leaning --> scumread
But why would you janitor a mafia? Wouldn't you want to keep him alive so that town knows they only have two scum? Yea I'm sorry but that makes no sense
Bro, I literally just outted That1User as scum. I am a Detective. I literally just exposed scum. How can I be scum?
Why did you janitor someone you thought of as scum?
Also if you are JOAT, you have a goal to win by yourself, so why would you wanna help town?
You also have a 1x shot vig, that's not what the results got
Also, that doesn't answer my question. If you said that Bearman was scum and wanted to kill him, you wouldn't have janitored him if you wanted to help town out, you would've let his affiliation be known if he was actually scum
Then how did you kill BearMan?