This isn't me disagreeing, this is me legitimately curious where you got those numbers?
Wedge, your new here so youve not seen several posts where Ive laid out clearly how came to my those specific numbers and cosmic scenarios of which, for the most part or speculative on my part. I have no reason to doubt the rational, logical common sense pathways I followed and those conclusions thereof.
My discoveries date back to early or mid 90's when I was first learning about prime numbers so did my own doodlling around with trying to find a pattern. I did find two distinct --tho related-- patterns and sent them to Nature Scientific American and one other science like magazine that I cant recall any more. 6 months later I get this snail mail fomr Oxford University U.K. and I'm like huhh?
As best I can recal it was mathematician Ian Stewart who wrote me. He must of have been reviewer of dieas people send to these magazines in case there something of significant value. So he tells me the geometric pattern of primes, was not something he had ever seen, however, my geometric discoveries had been expressed algebraically 200 years ago ergo he stated there was no use in doing in further research or explorations.
My prime number pattern discoveries were expressed in two ways;
1} a set of four rows --very similar to Arthur Young's { Bell helicoptorr } approach, but he began with number counting number, #1 and I began with non-counting number #0, and used four linear rows, See LINK to arthurs Reflexsive Universe ideas, but my explorations occurred before I read his stuff,
2} placing numbers in hexagaonal circle, with several sot of concentric like circles after each 6 numbers which led to my conjecture --that I mailed to the magazines-- that all prime numbers ---except 2 and 3-- fall only on two radii { radial lines }, that are on each side of a radii that has no primes. So the algebraic expression of that, n * 6 plus or minus one, is where all primes fall ---exeetp 2 and 3-- along with other non-primes.
1} So here is the first four line/level pattern discovery scenario I found for primes, and this is 10 years before I concoted the third scenario ivolving torus;
2} was the hexagon with all primes --except 2 and 3--- falling on, only two radii, along with other non-prime numbers. I dont have a link and old web page I had for free showing that hexagon scenario, as that free web page went bye-bye a long time ago, h,mm first time Ive done this with texticonic charactors. Zero is the center and placing 2 and 3 aside you can begin to see the two radii of prime numbers, O, 1, 7p etc and O, 5p, 11p prime numbers.
3} so some ten years later, I got back into my 1st discovery above, and I followed one of Fullers ideas about things that turn themselves inside-out, ergo I did it with four lines, and that led to whole lot of new possible scenarios involving tori and much more;
The top line line/level I associate with the outer peak of positive curvature of a torus1, 5p, 7, p etc
The two middle lines I asscociate Observed Time ergo physical/reality as associated with sine-wave pattern ergo 0, 3p, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 inside the tube i.e. Graivty and Dark go inverse from the peak to create the sine-wave pattern of reality inside the tube and for those like you have not read my findings before, all fermionic matter is based on 3, 6, 9 12 and there are 18 kinds of flavored quark and 18 kinds of flavored anti-quark.
The bottom line above I associate peak of iinner negative curvature of the same torus.
No, I'm not saying the shape of Universe is a dynamically changing torus, I'm saying ever particle in Universe, except Graviton and Darkion is based on two or more interfering great tore. We just never see { quantize } the outer and inner peaks ergo Gravitty ( ) is Metaphysical-3 { spirit-3 } and Dark Energy )( is Metaphysical-4 { spirit-4 }.
The weak nuclear force is based on three particles W- W+ and Zo. See this LINK and go about half way on page on left to these three.
Gluons mathmatically add to nine { 9 } flavors but only manifest as 8 particles. I dont fully understand that no matter how many times Ive read the explanations.
My whole Cosmic Trinity Oultine shows how its trinary turtles all the way to the micro-bottom. Arthur Young never expressed any of the above and he got stuck on cosmic seven all the way to the micro-bottom scenario
So Wedge, I hope that explains the basics of how I came to where I am, tho there is much more involved than Ive gone into above.
From my brief research I've learned that positvely and negatively curved shapes are typically what people use to describe the shape of the universe, so I can infer that you are speaking about the specific shapes of gravity and time? Furthermore you extrapolate based off of that shape to come to some conclusion? I am curious where you got your numbers from? Do you have an academic resource, did you do and publish the tests yourself? Are they common knowledge I haven't stumbled onto? I am skeptical of every claim until it's been demonstrated, so this isn't a case where I'm saying I don't believe it, but I'm not convinced yet either.