Tradesecret, the Debate Runaway on Jesus' true MO, Bible denier of Jesus being the Trinity God in the OT, the runaway to what division of Christianity he follows, the pseudo-christian that has committed the Unpardonable Sin, the number 1 Bible ignorant fool regarding Noah's ark, the pseudo-christian that says kids that curse their parents should be killed, and now states there is FICTION within the scriptures,
YOUR BIBLICALLY INEPT QUOTE ONCE AGAIN: “So In Matthew David's line is more pertinent to Joseph, himself - whereas Luke is about the line of humanity back to Adam - which obviously goes through Mary. “
Well, once again the membership and I can see you are still taking your “Pseudo-Christian Bible Stupid Pills” LOL
1. Relative to the genealogy of our serial killing Jesus the Christ, the book of Matthew becomes MOOT because Joseph, being from the "Fruit of the Loins" of King David, which is a prerequisite for Jesus to become the Messiah, WAS NOT Jesus' paternal father to pass this linage on to Jesus (Romans 1:3 & Acts 2:30). GET IT BIBLE FOOL?
2. The book of Luke is also to be discarded for the same reasoning because Mary was a LEVITE and not in any way through the “fruit of the loins” of King David, as once again, is a prerequisite to Jesus being the Messiah (Romans 1:3 & Acts 2:30)! GET IT BIBLE FOOL? LOL
Now, if you can find your “balls” this time and quit hiding on this forum from me in front of the membership, I will engage your biblical ignorance upon the topic of Jesus’ genealogy in how it FAILS for Jesus to become the True Messiah. Unfortunately, it will be at your embarrassing expense once again, but you're used to this fact, aren't you?
BUT, first and foremost, you don’t get something for nothing, in the fact that you are to address my posts to you listed below that you have continually and sheepishly RUN AWAY from, understood? Yes? Maybe?
1. You still need to address the other half of this runaway post:
2. You haven’t addressed why you continue to slap Jesus in the face by not defending the faith to particular posts of mine that show that you should:
3. You are still running away from this post showing that Jesus did sin, where your Bible ignorance says he didn’t:
4. Because of this post saving your sorry biblical ignorant ass, you have yet to thank me:
5. We could make millions off of your complete Bible ignorance and the subsequent comedy of same, no response from you:
6. You have cowardly run away from this post to you FOUR TIMES, I REPEAT, FOUR TIMES IN YOUR THREAD, where you were wrong once again in your perceived knowledge of Jesus not interfering with the suffering of His creation, where in biblical FACT, Jesus did interfere as I have shown you:
7. It was blatantly shown in how utterly Bible and Zoology ignorant you truly are relative to the Noah’s Ark narrative, of which you have run away from this post:
8. YOU have sheepishly run away from this revealing post in showing exactly who you embarrassingly are in this forum, bar none:
9. You have yet to tell us why Jesus is not flooding the world again because the sin is thousands of times greater per capita in the world now:
10. Since you remain in my thread regarding everyone is saved, even non-believers, you have run away from said topic post directed to you below:
11. Still no response from you in this running away from Jesus inspired post:
12. You never answered a simple request in how Jesus allegedly showed mercy upon innocent zygotes, fetus’ and babies by Him killing them: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4726-evidence-in-a-religious-forum?page=9&post_number=213
13. This runaway post of yours relates to you being a POE/Parody, because no true Christian would make fun of the faith like you do:
14. Here you erroneously state that Jesus is not superhuman as God, where He only created a billions of light years large universe which is in fact superhuman, LIAR:
https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4754-in-prayer-with-jesus-last-night-he-said-atheists-are-going-to-heaven-wtf?page=2&post_number=42 https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4726-evidence-in-a-religious-forum?page=10&post_number=237
15. You ran away from me addressing the FACT that you stated the Bible contains FICTION! WTF? LOL
16. You have yet to address you wanting me to quit showing you to be the Bible fool upon this forum, and by telling the moderators as well, but in not addressing your runaway posts in the meantime:
17. You ran away from me correcting you upon the fact that “anyone” is used by Jesus that curses their parents, and not ADULTS like you stated!
18. You RAN AWAY from me correcting you once again in relation to Jesus being the #1 Abortionist of all time! https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4827-what-should-we-make-of-the-passover-and-god-killing-his-peoples-first-born-kids?page=2&post_number=30
19. Here you ran away from me correcting you AGAIN in that you say when unlawful acts were present, it was through judges that gave the punishment, whereas you were WRONG once again as I have shown! https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/4827-what-should-we-make-of-the-passover-and-god-killing-his-peoples-first-born-kids?page=2&post_number=31
20. I gave you a deal NOT to make you the complete Bible fool, but you threw it away and will not discuss why you did this!
Tradesecret, as I have stated to you before, this is a religion discussion forum, and NOT a runaway from religious discussion forum, understood Bible fool?
Shhhhh, where will TRADESECRET HIDE this time? LOL