But then you accept that evil exists , the bible makes it clear that evil exists but you want me to prove that evil exists to discuss evil.Yes, because you can't appeal to the Bible or God as a source of morality because don't believe them.
So it the bible wrong then? Is what god clearly states and commands wrong too.?The onus is not on me. I have simply questioned YOUR gods biblical commands.
So in order for you to say God is evil, you need an objective source of evil apart from God or the Bible.
Nonsense. It is the bible I am questioning and the vile commands of your god.
So I ask again: do you think morality is objective, and if so, where does it come from?
Even if you're right and God did command those things
You are reminding me of that dulcet dunce ethag5. He too attempts deny what the bible states : Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head."Leviticus 20:9
(I think you're taking them out of context,
It a bit late in the day to throw that oft used line - your taking it/them out of context . But if you believe it to be the case, then why didn't you simply put those vile words of your gods commandment into the correct "context" for me in the first place? I may have had a better understanding of the words. Here you go, put these biblical words into context for me, right now. " Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death."
Unless you have an objective basis for morality, you have no objective basis for condemning God or His commands, regardless of what they are.
I have every right to say your god is a vile and vicious god who kills for no reason and to question his commands and to scrutinize and question the whole of the scriptures. My morality is not the issue as much as you want to throw the onus on me. You have shown to me that you wouldn't carry out your god commands. You have shown me you have better morals and principles than those of your own god and you have shown me that you have more compassion your god ever had.