I don't buy the premise that Black Lives Matter's goal is the advancement of Black communities. BLM's stated goal is far narrower than that:
"We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise."
You call SAFETY an advancement in position for the black community but in our democracy, safety from government violence is an inalienable right enjoyed by all regardless of skin color, recognized by the American people as inherent to every American citizen at birth.
Before Black Lives Matter, US citizens were getting killed by police at increasing rate in spite of historic decreases in violent crime overall as well as decreased violence against police. After Black Lives Matter began to organize protests in 2014 and as a direct result of those protests, the Federal Govt was exposed as failing in its responsibilities for police oversight and accountability, the US Dept of Justice dramatically tripled its annual estimates of police violence and at least 7 major crowd-sourced databases were created to further ensure government accuracy in future reports. In the three full reporting years since, the number of killings by police has leveled off. Black Lives Matter improved the condition of American Democracy (and thereby, American society) by providing a necessary check on and accounting for violence by state actors in the absence of sufficient checks and accurate accounting by the state itself.
Generally, I think concern about socioeconomic POSITION of communities divided by skin color is a Republican perspective entirely out of accord with the national mood and modern interpretation of American democracy. Yes, such concern is also reflected in the traditional politics of Black communities (NAACP=National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, for example) but my understanding is that BLM rejects such anachronisms (Black or White) as "narrow nationalism." The present theory is that if government would only apply justice equally to all Americans and demonstrate far less favor towards the rich than the corrupt present paradigm, Americans will handle their own advancement and according to more various concerns than mere socioeconomic position.