can you find any reputable sources that state the government will be forced to find revenue to compensate for the shortfall? i showed you one source, but my stance is stated everywhere that i see. i agree there is conflicting legislation, but the outcome is always stated in the way i describe
I’m not disputing your outcome. Barring any other events what you say will happen but the other events will happen. The conflicting law is you can’t spend the money you don’t have right? The trust fund will run out of money by 2035 and it will be cut by 25%. But the law also states that we are entitled to our full benefit. Those two laws go against each other but as you know our government is founded upon loopholes. A loophole the government uses is using the general fund for a small portion of Social Security. Where the money for the general fund come from? Borrowing and income tax. You have to consider a holistic approach.
What Death23 just sums up what I’m saying.