Because America is politically divided at the moment, 'probably Trumps fault.
And his handling of the Corona virus really hasn't helped.
Personally I'd go with option 3, but wear a mask anyway.
It's my opinion the left goes about their fight against Trump in the wrong fashion, the only thing that helps them is Trumps. . . bizarre eccentricity.
Seems to me they would have been better trying to velvet glove a number of Republicans and opposing Trump, instead they went straight up against him, commendable principles, but seems foolish practicals to me (Though I'm a know nothing of politics).
I don't particularly 'dislike Biden, but I don't like him either.
I look back to the past election, and I think, hm, pretty sure one of the reasons people voted against Hillary was they saw him as part of the establishment. Biden's got the same problem. And much like last election, they're harping 'much on we 'must defeat Trump.
When they'd be better off saying what they'll do for the country, though they 'are doing that.
I think they're seeing the situation too much from their own biases and opinions.
I think a 'significant amount of the population has a different viewpoint than them.