If you're in any building with other people wearing masks, you're going to breathe in their 1 micron breath particles NO MATTER WHERE YOU STAND.
Not neccesarily as many as if you did not wear any mask, because, you do not really know the density of the the particles in every public settings set of circumstances inside a public buiding. Ex Ive heard for many months that good circulation of air helps reduce the chances of spreading the virus. And not I do not the specifics of how that works, if it truly does.
yes, sunlight will kill a virus. That seems slightly off-topic.
Not if people are outside in public setting and the sun is shining the chance of infection is lessen by social distancing, masks, and sunlight if not some degree of hotter temperatures, or so Ive heard over the months.
Masks help reduce the spread, and the better the mask the better the retardation of virus
Same goes for social distancing etc. Yes inside a building the chances of infection rise considerably and all the more reason to wear any face covering, because, masks collect dust and dust spittle and other tha all help to bock out any viri because, some percentage of the viri will get caught in the bog of debri.
These viri do not have a mind of their own and look to find the pathways through. They are just floaters and get stuck on stuff like dust, spittle snot etc ergo a mask offers some protection irrespective of how much it is some.
Yes that is my oppinion cause Ive not develed deep into research of the specific numbers for actual real world examples inside various stores with varioous amounts of sunlight and ventilation systems all of the many differrent kinds of masks being worn. I.e there are many factors involved in many various cirumstances.
It starts with those who are infected ---knowingly or not--- to wear a mask as the mask will reduce some degree of there spittle ergo viri bogged in the spitttle ---if for no other reason mass-attraction to the spittle/flem in their mask.
Lets see now, do we have people going into stores and restaurants with bags collecting the air to sample how many viri with a volume of air? I doubt it, but maybe. And even if they did, circumstances will be differrent in may some rural setting where there is overall low infection rate in counted, as compared to some bigger city or meat factory city etc.
Circumstances later cases. And one of the circumstantial factors is masks.