That's when the fetus can feel pain.
Why does that matter?
The vast majority of pro lifers claim that if you don't want children, don't have sex, yet only 3% of the US population waits until marriage, so the vast majority of these people are hypocrites.
What does getting married have to do with "wanting children"?
The democrats advocate contraception use for people wanting to have sex and unwilling to concieve.
Yes, but even when using contraception, one is still risking pregnancy.
But pro lifers instead advocate for abstinence only education, which the stats show is counterproductive to reducing abortions.
I don't imagine that any type of education would reduce that which a woman has the legal privilege to elect.
So, then why don't pro lifers adopt kids if they are so concerned about life?
Hold on to this thought...
I'm not responsible for their deaths; I just didn't feel like saving them. Just as people shouldn't be forced to save a kid from hunger, people shouldn't be forced to bring a kid into the world.
You are not responsible for their deaths. And you're not charged with the responsibility of saving them, anymore than someone who assumes the pro-life position is charged with the responsibility of adopting 10,000,000 hungry children. It's not about numbers (e.g. someone who's hoplophobic--against guns--doesn't have to take the charge against diabetes and car accidents, which result in higher incidences of death.) You're arguing relative privation.