Dead players:
Supadudz- You are Navani Kholin, Mother to King Elhokar, and wife to your… Brother in law… Weird? A little bit. That said, you are one of the most intelligent minds and inventors in alethkar. You commonly communicate with other scholars around Roshar using spanreeds to send and receive information that can help better Alethkar. You are the messenger. Each night you can send 1 message to a person. You win with the town.
DD- You are Renarin Kholin, son of Dalinar. Growing up, you were never as skilled in the sword as your brother Adolin or your father Dalinar. However you were extremely intelligent and are slowly finding your place in the world. When you became a Knight’s Radiant, you found yourself with the ability to heal others with stormlight. You are the doctor! Each night you can choose a player to protect. If that player is targeted for the night kill, the kill will not go through. You win with the town.
Living Players:
1. iLikePie5
2. Speedrace
3. PressF4respect
4. Warren42
5. Bullish
6. Littlecookie08
7. WaterPhoenix
8. Crocodile
With 8 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach a lynch!
Day phase ends in 72 hours, or on August 1st at Noon CST.