I’ve started a little project which will make this relevant again.
I don’t want to spill the beans just yet, but I could really use some more best of the best debates to look at.
Dat’s all I’ve got to say right now.
9 days later
83 days later
WikiHappy holidays,With the unfortunate pattern of debate sites in mind, I’ve started something of a museum for this site and any others, hosted by Miraherze (it’s a wiki host). It can serve other purposes as well, so long as they’re adjacent.I’ve only briefly run a single wiki before, and that was not an ambitious project like this. So expect suboptimal design and structures. I’m also wholly open to it being massively changed around in ways I cannot predict (the goal of any wiki is really collaboration; heck the goal of debates is often much the same).The site is named Debate and Argument Tactics, and may be found at:
10 days later
This one basically fabricates arguments for Pro.
Oromagi's series of debates with ramdatt. Since he knew ramdatt wasn't going to reply, he joked around with the resolutions. There were four such debates, two of which had similar topics and therefore the same reply from oromagi. "If you want constructive information about the coronavirus, listen to Andrew Cuomo" became a debate about whether Andrew Cuomo could offer good info about construction during the coronavirus to oromagi. A debate about "WHO," as in the World Health Organization, became a debate about WHO the radio station. A debate about the now former president of Liberty U Jerry Falwell became a debate about Jerry Falwell, septic tank installer.
13 days later
15 days later
Hopefully from adults who engage in debate, instead of adult sized children who engage in vandalism