VTL supadudz
Option A: Bastard GameThis game will be bastard. I'm making this very clear so nobody can be upset about it. I, as the host, will participate in the thread. Say a cop claims results. I might interject "well that assumes you're a sane cop." Or if someone votes for someone else, I may say "Oh, nice bus!" even if they aren't mafia partners. Some of the stuff I say will be true, some will be lies. Up to you to decide if I'm telling the truth or if you even bother reading what I say. This game will have some sort of theme but it'll be something really simple like food or animals or something.
Skittlez was guilty.
This is why you always reread the DPs
Oh, that. Yeah he had to let us know he was scum somehow since he wasn't in the PM.
I have no idea what happened with WP's flip. Probably he is death miller instead of miller or something. We were just as surprised as you by that.
well damn congrats for not being an idiot
I swear I like potatoes
for the record tho i actually injured my wrist while skating the other day