.
[330] Is that a fact or just your personal opinion ?
[331] In our debate on, in the interest of confusion (the skeptic's enemy) you also systematically omitted to mention reference moral standards. After a complaint of mine, you said you referred to God's moral standard. So I started assuming that is what you usually were referring to. That lead to ridiculous questions like the following one :
PGA2.0 : “Since you make the charge, how do you think Hitler's opinion was good GM?”
Dude, I don't believe in God and I don't believe Hitler's opinion is good GM.
If you had used half of your brain while it was switched on, you would have known your question made no sense.
[332] One could assume that God's preference is unchanging, but that it is universal needs to be demonstrated. However, you won't do that. You just claim and assert and claim some more. You also ask questions.
[333] I am confident Adolf Hitler didn't care about showing that.
[334] Am I claiming that what Hitler did was good GM ? Turn on your brain and answer that question and your following questions yourself.

[335] Appearances can be deceiving.

[d] Best according to AH, sure, by conforming what is best to AH's standard of quality.
[336] Presumably AH likes his standard being the best. Therefore he made it the best according to himself.
[337] Show it yourself.

[e, 338] You are claiming again. Why should we believe ? Your answer : more claims. Why should we believe those ? Your answer : even more claims. And those claims then ? Then you start recycling previous claims, creating a loop of bald assertions.
Look, skeptics are very gullible, but not gullible enough to believe you.
Skeptics reason : PGA2.0's claims look false, sound false and smell false. Maybe they are false.
[339] So what ? The cultures that neglect the Universal Charts of Human Rights, like Nazi Germany, are worse of.

[f, 340] It is hard to image a reference moral standard for which your question is not stupid.
For the rest of your paragraph, please demonstrate the relevant claims that are true. That shouldn't be much work.
[341] What you are forgetting is that God is not necessary as there are people who have different views on what is good that contradict his views. That begs the questions on whether he is right in his assesment. Show me he is, that what he does SHOULD be done by everyone because it is morally good to kill people who don't worship him, blame people for the sins committed by their ancestors and enslave people as compensation for war damages.
[342] Stop pretending to be stupid. I don't believe in that ultimate morality nonsense. Im am merely using AH as a parody.

3RU7AL's avatar
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PGA2.0 : “You forget so soon. The Bible says that God is necessary to know what is good GM.”
Case closed.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
"Atheists believe in atheism"???
ATHEISM is NOT a belief.
Yes, it is. That is a claim. A claim is a belief. This assertion/claim believes something, and that something is about God/gods. Atheism is a worldview of beliefs devoid of God or gods. An atheist looks to naturalism, humanism, science and scientism for his/her answers.

the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

A person who knows enough to disbelieve in God or gods substitutes that belief with another. So, even such a disbelief is not devoid of belief in something else. You are only fooling yourself and the gullible with such a claim. 

Atheists lack belief in concepts???
Specifically they lack belief in at least one or more concepts of "god".
You have all kinds of concepts of God or gods. You know the type of god I am speaking of when I speak of the Christian God. You understand such a God to be a trinity. 

Atheists might accept logical concepts...???
Sure, an ATHEIST might accept the concept of "Spinoza's god", for example.
He might have disavowed the concept of there being a personal God, but he certainly knew there was such a concept. So, he has beliefs about such a God. He even speaks of the angry Jewish God, or the Christian incarnation, so he was aware of this God; he had concepts of what such a God is like, even though he grossly misrepresents God.  And how well does his concept stand up to the scrutiny of a god being impersonal? 

3RU7AL's avatar
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ATHEISM is NOT a belief.
Yes, it is. That is a claim.
No. ATHEISM is simply a proclamation that I am personally UNCONVINCED.

Being unconvinced of something is not a claim that the counter-proposal is necessarily "false".
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A person who knows enough to disbelieve in NANABOZHO or BRAHMAN substitutes that belief with another.

Are you an ATHEIST because you lack faith in NANABOZHO?

Are you an ATHEIST because you lack faith in BRAHMAN?


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A person who knows enough to disbelieve in THE DEEP-STATE-CONSPIRACY or THE MYSTERIOUS FORCE ILLUMINATI substitutes that belief with another.

Are you an "ATHEIST" because you lack faith in THE DEEP-STATE-CONSPIRACY?

Are you an "ATHEIST" because you lack faith in THE MYSTERIOUS FORCE ILLUMINATI?


3RU7AL's avatar
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Sure, an ATHEIST might accept the concept of "Spinoza's god", for example.
He might have disavowed the concept of there being a VOLTRON, but he certainly knew there was such a concept. So, he has beliefs about such a VOLTRON. He even speaks of the angry Jewish VOLTRON, or the Christian incarnation, so he was aware of this VOLTRON; he had concepts of what such a VOLTRON is like, even though he grossly misrepresents VOLTRON.  And how well does his concept stand up to the scrutiny of a VOLTRON being impersonal? 

It's important to remember that just because someone knows what a VOLTRON is, that doesn't mean they necessarily think VOLTRON IS REAL.
PGA2.0's avatar
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All such evidence relies on how you interpret the data. You come to the data from a particular worldview. Thus, you look for evidence that supports such a worldview. You rely on the supposition the present is the key to interpreting the past because that is what we are left with. Many of these models work on a specific worldview that depends on anomalies that do become too many. Once that happens, as witnessed many times in our distant past's scientific inquiry, the model or paradigm is thrown out, and a better one is employed. If there is no better model, the current one with all its anomalies is continued.   
[a] Wrong! You don't base the evidence on ANY presuppositions. [b] The only two presuppositions you have to necessarily assume to get anywhere is that our reality is true, and [c] that logic is real, nothing else is necessary. [d] The model that is "current" is the model that has the most explanatory power, [e] the one that is the best, we work towards that best explanation, and this is currently it.
[a] So, you tell me you have no presuppositions of the Christian/biblical God? 

[b] And how would you know what is the true reality? You assume. Are you the determiner of what is true regarding origins? Please don't give me that BS. Are you the determiner of what is right, what is moral? Take a specific moral right. For instance, please tell me then what is your belief about abortion. Is it right for a woman to kill an innocent unborn human being for any reason she deems fit? 

[c] Without considering the other possibility, is it logical to say no God or gods? 

[d] The current model (presuming you speak of the Big Bang) does not necessarily exclude belief in God. The universe coming into being does not necessarily exclude God as the reason for its existence. At least belief in God is reasonable. A chance happenstance universe is not. There lacks a reason for such a universe. 

[e] Best, in your sense, is a relative term. It changes. You are actually saying that the best human beings have come up with to date, or more precisely, better than all the rest to date. Thus, I would argue that your model is not the best for two reasons. A better model is possible, and why should I believe your subjective opinion (nothing more than a preference concerning morality) has what is necessary for objectivity?

It works with the current, the present, or the past, not necessarily in the future. Best in the highest degree could become just another better than previous models but not better than the current model with another paradigm shift. So, for you, the best is only the best to date. 

With morality, you see a continual shifting back and forth between what is believed to be good and right. Abortion is right; abortion is wrong; capital punishment is right; capital punishment is wrong; homosexuality is right; homosexuality is wrong. And you have big tech and big government pushing the boundaries of censorship so that only their view is acceptable on any given subject. The banning of freedom of speech and censoring the President on Twitter is a case in point, but it goes way deeper than that. It appears there is nothing big tech will not do to get its way in indoctrinating the masses, now that there is such a powerful platform of influence - the WWW. Big tech is surveilling and threatening Parler now, yet it leaves up voices far more radical and hateful than anything displayed by President Trump or those on Parler. What a hypocritical double standard. 

Is that the kind of country you want to live in?  

What specifically do you want me to glean from these links? I could provide you with hundreds of links that question such views, and we could then get into a link war where nothing is stated, and hundreds of pages have to be read without a point being identified. I read your first and second links and noticed some of the language used is opinionated, speculative, not factual. 
You took two sources and cherry-picked specific things that would align with your version of events, these things did most likely occur, you provide no discredit besides cherry-picking and not understanding how science works. Science isn't a collection of facts, its the observation of reality, and the scientific method is a process for finding the best and most verified version of that. 
I took the posts and noted the highly speculative language involved, the language of what if and maybe, the language of possibility, not a certainty. 

Science is verifiable and repeatable; scientism is not. What we are dealing with in this discussion are events that happened before humanity existed. Thus, there was no human to witness such events. Therefore they are interpreted. 

In fact, neither of these are speculative, they are saying, "We thought this, we were wrong, and here's why" that's not speculative, [a] you should change your mind based ont he most rational and reasonable explanation, your entire point isn't' even a good one, [b] its just one that doesn't understand how basic proof works, as I have already pointed out. Link your sources, they have to actually be credible to be worth any merit, conspiracy nuts aren't credible.
[a] That is just the point. Is your point of view the most rational and reasonable explanation? Look at where you begin when you trace the causal tree of existence back to its starting point - blind, random, chance happenstance. What is reasonable about that? Your whole worldview is constructed on this premise. That is your core belief, the one you form your entire worldview from, the one everything else rests upon and is supported by. 

[b] What is illogical about the Christian God? From a necessary mind comes other contingent minds. From necessary life comes contingent life. From a necessary intelligent and logical mind comes other intelligent and logical contingent minds. And what do we ever witness? We see that life comes from the living, not from something non-living. We see that logical beings come from other logical beings. We see that beings capable of love and reason are derived from other beings with the same attributes. We do not see otherwise, yet this is what you believe. Thus, it is not me who is being inconsistent and illogical. I believe it is you who created the fairy tale.   

Both links are highly speculative, folks. Where are the facts? You have scientists reconstructing what they believe are models of the past while working solely from the present. They don't observe the original conditions. They recreate them on lots of suppositions. When the anomalies pile up to a critical point, the models are rejected in favour of what scientists consider better models. And you put all your faith in these models and these scientists because you think they are better than the biblical mode
There are like 6 sources! Did you ignore them? No? You just found cherry-picked sentences that taken out of context can be construed to fit your narrative? Hmm... it almost reminds me of how you quote the bible, not the point however, they reconstruct what were the past models to the best anyone can demonstrate, if you have better demonstrations, go ahead, [a] demonstrate with empirical data and logically sound reasoning what you think the past was like because you have no scientific authority, reconstructing things is how we have made a vast leap in medical progress, technology etcetera, again, a basic misunderstanding of science. 
See my post in which I gave several facts, and then you dispute them as facts, plus show your view as reasonable with better evidence concerning origins, as we are doing here with the origins of morality. 

[a] You speak of scientific authority (your appeal to authority), but in the case of origins of the universe, origins of morality, origins of human existence, what you are really working with is scientism.  Please educate yourself on this subject. 

A catastrophic event - millions of fossils buried in rock layers throughout the earth. 

Are there millions, billions, of fossils in rock layers throughout the earth? 

Is a catastrophic event or events necessary for this to happen? 

I will wait until you answer those two questions before replying. 
No no no, you have to prove that this was caused by one global flood, that's not evidence of anything, you've thrown out a bunch of points without linking anything else.

Edit: Not linking as in sourcing, linking as in link a fact to a conclusion logically
Deflection or stonewalling aimed at taking control away from the speaker (me) asking the questions. I explained from a previous post and backed up my claim; I asked if there were millions/billions of fossils in the rock layers throughout the earth. Is that reasonable to believe? Then I asked if catastrophism was a reasonable or more plausible cause of such happenings? If not, what are you proposing, millions/billions of animals and plants slowly decomposing away in a plain or valley all over the world that slowly fossilized? For what reason? 

Do you deny that catastrophism is necessary for the fossil record as we have it? Where are your links and sourcing you accuse me of neglecting? Instead of answering the questions, you make a big hullabaloo and avoidance of answering the questions. Another way to answering this mush is by charging the Tu quoque Fallacy. Thus, a possible resource would be to ignore your posts as my prerogative until you address these questions. But I do not usually operate in such a manner unless the rhetoric becomes highly volatile or unproductive. 
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Sure, an ATHEIST might accept the concept of "Spinoza's god", for example.
He might have disavowed the concept of there being a VOLTRON, but he certainly knew there was such a concept. So, he has beliefs about such a VOLTRON. He even speaks of the angry Jewish VOLTRON, or the Christian incarnation, so he was aware of this VOLTRON; he had concepts of what such a VOLTRON is like, even though he grossly misrepresents VOLTRON.  And how well does his concept stand up to the scrutiny of a VOLTRON being impersonal? 

It's important to remember that just because someone knows what a VOLTRON is, that doesn't mean they necessarily think VOLTRON IS REAL.

Then he would have had a belief about what "Voltron" is before he could deny the concept of such a thing as an actuality. He could not deny something he had no beliefs about. Thus, he had a belief about Voltron before he denied it. The same is true of atheism. There has not been an atheist on this site I have corresponded with who did not have beliefs about gods or God (capital G meaning the Christian God as the true God) in their denial of the said gods/God. Thus, atheism is a belief system. It denies one form of belief to accept another, but it understands both and has beliefs about both systems of belief
3RU7AL's avatar
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There has not been an atheist on this site I have corresponded with who did not have beliefs about gods or God (capital G meaning the Christian God as the true God) in their denial of the said gods/God.
This claim is demonstrably FALSE.

I remain UNCONVINCED that "YHWH" is real.

In exactly the same way that you are UNCONVINCED that "BRAHMAN" is real.

Definition of belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing [LINK]

I do NOT have "a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in any particular concept of a god".
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
First, you cut off the rest of my thought. Why did you not include it?  

Not allowing or not possible.
Because it's A) An informal colloquial definition, and B) Redundant
I don't know the rest of the conversation from what you have supplied once again.

Fact or presupposition? You were not there. I agree that one event, the Flood, almost destroyed all life on earth. How does that event disprove the earth was made for life? Where else in the universe do you find the conditions NECESSARY for life? If the earth was not life-permitting, why is there life on it? The fact is that the earth is life-permitting, and you do find life here and so far nowhere else that we know of in the universe. Furthermore, if the conditions were not right, the universe would not even be here. If the natural laws were not precise, the universe would not exist. Regarding thermodynamics, why has it not died a heat death? 

As for the theory of everything, "God is the reason" is reasonable, for a reason is a mindful process. 
I did include that part, I broke it up into sections to question your individual claims, but suuure, let's do this instead. [a] Again, fact, "1A thing that is known or proved to be true" Not a presupposition, that would be you with god. [b] Again, you haven't proven a global flood, so let's not even go there, and [c] the fact that a PERFECT, OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, etc, etc being made this world to support life, ANY mistakes or flaws should cause  room to doubt, and the massive fuck up that is this earth, [d] which is barely life-supporting because so many one-things, could kill almost everything, is even further evidence that it was not created to support life and merely, happens to. 

Also, that last sentence, makes literally no sense, what do you mean? 
[a] First off, you do not know that the biblical God is not a fact. You presuppose He is not, just like you presuppose the conditions of the earth millions and billions of years ago, based on a popular paradigm that has many theories attached. When speaking of origins, your worldview is not based on fact, but on the interpretation of evidence, just like mine is. But, this is one important but, when you look at the reasonableness of your core presuppositions (the beliefs your whole worldview hinge upon or is constructed upon) compared to mine, yours are not reasonable experientially or internally logically consistent either. 

[b] You haven't proven a non-biblical flood either. From your particular paradigm, the evidence seems reasonable to you. There are many hurdles to overcome that your worldview cannot make sense when it speaks of origins. 

[c] The Fall is a reasonable explanation of why things are the way they are, as I have pointed out on several occasions. That involves a human being's choice that goes contrary to God's good command. The result is that God lets humanity find out how it is to live without always experiencing His guidance and moral good. He imposes restrictions on the earth that affect our lives. We are only allowed so much time to find the true purpose and meaning or be separated from it. 

[d] Many have made a note of the anthropic principle that things are just right for life in this one tiny spot of the universe and nowhere else that we know of (the Goldilocks effect). 

""God is the reason" is reasonable," That is circular reasoning if If I've ever seen it, and "For a reason is a mindful process" also doesn't explain anything, that's you not typing a rebuttal properly. 
IOW's, why would you discover reasons in a universe devoid of reason or none behind the universe if it was an open system? From a necessary reasoning being, other contingent reasoning beings are derived is reasonable to believe. From a mindless, unreasoning universe, why do we keep finding meaning? When you speak of meaning you speak of purpose. Why do you keep looking for meaning, knowing that the universe is meaningless? It seems inconsistent with where you begin or with what you would expect to find. 

At least you are revealing your bias! You believe that the universe and life in it are most likely not designed because of mass extinction. Thus, there is no intent behind either the universe of life, IYO. So that brings to mind how a universe that has no intention to it is sustainable? Why do things happen the way they do? For you no reason, as you give link after link full of reasons. The irony of it all. The universe would be here by chance happenstance unless you have another solution. 

I think your view is vastly more unreasonable than anything you can think of to disqualify the biblical account.
Wrong, that's one reason why I don't think it was designed, and that wasn't a bias, [a] I came to that conclusion from sorting through the literal libraries of evidence to support my case, the other major reason is that there has been no demonstrated intent behind the universe, there has been no demonstrated god either, so no that is not the only reason, but you haven't even proven that! [b] You haven't even disproven my point, all you've done is gish gallop away, content with your position that proves literally nothing, as you have not given any opposing evidence. No, this is you appealing to ignorance, a logical fallacy, this is dismissed because as another said, you are the king of fallacies. 

I don't care if you "think" my view is unreasonable, [c] I want you to prove it's unreasonable which you haven't done at all. 
[a]  You sorted through the evidence from a particular paradigm in which God was not looked upon as a reasonable explanation. The worldview you chose avoided looking to God or understanding things from anything other than a naturalistic perspective as reasonable. Now from a Christian perspective, everything in the universe demonstrates God. You fail to see this because you don't want to know or think about God.  

[b] This thread intends to show that the Christian worldview is more reasonable than the atheistic one. I can't prove something to someone that does not want to be shown proof. As the NT notes Jesus saying, throwing one's pearls before swine results in them being trampled. I accomplished what I set out to do, show that the atheist is incapable of making sense of morality. A preference makes nothing right; it just makes it doable, as demonstrated by Hitler and perhaps thousands of other dictators throughout history, as well as with those who show that their morality is shifting and changing.  

[c] That statement always brings to mind what you would accept as proof.

Theweakeredge's avatar
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I would go line and by line an debunk your claims but frankly I don't feel like it and I don't really think its necessary. The difference between you and I is that I don't assume a god to exist. You want there to be objective morality therefore you suppose god, you want there to be some kind of objective purpose, therefore you assert god, etc, etc... whereas I won't try to insert my headcannon into the universe I will except the evidence if it is verifiable and demonstrated. You have failed to strip any of my sources of these two qualities, only letting me know how biased you are against actual reasoning. Whenever I asked you to demonstrate claims, you attempt to claim that I'm "deflecting" but asking you to demonstrate the claims you made isn't "deflecting". The fact is - your "rebuttals" if I should even call them that, are preceded on assumptions and assertions, in order for that rebuttal to hold any ground, you must first demonstrate that position. Finally I just wanted to address a fundamental error you have in logic, and that is an fallacy of composition - you assume that something which is complete necessarily holds the properties of the things that made it up, or vica verca, that is not true. A universe could be completely aimless, but the results of chemicals setting has resulted in humans with high enough cognitive process to make up our own goals. The principle you are working on is literally a fallacy.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
So is atheism more reasonable that theism then?.......1157 posts and I'm none the wiser.
Amoranemix's avatar
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However intelligent or wise that AI may be, it will never be able to deduce an ought from it's knowledge of the real world. Some fundamental oughts, i.e. goals have to be programmed into it.
Goals are chosen. You prefer God's goals. Nazis prefer AH's goals. I prefer Mohandas Ghandi's goals.
PGA2.0  922
Goals are chosen based on what - preference?[343] What makes conflicting preferences good?[344] Funnily enough, many of Gandhi's 'preferences' were biblical, such as turning the other cheek, love for your neighbour. But that is beside the point.
1) What makes Gandhi's preferences good if all we are is biological bags of atoms?[345]
2) Why is Gandhi the necessary standard, and what happened before and after him?[346]
[343] The goals that are chosen tend to be subgoals. The fundamental goals tend to be acquired. Those are what one values or cares about. Examples are the goal to stay a live and the goal to satisfy one's needs, like quenching hunger or thirst. A goal that is chosen like what goal to give a computer, would be decided (indirectly) based on fundamental goals.
[344] Your fallacy of choice is the loaded question, for you have so far been unable to demonstrate conflicting preferences are good.
[345] You omitted to mention the reference moral standard to avoid clarity (the skeptic's friend), but I assume you were referring to my morality. The preferences being Gandhi's has nothing to with them being good (according to me), but them agreeing with the reference moral standard (mine) does.
[346] I don't see the relevance of what happened before and after Gandhi. I suggest you read history books to learn about that.

Your predilection for fallacies is an indication of a fallacious worldview.

So you start from God's oughts, which he allegedly revealed. So you can't deduce what ought solely from what is either.
PGA2.0  922
You start from your position of the highest authority, or else why would you believe it?[347] That, for you, appears to be Gandhi. Is that position the necessary position, and if so, why?[348]

An ought can only come from a personal, intelligent, mindful being. You can't demonstrate it comes from something devoid of these qualities. Nature just is. As for beings, if everything is relative, subjective shifting preference, what makes that 'good?'[349] How do you get an ought from a shifting standard?[350] You don't. You get a preference enforced by might as in Hitler's Germany.
[347] You are mistaken. I start from the presupposition 'Appearances are probably true unless there is good reason to doubt them.'
[348] Of the three Gandhi appears the best or least bad, for the reason that the others appear morally more different from me. Of course Gandhi is not my highest authority.
[349] As allmost the other times you have asked that question : it depends.
[350] Simple, but apparently beyond you. The standard could say : “Raping children for fun is bad.” Thus one can deduce from it that one ought not rape children for fun.

Ludofl3x 924 to PGA2.0
Your consistent ability to misunderstand basic logical concepts is pretty scary, man. Listen, if a person calls your cell phone and tells you you're a lottery prize winner if you send them a one time payment, PLEASE don't believe them. I'm really worried about your level of gullibility.
Christians are only selectively stupid. They have typical human intelligence, but some, I suspect the more fanatic ones, can decimate it when that helps them believe in their god.
If you were trying to sell him another fantasy, arguing that it is simple, he would not fall for it, as he would not decimate his intelligence.

What "IS" the case?
PGA2.0  95
God's revelation of Himself and what is good. God is the necessary standard for the reason that such a being has what is necessary - omniscient, eternal, unchanging.[39]
AH's revelation and what is good is also the case.[*]
God is a standard in only in the sense that he is used (chosen) as a standard by his followers.[**]
[39] Necessary for what ? And why would omniscient, eternal and unchanging be necessary for that ?[***]
There is one more thing that think is also necessary to be or provide a good moral standard : existence. AH scores badly in that department, but his existence in the past may suffice.[****]
PGA2.0 925
[*] No, it is not. There is nothing good about Hitler murdering countless millions. He was evil, not good, and you do not know the difference, which points to your standard of judgment as being morally deficient. As I said before, you can espouse such beliefs, but you can't live by them. They do not meet the experiential test, which you ignore, nor meet the logically consistent test. If you were a Jew in Hitler's Germany, you would more than likely be dead, making Hitler's beliefs unlivable for vast numbers of people.[*] Logically, good must have a fixed best as an appeal, or it becomes meaningless.

[**] I'm not quite sure what you are saying here.[351] The biblical God meets what is necessary for morality.[352] Please show me that a subjective human being does.[353a] Go ahead. Quit your bluff and fluff and show some substance to your position. So far, it is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

[39] That was answered.[353b] You keep asking these irrelevant questions because you do not read the post. The thread's subject is morality and which position, the atheist's or the Christian's, makes sense of and is necessary for morality.

[***] Because to determine 'good,' you need a fixed best for comparison, a fixed standard, not something that is constantly changing depending on the whims and opinions of limited mindful beings.[354] Knowing all things means you can determine what is good and evil in all circumstances. By nature, God is good. By nature, we are not.[355] Starting in Eden, our relativism makes our morality a shifting standard that can mean the opposite depending on who holds the view. Our minds are limited in what they can perceive. God, as omniscient, is not. He can perceive all things.
[ . . . ]

[****] I'm not sure what you mean again. Should that be, "There is one more thing that I think...?[']

I have already stated that, over and over. Not only existence but conscious of existing. What you seem to be insinuating is that God does not exist. Prove it. You can't, being limited in knowledge.[356]

As I have argued over and over, not only in this thread but every other I have engaged in; God is reasonable to believe in, more reasonable than atheism.[357]
Those are a lot of bald assertions you have made in that first paragraph and, unusually for you, no questions. Which of those claims can you prove ?
[*] This seems to be the only true claim, so there is no need to prove it.

[**, 351] Contrary to what you said, God is not a standard, but a god. But one can construct a standard from a god of one's choice, which apparently God's followers do. How they do that, is unclear.
[352] That bald assertion again. Please demonstrate that an objective, divine being exists and does have what is necessary for morality. Go ahead. Quit your fluff and show some substance to your position. So far, it is morally bankrupt.
[353a] As I hava already told you, one being is not enough. There need to be two for morality. They need to be able to interact, i.e be friendly or hostile to each other.

[353b] Where was answered for what God is the necessary standard ?
[***, 354] I didn't understand the part where you explained when you were planning on proving that.
[355] Kim Jong-Un and Bashar Al Assad are by nature also good according to themselves and so am I.

What you systematically do, is fail to make a case for why skeptics should care about God's morality. You just ASSUME they should share your opinion. Because you are infatuated with God, you are impressed by him being good according to his own personal moral standard. Can you understand that such is very mundane for someone not infatuated with him ?

[****] Yes. Sorry.
[356] The problem is that so far you have been unable to establish a relation between your statements and truth. Quid pro quo. You honour your burden of proof, then I will disprove God's existence, even though I have no burden to do so.
[357] The problem is that arguing something does not even make it reasonable to believe, let alone true. Flat-earthers argue that the earth is flat. So what ?
AH was perhaps a bad example, because he is dead, but Kim Jong-Un and Bashar Al Assad still exist. That is a fact.

How do you leap from what "IS" to what "OUGHT" to be?
PGA2.0  95
I base it on God's prescriptive decrees and commands - an authority and necessary being who knows everything and reveals what should be. Thou shalt not kill (murder). Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not lie. Love your neighbour as yourself, etc.
You forgot to answer his question.
PGA2.0 925
A being is necessary for ought, and a necessary being for fixing that ought as a moral right. Or wrong. You are not that being. Why should I believe what you are selling? It does not exist.
We can end this discussion : your worldview does not allow for deriving an ought from an is. You presuppose an ought.

PGA2.0  99
God (as revealed in the Bible), as the necessary Being, is required for morals. That is reasonable to believe.[40] I keep explaining why. He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, immutable, and eternal. That is what is necessary.[41]
[Amoranemix and PGA2.0 about [40]]
[41] You are joking, right ? [a] Morality is possible without any of that. They may be [b] terrible moralities (the sort of moralities we see in the real world), but [c] no god is necessary for them.
PGA2.0 930
Wrong. I am serious. I do not joke about such serious matters. What you are doing is making a fallacious appeal to emotion (pity) and appeal to ridicule. There is an underlying insinuation here. You are attempting to bypass justifying why these attributes are unnecessary. Your appeal to pity is a way of making my argument appear irrelevant to the point made (i.e., what a schmuck to believe such things - "You have got to be joking, right? If not, I feel sorry that you could believe such things. Poor you. You are so naive."). You are trying to make it seem that any point of view that opposes yours is false. You are trying to get others to trust your evaluation by making my argument seem like a joke without giving ANY justification for doing so. Your appeal to ridicule is to lampoon my view and alienate it from the audience without providing why your statement is relevant to what is necessary.

[a] Again, you make an assertion. Justify it.

[b] They are not moral without a fixed reference point (I reiterate, again and again).[358] They are preferences. What makes a preference right or wrong morally?[359] preference is a subjective feeling. It may also be felt and favoured by a group (the likes and dislikes).

[c] Again, an assertion that has not been justified.[360] Quit your fluff and give some substance or at least an argument rather than a statement. Why should I believe what you say? No reason so far. Who are you to preach to me about what is necessary without justifying your stance as logical or reasonable?[361]

You are playing the victim. Your beliefs are not only ridiculous, they are also false. That morality exists is evident for everyone to see. Hence, if your god is required for that, then it is up to you to demonstrate that i.s.o. repeating it at nauseum. If I were to claim the Flying Spaghetti Monsters is necessary for morality, it would not be your burden to disprove it, but mine to prove it. Stop avoiding to honour your burden of proof.
I admit I had misunderstood your position, as you were successful in confusing me. In the mean time, assuming I have now understood what you mean, I have refuted your claim in post 982. In the mean time I have also justified my position in post 1076.

[a] Orders the guy with a backlog of hundreds of assertions to justify.

3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
So is atheism more reasonable that theism then?.......1157 posts and I'm none the wiser.
3RU7AL's avatar
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If I were to claim the Flying Spaghetti Monsters is necessary for morality, it would not be your burden to disprove it, but mine to prove it. Stop avoiding to honour your burden of proof.
Well stated.
3RU7AL's avatar
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A being is necessary for ought, and a necessary being for fixing that ought as a moral right. Or wrong. You are not that being. Why should I believe what you are selling? It does not exist.
The NOUMENON satisfies the requirement of logical-necessity.

The NOUMENON does not and cannot in any way inform our human concept of "morality".

Therefore, simply acknowledging the logical-necessity (of a prerequisite "thing") does not "solve" your "morality" "problem").
3RU7AL's avatar
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Are you against changing the laws of your country to match Sharia Law?

Are you against Sharia Law because you believe the Quran is TRUE?

How can you object to something or be against something that isn't REAL?

Are you an A(Allah)ist?

Do you lack belief in Allah?
zedvictor4's avatar
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Another nice statement.
PGA2.0's avatar
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The purpose of the Bible is not to display scientific knowledge but a knowledge of why we, as humans exist (God chose to create us for a purpose - to chose whether or not to know Him), and what went wrong with the universe (sin, thus God imposed curses on the earth and humanity for a PURPOSE - we are only given so much time to either know and enjoy God or reject Him. We observe the consequences of our actions [in Adam], yet we try to explain them away with other reasons).
Okay... I hate to tell you this but.... cool story bro, what does that prove? Either we have an inherent purpose or we don't I say [a] there hasn't been one demonstration and that more than likely we don't. [b] You say there is and haven't proven it. Prove it. That's a neat story and everything, maybe it might have inspired some hope in me once upon a time, but now it doesn't as appeals to emotions don't move me unless your my boyfriend, and you don't seem to be him. [c] I don't reject god because one hasn't been demonstrated to exist to reject, I am convinced that god most likely doesn't exist, boom, that's all it is. There is no rejection, that implies that he exists fundamentally and you haven't proven that.
[a] Again, prophecy is a reasonable demonstration that the words can be trusted in such matters, among other evidence. History confirms names, places, and events as existing and happening, being confirmed by non-biblical sources. The intricate unity of the 66 books is another. Every OT book foreshadows or is symbolic of the Lord Jesus Christ and greater truth. So, the physical history of a nation reveals a greater spiritual truth. Then there are the philosophical questions that delve into worldviews and what makes sense in the origin of things like this thread is trying to do in morality. 

[b] There are plenty of proofs. The questions are, what would you accept? Your worldview bias plays a big part in how you look at the information. Hence the thread. I am looking at one aspect of the proof, morality, as to which is more reasonable to believe. 

[c] Yes, you do. You reject the biblical revelation of Him that claims to be a revelation of the one true and living God. Instead, you adopt a system of thought that believes chance happenstance is our maker. That is your fairy tale. 

Your universe, devoid of God, has no purpose, no meaning, yet you constantly search for it and find it. Why would that be? Are you just creating a fool's paradise (imagining meaning from the meaningless)? I say you are unless God exists.  
[a] You can call it whatever you want, no one has an objective meaning, or purpose, [b] what makes it meaningful to us as humans is that we determine that purpose, "I say" isn't a logical argument, make one of those and maybe we can talk, until then, [c] you seem to be spouting your beliefs and parsing them as facts, which, you haven't proven. 
Again, you come across as making an absolutely objective statement with meaning and purpose that is self-refuting. You shoot yourself in the foot in your rejection of objective meaning and purpose, all the while stating something that would have to be meaningful and objective to be anything other than pure fluff that has no more meaning than anything else. It is what is called a self-refuting statement, for it undercuts and nullifies the very thing it sets out to prove. 

[b] What gives it meaning to you does not necessarily have the same meaning for me. So who is right? That is the question; which relative view is right? Can that be determined with anything other than might makes right (which does not make anything right; it just makes it doable). God's existence and revelation mean we have an objective source in knowing what is right and wrong. 

[c] As you do with yours (spouting your beliefs and spouting them off as fact). What you see as "fact" in yours, regarding origins, is worldview or confirmation bias. As I have pointed out, no human being was there to witness these origins. Thus we have to interpret the evidence. The data does not come stamped 13.77 billion years old. People construct worldviews to make sense of reality, and how well those worldviews reflect reality corresponds to how true they are.  

 We can deduce why God created the vastness of space from the Bible. He did it to display His glory and power. So we know, provided God exists and has revealed (which is the biblical claim, and it is reasonable). 
[a] No, first, you would have to prove that god exists, [b] second, you would have to prove that god could do that, [c] third, you would have to prove that god did do that, [d] fourth, you would have to prove that bible is accurate. Also, no, [e] you claiming something isn't reasonable, [f] it's you making an assertion, [g] that isn't a logical argument, this is you asserting them and ad hoc declaring them to be the truth. 
[a] Again, what proof would you accept? You accept the BB. No one was around. The Bible confirms the universe began to exist. It agrees with that premise. It differs because it does not chalk that beginning down to chance happenstance but to a necessary mindful being who exits outside the physical reality. So, there is a reasonable explanation for the universe, a reason for its existence. Not so with a universe devoid of reason. You have this magical idea that chance can do things, that there is an intention, agency, and meaning derived from it because you as a human being have such attributes. The problem is that there are gaping holes in your logic and the explainability of your worldview. It does not make sense how these things can come about. It just reasons that because they did chance happenstance must be or is the reason.  

[b] Again, it comes to where, to what, and to whom you put your highest authority in, and what is more reasonable to believe - relative, subjective humans in regards to origins or a being that is objective and omniscient that has revealed. Which is more reasonable to your mind? Are you going to reject the latter on the premise that your authority is greater? 

[c] Again, the proof is reasonable. It is reasonable to believe that the universe is an open system, not a closed system. That means that the chain of events or causes does not stop at the BB, but there is something behind it; there is an explanation for it that is sufficient. God behind the universe means that God transcends the universe, the physical realm, and the natural laws. If there is a mind behind the universe, there is a reason behind the universe (explainable), and we are capable of making sense of things for ultimate meaning, not pretended meanings that in the grand picture mean nothing.  

[d] Again, what proofs would you in your bias accept???

[e] My assertions deal with philosophical and necessary conditions for ultimate meaning and morality, as well as other offshoots brought up here regarding the origins of the universe and our existence. It is logical to presuppose that morality comes from minds and that a necessary being is necessary for making sense of it as anything more than power politics. Is that reasonable to believe? Is it more reasonable than chance happenstance as the cause of morality and origins? There is no reason behind chance happenstance, no thinking ability, no intention, no purpose, no meaning. How you get to meaning and morality from such a starting point and presupposition is something you people (atheists) fail to account for because you can't. Your views are non-sensical. They are illogical.  

[f] Pot, met kettle.  

[g]  It is logical. God has what is necessary for logic. Logic comes from mindful being, something we experientially witness and see no acceptions to.
According to their kind. We do not see other living beings with the same kind of reasoning ability that human beings have. Thus, it is a viable and logical option to believe this. 

Now, something you guys avoid doing is stating your case as to how what you believe is possible, how chance happenstance may have the ability to do what you think it does. You suppose that given enough time, anything is possible even without a means (agency and intent) to do it. 

Theweakeredge's avatar
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You have failed to answer a single call to refutation. I see no reason to continue unless you do so. "What evidence would convince you?" I don't know, otherwise I probably wouldn't be an atheist would I? Are you saying that people can randomly think up standards and apply that to propositions? I would accept evidence that was demonstratable, verified, and logically leads to the conclusion of god. You have provided none of that. Furthermore, your entire "which authority is greater" is bullshit. Humans most likely created the god of the bible and every other god. So you claiming, "who do you trust" is assuming that god exists, which is literally half of your arguments. Its not hidden, you are obviously only making arguments with the hidden premise that they exist... not very convincing to someone who doesn't believe in god.

As i pointed out before, you are making a fallacy of composition, you are positing that there must be shared qualities behind the components of something and the complete or developed version, this is untrue. That is basic rhetoric. Even more stressingly you are assuming objective morals and an ultimate principle? Why? Either - A) God exists, or B) You want them to be true, therefore in order for me to accept that there is objective morality you would have to demonstrate that there is either objective morality or a god that made objective morality (hint hint - there are instances in which a god exists and there is no objective morality please stop with your presumptions.) Where is your evidence that logic isn't an abstract truth? That is can exist without humans or any minds? Because as far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if bobby realizes the rule of excluded middles, its true. 

Happenstance isn't the process from which the universe "began" (I say that loosely), it is describing the probability of which it occurred, so I would appreciate you stopping your strawmen. Furthermore you do not need intent to start for there to develop intent later on - for example - the cognitive processes which determine our mood, intelligence, and personality, also determine intent from consciousness... which can develop naturally. You can get from a gamete (a single sex cell with no palpable "intent" just the evolutionary motive to go forward) to a human, or even further back, a piece of encoded DNA protein. A lot of this is just you failing 9th and 10th grade apparently.  Okay so the universe is a open system, cool, all that tells you is that based on the laws of causality there should be something which "caused that." Except.... we don't know if the laws of causality even extend to before the big bang.... because there was no time.

Furthermore, do you have evidence that there was god? I'm not even all against the idea that there was a cause, but you have not shown any evidence of what that cause was? You are basically using the kalam cosmological arugment: Everything has a cause, the universe had a cause, therefore god caused it. Now, that actually gives a discredit to the actual version of the argument, but its more akin to what you're doing. That is a non-sequitur, please demonstrate exactly what leads you to believe that god created the universe, i.e caused the big bang. So far all you have given is, "because the bible said so." You claim that god is trancendent, but that is begging the question and has yet to be demonstrated, if you are trying to argue that god is axiomatic, you are saying that only the notion of god would be able to dismiss the notion of god, which is false, as logic can do that, and you have yet to demonstrate that god caused logic, or that god exists.

You are one big mess full of presumptions. You say there are plenty of proofs? Not ones that haven't already been demonstrated in this thread. You keep on running away whenever people push you to prove these things, and then go, "Oh there are plenty of proofs" then present and demonstrate them, instead of saying things like, "Your world view biases you" Cool observation, so does yours, would that be a proper rebuttal? "Your world view biases you, you won't accept any proofs!" No. No it would not be. You have yet to prove that any miracles happen. And no, I don't accept the bible because it says its true! Why the hell would anyone believe a book to be true solely because it said it was true? If a comic-book said everything in it was true, and then went on to what the bible did, no one would believe it. Why? Because you don't believe books are true just because they say they are! 

Your insistence that "No one was there, we couldn't know" stinks of Kent Hovid. Are you saying the only way to solve murder is by seeing it happen? Is that what you are claiming? Are you saying that the only way of figuring out who washed the dishes is by seeing them wash the dishes? No. NO it's not. You can see the demonstratable effects and test them to see if they can cause predictable results, you can test, and eventually demonstrate things by running experimentation. That isn't, "Whoop de de, I want... big bang! Yeeeeaaaaah, I just made that up!" No. You have yet to properly refute the evidence of the things I demonstrated in fact, you didn't even touch most of my sources I provided. And the refutations you tried to provide were incoherent. I honestly don't take you seriously. 

FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar
The Bible is essentially a collection of myths. For example, whoever wrote the First Book of the Kings and the Second Book of the Chronicles could not foresee the detailed verification potential of modern archaeology.
The city of King Solomon in Jerusalem is thought to be on the slope leading down from what is now the Al Aqsa mosque. Israeli archaeologists have been desperately excavating the site for many decades yet not one iota of evidence of the existence of King Solomon has been found. No mention of his name has been found on any tablet, inscription, tax record or pot decoration.
Anyone who has visited Egypt will have seen widespread evidence of a monarch who reigned three hundred years before Solomon, Pharaoh Rameses II, yet of King Solomon who ruled over a vast empire and army (1 Kings 4, 21-26 and 1 Kings 9, 17-23, 2 Chronicles 9, 25-26) there is no trace. All the vassal peoples who paid taxes to him have left not a single record of account or inscription. Not one of the soldiers of his conquering army left a sword, helmet or shield.
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
Are you saying the only way to solve murder is by seeing it happen? Is that what you are claiming? Are you saying that the only way of figuring out who washed the dishes is by seeing them wash the dishes? No. NO it's not. You can see the demonstratable effects and test them to see if they can cause predictable results, you can test, and eventually demonstrate things by running experimentation.
Well stated.
3RU7AL's avatar
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3RU7AL's avatar
"What evidence would convince you?" I don't know,
I'd settle for a talking donkey and a holy hit-man.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Except of course when you rule out evidence just because you don't like it.