8). You have the analogy backward. The person needing the kidney is analogous to the unborn.
The person needing the kidney is usually a stranger, not related in any way. The unborn is the woman's biological offspring. The person is not violating the kidney recipient's bodily autonomy; rather, the Judith Thomson example is the opposite. The violinist or his doctors violate the donor's bodily autonomy by touching it and hooking up tubes without consent. The donor does not touch the recipient's body directly with his/her body, so the analogy fails here. With the woman and the unborn, they share a natural connection by design. It is what every unborn child shares with their mother. You want to make it a choice by the woman whether she will allow this natural process to take place and ignore the unborn's most basic bodily autonomy and natural right, the right to life.
Without that right, we can have no other rights.
9). Sex is not consent to pregnancy - addressed above.
It is for it is indirectly understood that pregnancy may result.
10). You are arguing consent and rights in general are non existent when they cannot be understood?
I'm not sure the context once again, so I will take a stab at it. You are arguing the non-existence part. I am arguing for the existence of the unborn. What is hard about that to understand?
Can someone without the ability to understand right from wrong do whatever they like?
That someone can if they have the mental ability to do right and wrong, but they will suffer the consequences of the wrongs from those who enforce the laws.
Laws are applicable to everyone.
Laws are only as good as those making them. Hitler's laws concerning Jews were dehumanizing, as are abortion laws regarding the unborn. The problem is that you cannot admit these abortion laws are wrong because your extreme bias is not open to what is being killed. You continually degrade the unborn human being to a lesser status, as do your lawmakers.
11). Most abortions occur by medication long before the ability to [1] feel pain or awareness has developed and [2] at least half of all conceptions end *naturally*-You're [3] attempting to poison the well with emotionality built on dishonesty and/or ignorance.
[1] Perhaps. Even so, because a human being cannot feel pain, does that give you the right to kill them? You are giving the reason that the lack of pain gives human beings the right to kill other human beings. Society should be allowed to kill all congenital analgesia people (those who do not feel pain) on such thinking.
Not only this, the goalposts of abortion keep shifting as to when it is permissible to kill the unborn, right up until birth in some states. The governor of West Virginia wants to make it permissible to abort even after birth. (a sick human being).
[2] There is a difference between what happens naturally and what happens by intent. The one we can't prevent, the other (intent to do harm) we can.
[3] Anyone who can't get emotional and disgusted by such dehumanization, discrimination, and devaluation needs to examine their moral compass, IMO. If a person can't be outraged by moral injustice or can't recognize moral injustice, are they not ignorant and/or dishonest with themselves? Again, please be aware that you apply the same poisoning you criticize me. By labelling 'dishonest and/or ignorant,' you express your feelings on the issue and infuse and fuel more emotion and poison into the well. IMO, it is an attempt to shut down the discussion and win admiration by those who think similarly, and there are some things everyone should be emotionally angered by.
The question is whether what I said is true and whether you should be morally outraged or not in determining whether I poisoned the well, instead of just the label and false charge (well prisoner) to persuade others the well has indeed been poisoned when the water is still fine to drink.
12). Consenting to vaginal sex is not consent to use of spleen, liver, mind, or uterus.
Here you go again, dehumanizing the unborn by making light of what it is in comparing it to a liver, spleen or uterus. Those things are organs of the organism, the entity - a human being. Livers, spleens, and uteruses make up the entity and are distinct from the complete organism.
Consenting to sex brings the possibility of a pregnancy, and if it happens the moral responsibility or obligation of both parents is to protect the new life.
As said before, consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy - it is consent to share one's body with another who exists at that moment.
That consent to share bodies may result in a pregnancy. If I consent to be a lumberjack, then I consent to the risks that may involve. It is up to me to be aware of the dangers involved.
13). If you were using my body to live, I *do* get to disconnect you - even if that means you will die. My body is my domain.
The unborn's body is its domain. In our one debate, you continually thought of the unborn as a "part of the woman's body." It is not part of her body, it is a separate body. On this misconception, you build your argument. Yes, it uses her body for a period of around nine months as its natural home, the womb. Without this home, there would be no humanity.
Next, because someone is dependent upon you does not give you the right to kill them. Your newborn and toddlers are also dependent upon you. That does not give you the right to kill them either. The mother does not have the right to neglect the newborn, nor should she the unborn. She has an obligation to protect the newborn, but not the unborn UNLESS she wants to. How is that not discrimination and devaluation?
14). The ability to experience life's beauty is what makes life valuable...and more of that experience does not devalue that life. Having the capacity to experience being alive is what makes life special. Lacking that capacity (and never having achieved it) is at best potential. Potential experience =/= experience. Potential life =/= life
The ability to experience the beauty that the woman wants to deny her living unborn. Killing the unborn is a devaluation of that life. It is expendable on the woman's whim.
As for your "capacity" argument, you support the woman not allowing some growing human beings the experiences that make life special. The unborn do have the capacity. It has not been developed yet. Lots of people have the capacity but not yet the ability to do things. The potential is a certainty if the woman will let it live and grow.
Every one of your 14 responses is a weak, weak argumentation.