a). He is the best to get the country out of the depression/recession, cause it was perfect, like the phone call before the pandemic
what does this even mean? trump panders to rich people and screws over the working class. That doesn't get you out of a depression.
b). The pandemic was Chinas fault
this is just dumb. 1) how does that have anything to do with who will win the election? 2) it's a desease. The chinese didn't make it. They didn't try to spread it. Pandemics happen, this one just happens to have started in China.
c) The pandemic response was Obama's fault
what? He hasn't been president for almost 4 years. Trump tore down alot of the pandemic response stuff put in place by Obama. He continually called the disease a hoax and said it would magically disappear causing states and local governments to not take it seriously.
d). Hard hit areas are metro areas, typically Democratic, so it is easy to blame Democratic leadership on poor outcomes
i agree that trump will try to shift blame. Even though it is largely his fault, he takes "0 responsibility" for the consequences of his actions.
e). He deploys the military as a sign it is a war, which has a very powerful message.
so? He was over a month too late in taking this seriously. For gods sake he tried to get the lockdowns to end by Easter just a few days ago. He is far more concerned with getting his golf clubs back open than in saving hundreds of thousands of american lives.
And as LInoln said.... You don't want to swap horses while crossing a stream.
this is assuming the horse isn't retarded and actively trying to drown you. In this case, the president is trying to save rich people and their money, he could care less if you died. Switching horses would be best for everyone.