Can you believe that reporter calls graffiti art? Who has to pay for all the millions in damages and cleanup? Certainly not the terrorist.. oh wait I meant "Protestors" Get a life these people destroyed businesses committed crimes ect to get their way and that is what a terrorist is and does.
Liberals Willing To Destroy The Livelihoods Of Children
Now do you really think it's about BLM?
Shame on the mayor of Seattle and shame on the leftist media for blowing up all this b.s!
Oh no mayor what happen to the police prohibited from using force on your innocent summer of love protesters...
Yet your the party that wants to give more power to the federal govt LMAO. We can hunt down more of these rioters by hiring more national guard, so they are more aware of the rioters. You'd let cities burn before actually arresting violent people
So another communist revolution collapses in violence, mismanagement, and misery for all involved? Who could have POSSIBLY foreseen?
those attacks started after the feds started using gestapo tactics on them. Again, you are using violence that happens now, to justify what accelerated that violence.
Nope. The Feds were already there. Rioters attacked first and the Feds requested backup to protect federal property.
I agree. Trump's feds attacking peaceful protesters in the street is like the gestapo.
Lmao the dude was arrested because they thought he was a rioter. What do you want them to do? Walk out in front of people with Molotov cocktails and then arrest them lmao.
why do you keep bringing up antifa? I have seen no evidence they are involved?
Lol he agrees with Establishment Jerry Nadler😂😂. I’m ded💀
Let’s destroy things! Let’s commit crimes! That’s justice!
Ok children, let’s learn history by erasing all of our history. That way we hide the mistakes versus learning from them