Scathing critique of Karl Marx.

Author: Greyparrot


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From his father:

"Alas, your conduct has consisted merely in disorder, meandering in all the fields of knowledge, musty traditions by sombre lamplight; degeneration in a learned dressing gown with uncombed hair has replaced degeneration with a beer glass. And a shirking unsociability and a refusal of all conventions and even all respect for your father. Your intercourse with the world is limited to your sordid room, where perhaps lie abandoned in the classical disorder the love letters of a Jenny [Karl’s fiancée] and the tear-stained counsels of your father. ... And do you think that here in this workshop of senseless and aimless learning you can ripen the fruits to bring you and your loved one happiness? ... . As though we were made of gold my gentleman son disposes of almost 700 thalers in a single year, in contravention of every agreement and every usage, whereas the richest spend no more than 500."

-Heinrich Marx.

Funny how the leftards of the 1800's are almost the same as the ones now.
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
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why does Germany unleash such terrors on the world? ww2, communism, protestant reformation, fall of rome,etc?
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
lol that was a joke but seriously why?
HistoryBuff's avatar
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WW2 was a response to the crippling and heavy handed way the allies ended WW1. They made WW2 inevitable. 

there is nothing inherrently wrong with communism. If it could be implemented correctly it would be a fantastic system. The problem is that humans are shitty and will ruin anything. 

protestant reformation
this was a response to the corruption and abuse of the catholic church. I'm starting to see a theme in your objections. You see the people who fight against corruption and oppression as the problem. Not that people doing the corruption and the oppression. 

fall of rome
Rome fell because of alot of factors. One of those was external attack. But primarily, it was their own mismanagement of their empire, political infighting and plague. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The problem is that humans are shitty and will ruin anything. 

Which is why controlling shitty people with financial incentives works better than the barrel of a gun.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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Which is why controlling shitty people with financial incentives works better than the barrel of a gun.
no one is advocating for controlling people by the barrel of a gun. Except for trump of course. He is sending out thugs to shoot and attack protesters. 

zedvictor4's avatar
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Karl Marx was a hypocrite.
Greyparrot's avatar
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He is sending out thugs to shoot and attack protesters. 

Luckily he doesn't have to send them far since the "peaceful protestors" come to the "thugs" armed to the teeth ready for a fight.
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Luckily he doesn't have to send them far since the "peaceful protestors" come to the "thugs" armed to the teeth ready for a fight.
imagine that. when the government sends out armed thugs to shoot at you and beat you, you start bringing things to defend yourself. My god, those monsters!! don't they know good citizens simply let the police shoot them?

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
it was a joke...
HistoryBuff's avatar
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it was a joke...
true, but even jokes will tell people something about your internal thought process. when you tried to think of examples of "bad things" you think of people fighting against oppression. That does say something about you. 

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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those things were all bad, right?
HistoryBuff's avatar
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those things were all bad, right?
the world war? sure, obviously that was bad. But you are attempting to blame Germany for it when the allies made it inevitable by attempting to crush Germany in the treaty of Versailles. 

Communism? no. There is nothing wrong with communism. Unfortunately there is something wrong with people, so trying to implement it doesn't work. 

The protestant reformation? no. The reformers wanted to reform the excess and corruption of the catholic church. They had the pope claiming that he could never be wrong, and also claiming that he could sell people a ticket to heaven. It lead to alot of violence and death, but largely because the pope tried desperately to crush anyone who dared to challenge his corruption. 

The fall of rome? Depends on your point of view I guess. Rome had been stagnating for quite some time. They were struggling with all kinds of problems, many of them of their own making. Their fall led to new states. Whether that is good or bad is a fairly open question. 
Crocodile's avatar
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Crocodile's avatar
karl marx is bad
bmdrocks21's avatar
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imagine that. when the government sends out armed thugs to shoot at you and beat you, you start bringing things to defend yourself. My god, those monsters!! don't they know good citizens simply let the police shoot them?

Lol, that is like breaking into someone’s house every night and they fend you off, then you just keep coming back more armed.

If you don’t want to deal with federal agents, maybe stop attacking federal buildings....?
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WW2 was a response to the crippling and heavy handed way the allies ended WW1.

LOL , "heavy handed " ?  You are hilarious at times.How would you have ended it?

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
If you don’t want to deal with federal agents, maybe stop attacking federal buildings....?

These sick, weak Marxists hiding behind umbrellas in "peaceful protests" while they launch volleys of ice bottles at police remind me of the Taliban hiding behind women and children in Mosques. Absolutely sick.

At least McVeigh had the balls to go in without all the pussy pretense when he criminally and savagely attacked a Federal building and the people around it.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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WW2 was a response to the crippling and heavy handed way the allies ended WW1.
LOL , "heavy handed " ?  You are hilarious at times.How would you have ended it?
By trying to solve the underlying problems that led to the war. WW 1 started because of a complex series of alliances coupled with imperialism. The Austrians and the Russians actually started the war. But the allies decided that germany needed to be completely crushed because of it. They levied massive reparations that were literally impossible to pay. They banned Germany from having a military. They forced them to cede land to france that had alot of germans living there. 

These 3 conditions guaranteed war. They couldn't possibly pay the reparations, nor should they have had to since they didn't start the war. They would obviously never have accepted giving up their military, it was a ridiculous demand. And forcing them to give up land to france and demilitarize the Rhineland gave the germans a very specific and logical reason to militarize against france and britain. 

The allies designed a treaty that was guaranteed to start another war. Germany is certainly not blameless is WW 2 or how it shook out. But a 2nd war between Germany and France was definitely going to happen after the Versailles treaty. 
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The Austrians and the Russians actually started the war.

And you call yourself  History Buff!?   I notice you  kept the Islamic Ottoman Empire out of the equation as you have the assassination of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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And you call yourself  History Buff!?   I notice you  kept the Islamic Ottoman Empire out of the equation
In what way should they be in the equation for the start of the war?

as you have the assassination of  Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
I have not left that out. that is part of what I meant by the Austrians and the Russians starting the war. In short
- The arch duke was assassinated by citizens of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that wanted to succeed from the Empire
- The empire chose to blame Serbia (which may have been involved) they gave them a list of demands that were obviously unacceptable 
- The Serbians gave in to alot of the demands, but refused the unacceptable parts. 
- The Russians guaranteed the Serbians
- The Austrians decided that they wanted to attack Serbia
- Once the Russians mobilized their army to defend serbia, Germany had no choice be to declare war (due to the schlieffen plan and the nature of military mobilization in the 20th century)

So the Austrians are mostly to blame for the start of the war for their ridiculous demands on Serbia, which they knew would trigger a war with Russia. Once Russia started mobilizing for that war with Austria, Germany had no choice but to get involved due to their alliances and the requirements of the schlieffen plan (their plan for winning the war). 

So Germany was certainly involved in the start of the war, but they didn't start it. The Austrians and the Russians did. 
Stephen's avatar
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I have not left that out

Yes, well. I was talking about what you had left out. I won't bother going into how wrong you are. 

How would you have ended it?
By trying to solve the underlying problems that led to the war. 

So how would you have kept the Muslim Ottomans/Turks out of this war which was an underlying problem to begin with .

The Muslim Ottoman Empire came into World War I as one of the Central Powers. The Muslim Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on 5 November 1914.
ILikePie5's avatar
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Muslim Empires are never bad you islamophobe
HistoryBuff's avatar
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So how would you have kept the Muslim Ottomans/Turks out of this war which was an underlying problem to begin with .
have you switched topics? We were discussing whether the germans were responsible for starting the war. Your question has nothing to do with that. The ottoman empire was destroyed after WW1, so it has nothing to do with WW 2. And it wasn't really involved in starting WW 1 either. It got involved in the war, but it wasn't really involved in the start of it. 

The Muslim Ottoman Empire came into World War I as one of the Central Powers. The Muslim Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on 5 November 1914.
yes, they were in alliances just like the rest of Europe. They got involved the same way everyone else did. But they didn't really have anything to do with starting the war, so I have no idea why you are bringing them up. That attack and subsequent declaration of war on the russians was like 3 months after the Austrians started the war. The Austrians declared war on Serbia on july 28th which kicked off the start of the war. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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The arch duke was assassinated by citizens of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that wanted to succeed from the Empire
Gavrilo Princip was associates by the Black Hand Serbian organization that included members of the Serbian military and was financed by high ranking officials on the Serbian Government. He was a Bosnian by nationality but a Serb in terms of ethnicity.

Once the Russians mobilized their army to defend serbia, Germany had no choice be to declare war (due to the schlieffen plan and the nature of military mobilization in the 20th century)
Not really. Before declaring war on Serbia, Austria Hungary sought support from the Germans. Kaiser Wilhelm II sent an assurance to them which is known now as the “blank check.” Without this support Austria Hungary would’ve never declared war for the fear of Russia. The Schlieffen Plan was designed to subjugate the French via Belgium prior to Russian mobilization in the East as to prevent conflict on two fronts.

So Germany was certainly involved in the start of the war, but they didn't start it. The Austrians and the Russians did.
The Germans caused the most damage to Allied assets and also contributed the largest amount of assets among the Central Powers. Austria Hungary was forced to dissolve into two sovereign nations as well as punishment, but without the Germans giving the blank check, nothing would’ve likely happened.
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Gavrilo Princip was associates by the Black Hand Serbian organization that included members of the Serbian military and was financed by high ranking officials on the Serbian Government. He was a Bosnian by nationality but a Serb in terms of ethnicity.
He was a citizen of the Austrian Hungarian Empire and wanted freedom for his people. He was associated with the Black Hand. The Black Hand had significant ties to the Serbian government and military. However it is unclear if the Serbian government knew of or ordered the assassination. And there is evidence that when they discovered it, they ordered it stopped. 

Not really. Before declaring war on Serbia, Austria Hungary sought support from the Germans. Kaiser Wilhelm II sent an assurance to them which is known now as the “blank check.” Without this support Austria Hungary would’ve never declared war for the fear of Russia. 
The german "blank cheque" was intended to be used immediately. IE the germans told the Austrians if they were going to attack to do it immediately because then the allies would sympathize with the Austrians as the wronged party. But the Austrians didn't do this. They delayed and then sent their demands, many of which the Serbians agreed to. By doing this, the Austrians made themselves look like the aggressors since the Serbians were agreeing to many of their terms. When the Austrians attacked anyway, the russians and the French/British saw the Austrians as the aggressors and intervened. Basically, the Austrians seriously fucked up by sending a list of demands they knew the Serbians would never accept. 

The Schlieffen Plan was designed to subjugate the French via Belgium prior to Russian mobilization in the East as to prevent conflict on two fronts.
Correct. They knew they couldn't win a war fighting on 2 fronts. So the Schlieffen plan said that if Russia or France mobilized, then germany HAD to mobilize and attack immediately in order to overwhelm one of their enemies before the other could fully mobilize. So once the Russians and French began mobilizing, they left germany no choice but to attack. They had no other way to win the war. 

The Germans caused the most damage to Allied assets and also contributed the largest amount of assets among the Central Powers.
OK. but the allies also caused massive ammounts of damage. Why would you think Germany has to pay an insanely high indemnity (that was literally impossible to pay back) for a war they didn't start. 

Austria Hungary was forced to dissolve into two sovereign nations as well as punishment, but without the Germans giving the blank check, nothing would’ve likely happened.
And if the french had declared themselves neutral in the war between Austria and russia, it likely would have been a local war. And if the Russians hadn't promised to unconditionally back serbia just before they responded to the demands, war might have been averted. If the Austrians had attacked as the Germans told them to, it is likely it would have been a quick local war between Austria and Serbia with little loss of life. If the Russians had agreed to the last minute peace efforts made by the Germans, war could have been averted. There are countless ways this war could have been averted. Placing blame at the feet of Germany just because they promised to support the ally they were required to support, is ridiculous. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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However it is unclear if the Serbian government knew of or ordered the assassination. And there is evidence that when they discovered it, they ordered it stopped. 
I would love to see this evidence. Probably released by the Serbs anyways. It’s no mystery they endorsed the Black Hand and funded it. It’s what I’d do, if I were them.

The german "blank cheque" was intended to be used immediately. IE the germans told the Austrians if they were going to attack to do it immediately because then the allies would sympathize with the Austrians as the wronged party. But the Austrians didn't do this. They delayed and then sent their demands, many of which the Serbians agreed to. By doing this, the Austrians made themselves look like the aggressors since the Serbians were agreeing to many of their terms. When the Austrians attacked anyway, the russians and the French/British saw the Austrians as the aggressors and intervened. Basically, the Austrians seriously fucked up by sending a list of demands they knew the Serbians would never accept.
That’s not what a blank check means lol. It’s unconditional support. If that’s what the Germans wanted then that’s what they should’ve said instead of assuring Austria Hungary it would support them no matter what they did. The Russians would’ve protected the Serbs no matter what because of their political and religious interests. Time was not an issue. The French and Russians  were military allies with regards to Germany and Germany alone. Any aggression by the Germans would be met with retaliation from the French and Russians. Same thing with the British. Without German involvement, the war would’ve never happened. There’s no aggressor dilemma because of the alliances already present. The same events would’ve occurred if the July Crisis didn’t happen.

Correct. They knew they couldn't win a war fighting on 2 fronts. So the Schlieffen plan said that if Russia or France mobilized, then germany HAD to mobilize and attack immediately in order to overwhelm one of their enemies before the other could fully mobilize. So once the Russians and French began mobilizing, they left germany no choice but to attack. They had no other way to win the war.
Without German involvement, the Russians wouldn’t have mobilized against them. Russian mobilization was solely in support of Serbia until Austria-Hungary  decided to seek help from the Germans and later declared war along with the Germans, which opened up the mobilization on the Western Front. Not to mention the Germans were the ones to reject peace talks offered by the British in July to avert a war. The Russians and the French agreed.

OK. but the allies also caused massive ammounts of damage. Why would you think Germany has to pay an insanely high indemnity (that was literally impossible to pay back) for a war they didn't start.
Cause the Allies won and Central Powers lost? The victor decides the conditions of surrender, not the loser. 

And if the french had declared themselves neutral in the war between Austria and russia, it likely would have been a local war. And if the Russians hadn't promised to unconditionally back serbia just before they responded to the demands, war might have been averted. If the Austrians had attacked as the Germans told them to, it is likely it would have been a quick local war between Austria and Serbia with little loss of life. If the Russians had agreed to the last minute peace efforts made by the Germans, war could have been averted. There are countless ways this war could have been averted. Placing blame at the feet of Germany just because they promised to support the ally they were required to support, is ridiculous.
The French were neutral with regards to Russia and Austria until the Germans declared war on Russia. Because of the military alliance they were forced to mobilize. The Russians had the backs of Serbs since the beginning of the 20th century. Austria was stupid to declare war on the Serbs. But they only did it because the Germans had their backs. The last peace efforts were denied by the Germans lol, where’d you get that info from? And no, Germany is to blame. Without their support the Austrians wouldn’t have done anything plain and simple. Even if they attacked Serbia immediately the Russians would’ve pledged their support as they had been doing so since the beginning of the 20th century.
3RU7AL's avatar
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So, your "scathing critique" consists entirely of a long-winded ad hominem attack?
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I would love to see this evidence. Probably released by the Serbs anyways. It’s no mystery they endorsed the Black Hand and funded it. It’s what I’d do, if I were them.
The black hand was funded by the Serbians and had lots of connections to the Serbian government. However they were not directly agents of the Serbian government. So it is very difficult for anyone to say how much information they had about the assassination. 

That’s not what a blank check means lol. It’s unconditional support. 
yes, they did not phrase it well. They essentially said "we will support you", but told them that they should attack right now. The Austrians chose to ignore what the germans told them, the end result was they conciously triggered a war with Russia. Germany then tried to avert that war with Russia (the Czar and Kaiser were cousins), but were not able to. 

 The Russians would’ve protected the Serbs no matter what because of their political and religious interests. Time was not an issue.
This is not true. If the Russians thought they were going to have to fight the Austrians/Germans without French and British support, they wouldn't have done it. They weren't ready for a war. However they proceeded as they were confident the French would support them. 

The French and Russians  were military allies with regards to Germany and Germany alone. Any aggression by the Germans would be met with retaliation from the French and Russians. Same thing with the British. Without German involvement, the war would’ve never happened. There’s no aggressor dilemma because of the alliances already present. The same events would’ve occurred if the July Crisis didn’t happen.
But you have also hit on the problem. The Germans were allies of the Austrians, The russians chose to guarentee the Serbians. The French were allied with Russia against the Germans. So the pieces were in place for everyone to get sucked in. Which is exactly why the Austrians are at fault for knowingly triggering that chain of events. They knew they were starting a war with russia. They knew the Germans would help them. They knew the French and british would jump in to help the russians against the Germans. So the Austrians knowingly triggered the war. 

Without German involvement, the Russians wouldn’t have mobilized against them. Russian mobilization was solely in support of Serbia until Austria-Hungary  decided to seek help from the Germans and later declared war along with the Germans, which opened up the mobilization on the Western Front
You have hit the nail on the head (although you seem to have missed it). The moment the Russians mobilized there were 2 options. Either the Russians stopped the mobilization, or Germany had to attack. The German plan for fighting the war depended on them mobilizing faster than the Russians. So if the Russians were allowed to continue mobilizing while the Germans didn't, then Germany was doomed. When the russians started mobilizing and wouldn't stop, the Germany had to declare war. 

Cause the Allies won and Central Powers lost? The victor decides the conditions of surrender, not the loser. 
True, but in this case the victors chose conditions that were guaranteed to cause the next war. The war indemnity was impossibly high and they knew it. That was the point. They wanted to bankrupt the germans and cripple them so they wouldn't be a threat. But all they were doing was ensuring the Germans would have to start another war to end the conditions the allies were creating. 

The French were neutral with regards to Russia and Austria until the Germans declared war on Russia. Because of the military alliance they were forced to mobilize. 
Again, this is my point. The german strategy for winning the war required them to mobilize faster than the French or the Russians. That was the only way they could win. So when the russians mobilized against Austria and refused to reverse this the Germans had to attack or they would be destroyed. 

The last peace efforts were denied by the Germans lol, where’d you get that info from? And no, Germany is to blame.
Kaiser Wilhelm wanted to stop the war, and gave instructions to that effect. He was undermined by his own people as well as the Austrians. 

On 26 July, after reading Serbia's reply, (kaiser)  Wilhelm commented, "But that eliminates any reason for war"[132] or "every cause for war falls to the ground".[133] Wilhelm noted that Serbia had made "a capitulation of the most humiliating kind",[133] that "the few reservations [that] Serbia has made with respect to certain points can in my opinion surely be cleared up by negotiation"

Bethmann Hollweg sabotaged Wilhelm's proposal by instructing von Tschirschky to not restrain Austria.[note 21] In passing on Wilhelm's message, Bethmann Hollweg excluded the parts wherein the Emperor told the Austrians not to go to war.[136] Jagow told his diplomats to disregard Wilhelm's peace offer, and continue to press for war.

Without their support the Austrians wouldn’t have done anything plain and simple. Even if they attacked Serbia immediately the Russians would’ve pledged their support as they had been doing so since the beginning of the 20th century.
Russia had backed down in problems with Germany on more than 1 occasion in recent History. If they thought that the French wouldn't support them, they likely would have done so again. They could not have won a war against Austria and Germany without the French. And if the french felt the war was justified because of the murder of the arch-duke, they could have been convinced to stay out. But once the Serbians agreed to main points of the Austrian demands, then the Austrians lost the moral high ground. The Serbians had already capitulated and therefore the Austrians were the aggressors when they attacked. 

If the Austrians had done as the Germans said and attacked right away, WW 2 would not have been triggered. It would have been another local confict in the Balkans. 

But that is really besides the point. The Austrians are the ones who picked a fight with Russia knowing it would kick off a massive war. The germans did not. The kaiser didn't want the war. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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yes, they did not phrase it well. They essentially said "we will support you", but told them that they should attack right now. The Austrians chose to ignore what the germans told them, the end result was they conciously triggered a war with Russia. Germany then tried to avert that war with Russia (the Czar and Kaiser were cousins), but were not able to. 
If they ignored it, they should’ve backed off lol. They chose to support the Austrians anyways.

This is not true. If the Russians thought they were going to have to fight the Austrians/Germans without French and British support, they wouldn't have done it. They weren't ready for a war. However they proceeded as they were confident the French would support them.

Well ya, but that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying even if Austria attacked earlier, the Russians would’ve come to the defense of Serbia.

But you have also hit on the problem. The Germans were allies of the Austrians, The russians chose to guarentee the Serbians. The French were allied with Russia against the Germans. So the pieces were in place for everyone to get sucked in. Which is exactly why the Austrians are at fault for knowingly triggering that chain of events. They knew they were starting a war with russia. They knew the Germans would help them. They knew the French and british would jump in to help the russians against the Germans. So the Austrians knowingly triggered the war.
If the Germans kept their mouth shut and sued for peace then the Austrians never would’ve declared war on Serbia. The only reason the Austrians attacked was because of the blank check provided by the Kaiser.

Kaiser Wilhelm wanted to stop the war, and gave instructions to that effect. He was undermined by his own people as well as the Austrians.
So the Germans didn’t ensue for peace lol. It doesn’t matter what the Kaiser wanted. Germany still as a nation rejected the peace. 

Russia had backed down in problems with Germany on more than 1 occasion in recent History. If they thought that the French wouldn't support them, they likely would have done so again. They could not have won a war against Austria and Germany without the French. And if the french felt the war was justified because of the murder of the arch-duke, they could have been convinced to stay out. But once the Serbians agreed to main points of the Austrian demands, then the Austrians lost the moral high ground. The Serbians had already capitulated and therefore the Austrians were the aggressors when they attacked.
You misunderstand the nature of the alliance between Russia and France. France wouldn’t have come in unless the Germans did. The Russians didn’t need the French helping them if the Germans stayed out of it lol. The Germans didn’t and because of this the French were forced to side with the Russians. But again you prove my point. Without Germany in the mixture, the war would’ve solely involved the Russians, Serbs, and Austrians, and in this scenario the Austrians would’ve lost and they knew it. If Germany had rejected Austrian demand then WWI wouldn’t have happened.

If the Austrians had done as the Germans said and attacked right away, WW 2 would not have been triggered. It would have been another local confict in the Balkans.
Nope, the Russians would’ve come to their aid anyways. The Russians didn’t want conflict with Germany. They didn’t want conflict with the Austrians. If the Austrians has attacked, the Russians would’ve come, that’s practically certain since they had been supporting the Serbs since the beginning of the 20th century.

But that is really besides the point. The Austrians are the ones who picked a fight with Russia knowing it would kick off a massive war. The germans did not. The kaiser didn't want the war.
They only declared war because of the unconditional support by the Germans lol.