Note: Ragnar has elected me to post the announcement for the Hall of Fame that is upcoming, it is a message approved by him
Greetings DebateArt!
I just wanted to update everyone on the approaching DART Hall of Fame induction process. This process will unfold in two stages, and will take one week to complete.
On or about the 27th of August, one of the mods will post a thread soliciting nominations from the usership in each of the three award categories (users, debates, and threads). Any user will be able to submit up to three nominees in each category for a maximum of 9 nominations per user. Nominators may choose to nominate less than the maximum number if they choose. The nominating window will close on or about the 30th of August. The nominees with the most nominations (approx. 4-6 per category) will advance to the second stage of the process. There are no formal criteria for determining who/what can be nominated; however, if I conclude that a nomination is wholly and blatantly incongruous with the purpose of the HOF (that purpose being to highlight good, notable, and/or consequential inductees), the moderators reserve the right to withhold forwarding that nomination to the second stage of the process.
On or about the 31st of August, the moderators will post a thread soliciting votes from the usership on the finalist nominees in each of the three award categories (users, debates, and threads). Any user will be able to vote for up to three nominees in each category for a maximum of 9 votes per user. Voters may choose to vote less than the maximum number if they choose. The voting window will close on or about the 3rd of September. Those nominees with the most votes (3 per category) will be inducted into the DART Hall of Fame. In the event of a tie preventing exactly 3 inductions per category, the voting window will be extended for just those nominees who/which are tied. Those inducted will be formally honored with entries in the Hall of Fame thread. Those entries will be posted within 2 months of the voting period closing.
There are no prerequisites or eligibility requirements for users to participate in the Hall of Fame nominating or voting processes, except that they have an account on DART and are not voting/nominating from more than one account. Importantly, coordinating votes or severe spamming of votes is prohibited. This will result in all votes that were deemed as spam nullified. You may argue with people on their choice if warranted, but mass campaigning is prohibited. Private PM's with groupchats is prohibited. This process is about awarding those with merit or importance, and not about awarding those who can cajole the most voters. Also, more exact start and end times will be made clear in the threads in question, to ensure there is no ambiguity as to when the processes begin and conclude. Please be sure to check these times
We are also adding one more category to the HoF! This is a Miscellaneous category. This can be for one post, a vote, a comment that is notable for the Hall of Fame. This will not have the same rules apply to it as other categories have, and you are allowed to do as much campaigning for this category as you would like in general without restriction.
I am posting this update now to (a) brief you on the process, (b) give notice about the restrictions placed on campaigning and vote coordinating/rigging, and (c) give you time to consider who/what you would like to nominate, come August 27th. Hopefully this update has been informative. Thank you!