But wait... i still see it as a choice not to look into it though lol. Bc i know i can.
i still see it as a choice not to look into it though lol. Bc i know i can.
I agree there is no "physical" evidence. But i wouldn't agree with you per se that there is no anecdotal evidence. I say "per se" bc even the anecdotal evidence might be physical therefore, making no evidence. But for this conversation i will just go with there is no evidence that there is anything beyond the physical. But if there is only the physical... then, i am actually more sure that i am the one making the choices in my life. What / who else would it be?There is no physical evidence to suggest that there is anything beyond the physical. If you cannot examine this line of reasoning with me you cannot claim you are making choices governing your beliefs and if you can you may be forced to face the crushing reality of undeniable cause and effect from which there is no escape.
definition of both conciousness and freewill.
(too dramatic?)
Freewill would be being able to make choices without anything controlling those choices
At the very least your "choices" are determined by a mixture of your preferences (which are not under your control) and your circumstances (which are not under your control) by your definition it would seem that freewill does not exist. All things being equal a coffee drinker drinks coffee, but they didn't decide to like coffee it just brings them pleasure. Of course if it's too hot outside they might go for a soda or an iced tea but they didn't decide what the weather would be like either. It follows therefore that the coffee drinker has no control over what beverage they "choose".
Let's examine the pleasure angle shall we. What are some reason la you might "choose" not to do something that brings you pleasure. Let's take sex, by all accounts a pretty serious motivator. Let's say a person you find attractive has made it very clear that they reciprocate. Now ordinarily that would equal a night in a motel you wouldn't tell your nanna about but let's say you don't go through with it. Why wouldn't You? What reason do you have to say no? Sure you could say no but why would you?
When it comes to sex... i can. There are certain things i wouldn't do most the time. I guess that doesn't mean at a drop of a hat though... so, i agree it doesn't happen easily. Certain things are set like my sexual orientation. Certain things just change like my preferences. The things that don't change are hard / impossible to change.You can change your mind at the drop of a hat about your likes and dislikes? Prove it. Briefly change your sexual orientation and decide to hate coffee. I'll just give you a minute... take your time... did it work? No? Harder than it sounds isn't it?
Ok now let's assume that you do something for literally no reason. Not even just to prove to me that you can. In that case you haven't really made a descision at all you have simply engaged in random behavior. A random event is not an indication of freewill any more than following the dictates of cause and effect is.
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