For Stephen - Prophecy is Reasonable and Logical to Believe

Author: PGA2.0


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No one is killing human beings Mr. Godwin. I advocate the protection of a woman's sole right to her own body. I know that invisible friend declares women to be chattels and less than human but only fools believe that.
BTW your invisible friend aborts far more than humans do, what's his excuse?

PGA2.0's avatar
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It is written by men who claim inspiration from God.
A sane person would never accept such a ridiculous idea, those men were either lying, delusional, insane or all of the above. Why would you believe other men and not God?
Funny, says a man who claims no opinion regarding whether God or chance happenstance is responsible for everything. 

You imply that a sane person would never accept such a ludicrous idea. What is so ridiculous about it? 

So are you saying that the laws of logic are contingent on your mind believing them? If you didn't believe them they would not exist?
No, they are practical to use against illogical nonsense such as men claiming inspiration from God.
So, if you didn't believe the laws of logic would they exist?

What is illogical about God inspiring men to reveal Himself to humanity? 

2+2=4 is a logical concept 
Its a simple equation.
It is a logical equation and conceptual. What is illogical about it?

I asked you who made the natural laws and enforces them? 
That has to be one of the dumbest questions I've heard today. It shows you have no clue what a physical law is and you actually believe there is some kind of police enforcing them. I'm stunned at this level of ignorance. Please put the Bible down and read a book.
Okay, I have your commitment to physical laws alone as opposed to mindful laws (you who said you have no predisposition to one way or the other). 
No being enforces or creates them (again, no predisposition there either), thus physical laws are random chance happenstance and there is NO REASON why they hold together because there is no mind behind them to govern there continuance. Correct, to date?

Now that is dumb, mindless, in fact. The universe has no clue, no purpose, no intent, nothing to sustain these physical laws indefinitely, yet many of the physical laws have been in operation since the universe started. Why? And you have no clue why they would sustain themselves - there is no reason (yet I bet you will give me one). 

Let's see who is ignorant of the

You then cross-over to my worldview that has objective moral values in which some things are definitely plain evil or wrong. You then recognize that some things are BETTER than others. 
That is complete and utter baloney, I would do no such thing. Total fantasy.
So, from an indifferent universe, that does not care two cents about you or me, or anything, there is no evil, nothing that is good or bad? 

I wonder how long it would take for you to see evil if someone broke into your home and tortured your loved ones. Would you still believe there is no such thing because the universe is indifferent? You still have to explain why evil exists or is it just something you make believe and is not real?

Why can't He choose the way He communicates with us?
Simple, it fails.
It doesn't fail for everyone. If fails for those who do not want to hear because they have already made up their mind and are not open to God. He is what Gore would call an inconvenient truth. 

Some things are beyond our authority in determining our well-being.
Such as?
Cancer, death/when we die, or how.

I have spent many years wrestling with some doctrinal concepts, such as Calvinism v. Arminianism, Young/Old Earth, Preterist or Futurist, etc.
Im so sorry to hear that but it certainly explains your widespread ignorance of the world around you.

Well, I'm still waiting for cogent arguments from you on this subject matter. It also shows your indoctrination into evolutionary thought. If you want to understand someone then find out what influences them. Then think of the consequences of such ideas.

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.
That's exactly the kind of childish, ignorant behavior I've been referring. Even though no one has done anything wrong other than criticize your beliefs, you immediately lash out spitting poison with filth from Scriptures simply because you haven't the means to defend your irrational nonsense, which only serves to promote hate and cause conflict for no reason at all. Disgusting religion.
I'm quoting from the Bible. Now think about the statement, "there is no God." How would a finite human being know of this with certainty? He would have to know all things to rule out God. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

No one is killing human beings Mr. Godwin.

That is exactly what they are doing - killing human beings. 

National Institutes of Health, Medline Plus Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary (2013),
The government’s own definition attests to the fact that life begins at fertilization. According to the National Institutes of Health, “fertilization” is the process of union of two gametes (i.e., ovum and sperm) “whereby the somatic chromosome number is restored and the development of a new individual is initiated.”
Steven Ertelt”Undisputed Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization” 11/18/13
“Human life begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm (spermatozoo developmentn) unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to form a single cell called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.” “A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo).”
Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. pp. 16, 2.
“In that fraction of a second when the chromosomes form pairs, the sex of the new child will be determined, hereditary characteristics received from each parent will be set, and a new life will have begun.”
Kaluger, G., and Kaluger, M., Human Development: The Span of Life, page 28-29, The C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1974.
An embryology textbook describes how birth is just an event in the development of a baby, not the beginning of his/her life.
“It should always be remembered that many organs are still not completely developed by full-term and birth should be regarded only as an incident in the whole developmental process.”
F Beck Human Embryology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1985 page vi

I can produce tons of quotes from medical textbooks that confirm that human life begins at fertilization. 


I advocate the protection of a woman's sole right to her own body.
The human being developing in her body is separate from her body because it is a unique human in its own right. It is not her even if it is dependent on her. 

I know that invisible friend declares women to be chattels and less than human but only fools believe that.

No, He declares that all human beings are equally valuable persons. Male and female have different functions and different abilities. A male cannot give birth, yet both parts of a male and female are necessary for a new person to be formed.

As you did so often in the DDO forum, you misrepresent the biblical God and what many who profess Christ believe. 

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

We have EQUAL standing before God in Christ. He died to save sinners - male and female.

BTW your invisible friend aborts far more than humans do, what's his excuse?

God never ends an innocent life without restoring it. We all die physically. That is a given. Yet for those who believe in Christ, for all those that He died for (which includes little children), He restores to life with Him. 
disgusted's avatar
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I can produce tons of quotes from medical textbooks that confirm that human life begins at fertilization. 

I can produce more that reject that claim, big deal.
The human being developing in her body is separate from her body because it is a unique human in its own right. 
Then there shouldn't be any problem removing that separate body from hers, you could adopt the blastocyst and bring it up like the human you claim it is.
God never ends an innocent life without restoring it
Show me.

You make a lot of claims but never have any evidence to support them.
PGA2.0's avatar
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There must be an ultimate best to know good, just like without good we would not know evil. Evil is measured against good, just like good is measured against the best.
And you can demonstrate that we can know good? Or that we can know evil? How can we show any of these things to be objectively true?
Some truths are logically self-evident. Would you know what straight was without knowing what crooked is? How would you measure good if all you knew was evil? 

The law of identity states that a thing is what it is. (A=A)

With goodness, how would you know what that was unless you have a standard to compare goodness to that was ideal? And you can't arbitrarily call something good without it actually being good. Why should I believe your opinion? Hitler thought it was good to eliminate 6 million Jews and 11-12 million undesirables. Is it good because he called it good? NO. Good has to have an identity that does not change on a particular issue and morph into its opposite. Abortion was an example I gave you. Before Roe V. Wade abortion was considered wrong and a crime unless the mother and unborn were both threatened and would lose their life. After Roe v. Wade abortion was legalized to a specific period in the development of the unborn. 

So who was right with abortion? They both can't be logically right since they state opposites. Right, or good loses its identity when it can mean the opposite depending on who holds the view. It is stupidity to say that both views are right/good.

Objective best is God. He has commanded humanity to not kill (murder, or take innocent human life), not steal, not lie, not commit adultery, not covet something that is not ours, honor our parents, love Him, and do not defame Him.
Ok. I get that's your postion, but you still haven't answered my question. Can you show that best exists objectively? 
It is also the biblical position. I can give you logical reasoning why it has to be to make sense of good, or it just becomes arbitrary and might makes right. How does might make right? It doesn't.

Do you agree that if God exists and God is a benevolent Being, then we have an objective best?

You are saying you don't know best because your worldview does not have what is necessary for best. 
No, I'm saying that we have no demonstrable example of good or best existing. We have no way of determining if they are anything more than ideas we made up. Until we can demonstrate that they exist let alone what they are how can anyone logically claim they know what good or best are?
You are not serious, are you? If someone saves your life but sacrifices theirs because they love you, is that not good of them? If someone breaks into your house and (God forbid) torture and rapes your wife and children for fun - that is not evil (i.e., no demonstratable examples of good existing)? How do you know what is evil if there is no demonstratable good? I don't understand how you would differentiate? Is my example of a break-in just a concept of your mind, if that happened?

If you don't know what evil is then how can you determine what good is? Anything becomes possible. 

You make sense of the concept because you understand that good and better are degrees that depend on the ultimate, best. 
No. I make sense of them as because I understand when someone says 'X is good' they are basing that on a collection of criteria they determine to be good. Same when they say 'X is best'. This fits every example of best or good I have encountered. Please don't assume to know what I understand and don't, it's quite insulting.
Pardon? What Hitler did was good because he and many others thought it was good? If you think something is good then that makes it good??? 

You are again confusing personal preference with goodness. Why SHOULD I believe your personal opinion just because you like it? 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
I can produce tons of quotes from medical textbooks that confirm that human life begins at fertilization. 

I can produce more  that reject that claim, big deal.
Go ahead and produce them (some) and then we can get into the logistics of the issue. Who are these people?

The human being developing in her body is separate from her body because it is a unique human in its own right. 
Then there shouldn't be any problem removing that separate body from hers, you could adopt the blastocyst and bring it up like the human you claim it is.
But there is up to a level of development. So does that justify killing the unborn human being? These women are electing to put a human being to death. I can give the Guttmacher Institute rate of abortions that happen due to the life of the mother being threatened. It is small in comparison to the total abortions which are done for economical or personal reasons (the women don't want the responsibility). 

If a woman doesn't want to look after her two-year-old child should she have the right to kill it also because it depends on her? 

Why is she killing an innocent human being with impunity/no punishment? 

God never ends an innocent life without restoring it
Show me.

You deny Him. His authority means nothing to you (for now). Every single example I give you will be denied. It is a waste of my time, like it was on the DDO threads. 

But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Only the righteous enter God's kingdom, yet Jesus says that the kingdom belongs to little children - i.e., the innocent. 

You make a lot of claims but never have any evidence to support them.

I have evidence that none of you guys want to discuss (prophetic evidence, the unity of the Bible, morality, creation, etc). You just deny, deny, deny, even though your reasoning is flawed. Prophecy is one line of evidence that corresponds with historical evidence. 

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You deny Him. His authority means nothing to you (for now). Every single example I give you will be denied. It is a waste of my time, like it was on the DDO threads. 
You haven't shown me that
God never ends an innocent life without restoring it
So he restores the life of the "human" that he "murders" what does he do with the ones humans "murder"?

What gives you more authority over a woman's body than she does? Oh that's right your god teaches you that women are to be controlled by men and your misogyny agrees with that.
If you can't tell the truth about abortion why should I listen to anything you have to say on the subject. Why do you refuse to take on the responsibility of bringing this separate human body to adulthood. Just let it be known far and wide that you will take any aborted separate human body and continue the process of bringing it up.
Your prophesy shtick has been laughed out of every thread you've posted it in.
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disgusted's avatar
BTW golfer just what is it about sending souls to heaven that you object to?
PGA2.0's avatar
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You deny Him. His authority means nothing to you (for now). Every single example I give you will deny. It is a waste of my time, like it was on the DDO threads. 
You haven't shown me that
Deny, deny, deny.

God never ends an innocent life without restoring it
So he restores the life of the "human" that he "murders" what does he do with the ones humans "murder"?

God gives life. He has the right to take it. Humanity understands that the physical bodily life on earth will come to an end. The reason is that humans are sinful and resist God at every turn. So we are only given so long to live. But again, God will never take an innocent human life without restoring it.

You are His creature. He does not give you the right to kill innocent human beings.

What gives you more authority over a woman's body than she does? Oh that's right your god teaches you that women are to be controlled by men and your misogyny agrees with that.
If you can't tell the truth about abortion why should I listen to anything you have to say on the subject.
I have no authority over a woman's body (heaven forbid). She does. Don't make this personal. It is a moral issue that I object to and believe it should be exposed because it is killing the most venerable and helpless humans. It is a common sense issue.  You are so steeped in defending this evil practice that you will not hear, but the more you object and give these poor excuses the more I have a chance to expose your double standard and your duplicity.

It is you not telling the truth. 

Once people condone the taking of one class of humans they open themselves to doing it to other classes of humans, as I have pointed out to you. 
I tell the truth, you mask it and try to change it into a falsehood. The truth is that from conception this unborn is a human being. The truth is that it can't be anything other than a human being. The truth is that it is a separate human being from the mother, just not as developed. The truth is that it does depend on her, yet so does her one-year-old. The truth is that if she killed her one-year-old because it was inconvenient or unwanted she would be charged with murder. Yet because its environment is different she can choose whether to kill it or not. Does a human beings environment make a difference in whether they should live or die?  

You continually forget that you are condoning the killing of a human being when you support the woman's right to choose. You are an accomplice to murder. 

I give you a small list (of many) of what medical texts and medical experts say. You say you can give others that refute my position. I tell you to go ahead, so we can examine them and you are silent. Then you turn the subject to avoid your claim coming to fruition. This is a common ploy of yours. 

Why do you refuse to take on the responsibility of bringing this separate human body to adulthood. Just let it be known far and wide that you will take any aborted separate human body and continue the process of bringing it up.
Your prophesy shtick has been laughed out of every thread you've posted it in.

How am I refusing to take the responsibility? I am standing up against those who kill this human being and deny it its adulthood?

As for bringing up an aborted human being and bringing it up, why can't those who had sex and chose not to accept their responsibility do this? I am limited in my resources. I look after my wife who is on oxygen. I'm over sixty and don't know how much longer God will grant me. Many people would adopt the child in a heartbeat.

It has been unaddressed or taken over by Harikrish in his bazaar interpretations which have no biblical support. You have done what you always do - you have largely ignored it while ridiculing something you do not understand.

PGA2.0's avatar
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Here is the fuller thread:

You have to start somewhere and with something. Those core beliefs are presuppositional by nature. It is whether or not they are justifiable or inconsistent that is the question. When you begin with the presupposition/position that God's existence is unknown and then use an atheistic belief system to channel your inquiry you are not being neutral.
You are acting on the presuppositions of that atheistic belief system.

My starting point doesn't presuppose. That would mean making an assumption. The only thing my position takes as true is that I don't know how the universe began  (I have since concluded it is likely I never will) and that I don't know if a god exists. As for my taking on an 'atheistic' world view. That depends on your definition of atheism if you mean holding the negative belief that god doesn't exist, then you're wrong. To believe god cannot possibly exist would be an assumption and the bases for presupposition. 

So you start nowhere? (i.e., starting point) You have no starting point?

No, I start with a question. Why would I start with an answer when I have no means to support that answer.

What is that question?

You state: "My starting point doesn't presuppose," it does, because it uses an atheistic worldview to look for answers and dismisses the Christian theistic worldview. 

I argue it does presuppose since you were not there, neither was any other human. Even if you don't know you still look at or start with the universe from God as Creator (or the greatest personal being), or you begin with a material origin alone and origins via a chance instead of by intent. You ASSUME that everything that exists came about by your presupposed method, even if you have no surety (ignorant).

No. You don't have to assume either. To assume is to believe. I don't believe the universe came to be without god, I don't believe the universe came to be with a god. The only belief I have in regards to the nature of the universe is that it appears to have had a beginning. No assumptions are made in that position at all and as such no presuppositions.
You have demonstrated in a post (and I drew your attention to this) that you take the side of interpretative data that supports the atheistic/secular worldview and you are biased towards the Christian worldview. You deny the Christian God exists on the belief that there is no evidence for His existence. Wasn't it you who called Christians ignorant and insane? 

I'm waiting for you to tackle Posts 182 and 191 with interest. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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That is precisely the point, if you don't know but exclude God then you are taking a position. You are presupposing that the material worldview is the more evident worldview.
My only presupposition is that my senses are generally reasonably accurate and that I am able to make somewhat accurate deductions from the information I receive from these senses (the fact I survive and function suggests these assumptions are reasonable). I make these assumptions because they are necessary to function, without them I would literally be able to observe nothing and reason nothing. However, once we have these necessary assumptions, I see no reason to assume anything else, reason tells me assuming as few things as possible is more likely to produce accurate results. As for excluding god, I don't exclude god. I simply question the claims god exists, even in that statement you show your biased. You cannot objectively or reasonably address the existence of god because you have already concluded god exists before the
So, you rely on your senses, but are the laws of logic sensory? Show me the Law of Identity or the Law of Non-contradiction or the Law of Excluded Middles are physical or can be sensed by your senses, and that if you did not exist or any human being did not exist they would not exist. These are the very things you rely on making sense of anything but they are non-physical, intangible, abstract.

Lots of people still survive and function and they hold the exact opposition presuppositions you do about existence. The point is that sometimes people hold wrong assumptions/presuppositions and still survive. 

Here again, you are closed to the Christian worldview with statements like "I see no reason to assume anything else" and you "assuming as few things as possible [are] more likely to produce accurate results." There are two main presuppositional starting points - God or chance. With a personal being, you get intent and purpose with reason. With chance happenstance, you get neither. With chance happenstance, you have to assume that reason and logic is a byproduct. 

Even if you don't know whether God exists by looking at the world through " a naturalist's eyes" you see things through "atheistic eyes" - eyes that deny God. Jesus made this point:

The Unpardonable Sin ] He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

If this is true then there is no neutrality. I do not believe we are unbiased and neutral in the way we look at origins or life. We either cling to the one worldview or the other. In the Christian worldview, an atheist is the one who denies Jesus. He/she does not take the biblical God at His Word, for the Bible claims to be His revelation.

It's a false dichotomy. I am not 'against' Jesus, I care very little one way or the other. 
The NT makes it clear by the words spoken by Jesus that those who are not for/with Him are against Him. 

Do you believe that Jesus is a historical person?
Do you believe He is who He claims to be?

You see He hinged everlasting life or judgment on who He claimed to be:

Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in 

So the question becomes who Jesus claimed to be?

The NT rests on a correct understanding of who He claimed to be and on believing this. If you don't believe it are you with Jesus?

Acts 4:12 
12 And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

So, the Jesus of Scripture places everything on who He is and what He has done. If you do not believe this or ignore it then you are not with Him but against Him. Jesus makes the issue of life and relationship with God rest on Him. If you understood the OT enough in its relationship to the NT you would see that what is true of the covenant God made with Israel is true of Jesus and the New Covenant. What the Israelites did for their relationship with God in the OT now Jesus is calling them to do so with Him. What applies to God in the OT is applied to Jesus in the NT. This can be shown over and over again. 

By you not caring one way or the other is taking a side. You are choosing not to believe His message. So it is baloney when you say you are not against Jesus. Just by your indifference shows your opposition to Him. 

When you say "you simply ask 'is a god necessary to the existence of the universe' then you look at the universe and begin to consider and deduce. So far I have seen nothing conclusive either way" and then "none of these have been shown to require an intelligence" you take the side of atheism and secular beliefs.

When you say "in the first case we have no evidence that these exist as anything more than a construct of the human mind and in the second a system formed based on observation of the way the universe functions" you take the biblical God out of the equation. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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No denying that, but we are all biased. I'm glad that you are looking for reasons! Doubt is a part of life. I'm asking you to find out which is more REASONABLE and LOGICAL by examining the evidence as best as I can present it. There are lots who are much more sophisticated and polished, yet in regards to prophecy, I have been examining the evidence for the Christian worldview for a long time. I've professed faith in Jesus Christ for almost 40 years now. Debating unbelievers for most of that time has helped me to look hard for the explanations that confirm God for others. That said, even if the evidence is most compelling, those who are rebelling will always find another excuse not to believe. That has been my witness. On these forums I find but a handful of people who are really willing to test what they believe. The rest are locked solidly in their position and do not budge, do not hear the message or evidence. They do the opposite. They deny it. The more you present the more they dig into their position. That is why you, me, or anyone else coming to faith depends on God and His word.
Let's begin the examination of the evidence with the most pertinent question. [1] What methods have been used to date when the gospels were written? Internal prophecy is always hard to handle. The claims that Jesus fulfilled OT prophecy is questionable at best because the only details we have to Jesus' life are held within the text that is claiming he fulfilled prophecy (I tend to question outside the source for claims when seeking to confirm claims). Our issue here is again going to be your presupposition of the bible. I don't claim to be particularly versed in prophecy, nor do I claim to be particularly versed in history. I would however question how we confirm the Gospels were written before AD70 and how we confirm the events of Jesus' life occurred as is claimed in the Bible as a starting point (to believe these things and then build a case is making strong assumptions that will heavily bias our conclusions).

[1] Largely, the one statement that was made by Iraneus regarding John and Domitian:

Irenaeus' Quote (Used as Grounds for Late Revelation Date Theory)
"We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the Revelation. For ‘he’ [John?] or ‘it’ [Revelation?] was seen . . . towards the end of Domitian’s reign." (Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5:30:3)

This is a highly disputed passage on what Irenaeus meant or whether this is even exactly what he said. Kenneth Gentry, in his book, Before Jerusalem Fell, raises a number of issues that shed doubt on this passage that so many rest the date upon. 

The external evidence, Gentry notes, is “generally conceded on all sides to be their  [the late date proponents’] strongest argument.” The most important statement in view is that of Irenaeus who wrote (here translated into English):
“We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian’s reign.”
But when you go to the NT and examine its time frame and references to an already existing (not destroyed) temple and worship system there is not even a hint, not one word, of its destruction. The most important belief a Jew would have, their relationship with God and the means of that relationship, their sacrificial system is spoken of over and over as still in place. The warnings throughout the NT is of a soon, near, quick coming judgment from God. God judged OT Israel via the Mosaic Covenant laws established on Sinai. There is not the slightest hint they laws have been taken out the way yet, but there is this constant warning of coming curses and JUDGMENT. 

Deuteronomy 28:15 (NASB)
Consequences of Disobedience
15 “But it shall come about, if you do not obey the Lord your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

When you examine the Olivet Discourse the audience of address is primarily the 1st-century audience - "this generation." The talk of judgment and the coming kingdom is near to them (and AD 70 supports this coming). Jesus speaks of two ages, this age (Old Covenant in which He came to - John 1:11-12 - and the age to come - the New Covenant Age). The Old Covenant Age begins at Sinai, and it takes 40 years for the people to enter the Promised Land because they did not believe the message. The New Covenant Age begins at the mount on which Jesus was crucified and the people are given 40 years, one generation, to again enter the new and greater Promised Land, the heavenly country. Only those who believe from that generation (AD 30 - the crucifixion - until AD 70, the entrance of that land for believers - 40 years) enter the land. But during that 40 years a transition of covenants is taking place. 

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 Hebrews 8:13 (NASB)
13 When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.

At the time Hebrews is written the temple and worship system still stands. The author (many believe Paul) contrasts the worship system and its priests to the greater temple and Priest. But the point is that the manuscript speaks of a Mosaic worship system that still exists but is shortly coming to an end.

You have made him for a little while lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And have appointed him over the works of Your hands;

[ Jesus Briefly Humbled ] But we do see Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.

For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.

I believe I can logically and reasonably show you how most of the epistles build on Jesus' Olivet Discourse. The theme is Jesus' soon Second Coming and the NEAR coming kingdom that will be the only covenant between God and humanity from that point onwards. The OT points towards this coming King and kingdom and a new covenant relationship with God. The NT introduces us to this King and His coming kingdom. 

History verifies the Mosaic temple and worship system comes to an end in AD 70 with the judgment. 

The claims that Jesus fulfilled OT prophecy is questionable at best because the only details we have to Jesus' life are held within the text that is claiming he fulfilled prophecy (I tend to question outside the source for claims when seeking to confirm claims).

Jesus is the only One who can fulfill OT prophecy. The Mosaic Covenant and people to which many of these prophecies were promised do not exist after AD 70. Show me it does, or else those statements are reasonable and factual.

When you say the only details to Jesus' life are held within the text, the text you speak of contains 27 books/manuscripts and a number of different authors. The OT  documents contain 39 different manuscripts that make up the Torah and Tanakh and many different authors that point to this coming Messiah in many different ways, including types and patterns.

The outside sources refer to historical artifacts, peoples, and events that confirm the internal sources. External sources
witness to the internal sources where such sources can be confirmed.

What evidence from the early centuries do you have that suggests the evidence is questionable, that the prophecies were written AFTER the fact? (It becomes a game of scholarship) We only have the witness of history as our guide to whether those of that time thought these prophecies were written after the fact, and I know of none. Do you? So from what we have available, is it reasonable to believe they were written after the fact? 

Now, look at the prophetic message in the OT. Is it reasonable to believe these were written after the fact - the destruction of the temple and city in AD 70? 

Now, look at the prophecies themselves. Are they consistent in their prophetic nature? Do they predict the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple once again? 

Our issue here is again going to be your presupposition of the bible. I don't claim to be particularly versed in prophecy, nor do I claim to be particularly versed in history. I would however question how we confirm the Gospels were written before AD70 and how we confirm the events of Jesus' life occurred as is claimed in the Bible as a starting point (to believe these things and then build a case is making strong assumptions that will heavily bias our conclusions).

It is also going to be YOUR presupposition of the Bible. It works both ways. 

One way to confirm the reasonableness of prophecy written before AD 70 is by what they contain to references, people, events and also by their omissions. I have said that the single most important omission is the destruction of the city and sanctuary, the very thing the OT worship system hinged upon. The entire NT focuses on this coming judgment, on a soon to be obsolete worship system. 

Many outside (external) sources confirm the events of Jesus' life. They confirm He existed, some that He was crucified, and others confirm Him through His followers and the persecution they suffered.

PGA2.0's avatar
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No, I'm not. Pick a topic. Is abortion as a woman's choice good? There, that is a hot topic. 
Should a woman have the right to choose? Is that a good thing?
Here you make to mistakes in what my point is I think. Firstly regardless of a topic you're assuming that morality on said topic is a single thing, that there is a good and a bad. Yet we have no way of knowing such a thing exists, let alone how to apply it to this (or any other position). Your position is that it's meaningless to state X is good or bad without an objective morality. I don't disagree, I simply state that we don't have any evidence for an objective morality. We have only our own opinions and assumptions to use as a basis, so until an objective morality can be shown to exist, then it logically is meaningless to state X is good or X is bad. This point makes sense of morality by acknowledging that morality is meaningless until we have an objective morality. You don't want to make sense of morality you want to justify morality having meaning. In short, morality in no way supports the existence of god, it simply shows a reason why people may want to believe in god.

You said that good can mean anything (and I agree if there is no ultimate standard then any standard goes). You said I could not demonstrate there is such a thing as objective good. I agree if there is no objective source. However, the Bible claims there is such a source and gives good reason to believe it is that source.

I chose the abortion debate as one issue in which we can question what the "good" is. Whose view is more reasonable and logical? It all hinges on what the unborn is (i.e., a human being) and on what value there is to be human. If you say none, then why can't we kill other classes of human beings when we feel they don't measure up to our standards? If we can kill one class of human beings, the unborn, then why can't we kill other classes? Surely, in the US if you are going to discriminate against the unborn why can't you discriminate against a person of a certain color, or size, or where they live? Those who control the power and wealth could just go into urban slums and wipe out those who are undesirable. Then you could turn the tables on those who hold a different political view from you (if you hold the power). You could shut down their free speech and kill them for expressing their views. Then you could take aim on those who are weak and sick like Hitler did. Get rid of them too. Then you could discriminate against those who don't meet a certain height restriction. Then you could pick on religious people. Get rid of them by whatever means necessary. 

So, you must answer why it is okay to kill one whole class of human beings because of the choice of another class (i.e., unborn and women), yet you punish and set rules with other classes when they kill whole classes. That same woman can kill her unborn human offspring but not her two-year-old? The class of born as opposed to unborn gives different laws on killing. Why can't you kill the newborn but you can the unborn? They are both dependent on her. They are both smaller than she is. The difference is their environments. Is it okay to kill someone because they are in a different environment than you are?

If you have no objective standard then you are at the mercy of those in control and it is okay for them to do what they prefer because they are in control. Is that reasonable and logical to believe? If so, "You're next; please step this way!" 

So, is might makes the right GOOD? How can you know? Only if a necessary objective standard exists. Without it I would be in the same position as you, not knowing any moral truth, and that is where you are. 

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Here you make [ ] mistakes in what my point is I think. Firstly regardless of a topic you're assuming that morality on said topic is a single thing, that there is a good and a bad. Yet we have no way of knowing such a thing exists, let alone how to apply it to this (or any other position).

To carry on with this topic, morality centers in on right and wrong and either abortion is good or it is bad and evil. I'm getting specific in centering on abortion but it still revolves around whether we can find objective values from it and whether abortion is right or wrong and how anyone can know. It can't logically be both. If you don't know the truth on the subject matter then you are either ignorant or a relativist because you can't find moral objectivity from relativism. All a relativist can do is push for his/her desired preference or use force to establish it. 

I'm saying that if X on Abortion can mean Y, or Z, or Q or P, then you lose the meaning and identity of X or whether it is good or evil. The central issue regarding abortion is whether the unborn is a human being and whether human beings have value.

Science says it is living. Do you believe that statement is a fact? 
Science says it is a living human being. Do you believe that is a fact?
Science says it is a unique human being. Do you believe that is a fact?
We know it is dependent on the mother for its survival up to a particular time in its development and science confirms that. Do you believe that is a factual statement? 
We know that the newborn is usually dependent on the mother for its survival, especially when she is the only parent. If she neglects it then it can die. 
Why is there value for the newborn to the extent that if the mother chooses to kill it she goes to prison, but the value is so diminished for the unborn with the woman's choice determining its life? 

So can you say that it is good to kill other human beings? 
Can you say that the unborn is a human being? 
Can you say it is a unique human being, although undeveloped?
Can you say that valuing human life is GOOD? 
I'll react to your answers.

The biblical God gives this command - You shall not kill/murder. God also says that every human being, both male and female is created in His image and likeness. Thus the biblical position is that we are different from animals in some areas such as our reasoning and ability to communicate and create on a level that surpasses animals. We are different on a relational level too. Besides this God gives us special worth. Thus, to kill another human being without good cause goes against His moral command. Killing the unborn is just such a crime.

Good on any subject has a fixed address because good has a specific meaning or it loses its meaning. That is the only way goodness means anything, other than preference and preference makes nothing good, just permissible to those who hold power forcing their likes on others.  

Your position is that it's meaningless to state X is good or bad without an objective morality. I don't disagree, I simply state that we don't have any evidence for an objective morality. We have only our own opinions and assumptions to use as a basis, so until an objective morality can be shown to exist, then it logically is meaningless to state X is good or X is bad. This point makes sense of morality by acknowledging that morality is meaningless until we have an objective morality. You don't want to make sense of morality you want to justify morality having meaning. In short, morality in no way supports the existence of god, it simply shows a reason why people may want to believe in god.

If you can't state some things are good then anything can be passed off as good because there is no such thing. Now try living this way. 

We have evidence on two front (off the top of my head). 
1) We can't make sense of morality unless there is a fixed address for good and you can't make sense of it, but I can. What does that tell you?
2) You can't live with such an inconsistent view. Just count how many times a day you bring moral good or wrong into a conversation. If there is no such thing then you are not being truthful.

That is logical and reasonable evidence that brings your view into question. I can both make sense of morality and justify morality having meaning and I take you to the Bible to prove it is reasonable and logical to believe, realizing I can't force you to accept this because your presuppositions are going to stop you from trusting it. 

News for you: The is no morality without God or this necessary being. 

Let me remind you again of your statement: "Your position is that it's meaningless to state X is good or bad without an objective morality. I don't disagree,"

Do you want to live in an immoral or amoral world in which meaning is made up and meaningless because it can mean anything (no fixed address)? If so don't complain if someone ruthlessly kills someone you love for fun and they get away scottfree. After all, what does it matter in the big picture?

PGA2.0's avatar
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Exactly, and good becomes meaningless if it has no fixed, objective address.
And that is evidence that god exists how? This again seems to be an argument from consequence, this doesn't show anything other than the fact that good may be meaningless (and that our opinion of what is good is meaningless until we can demonstrate that not only objective morality exists, but that we can and do know what it is). You're pointing out something you don't like and stating that because your world view allows you to view the world otherwise your worldview is valid, this isn't a case for your world view unless you can show that morality is objective.

It is an argument for God. One of many. 

If you want to make sense of morality then you need this necessary being since your idea of goodness is relative and ever-changing. 

No it isn't.
Well, you agreed that an objective source was necessary with the last post I answered. 

YOU SAID: "Your position is that it's meaningless to state X is good or bad without an objective morality. I don't disagree, I simply state that we don't have any evidence for an objective morality." 

Was that common sense or irrationality when you made that statement?

We give a fixed term to the thing you and I call a dog. You understand when I use that term that it does not mean a cat or tree. It refers to that thing and nothing else. When it comes to goodness on any given specific subject the term is interchanged with other meanings, depending on where you live. It can mean the exact opposite. Some countries believe abortion as a woman's choice is wrong/ evil and others believe it is right/good.

This is because dog has a (reasonably) clear and defined meaning, it means a canid, especially the canis familiaris
(it can also mean a worthless or contemptible person).

Notice this is a clear definition, the traits necessary to fit it are fairly small, a cat and a tree aren't canids, so they're not dogs.
Yes, the context gives the meaning you intend. But there is no denying that the fourlegged canine has a specific meaning and identity. Why can't "good?"

Now look back at the link I presented for good, it lacks that same traits, if we were to write a definition for good that included the traits and criteria that made a thing good (there are several definitions for good that actually do this, but they're for very specific context), then we'd have a world that clearly meant one thing, it wouldn't however be anymore objectively 'moral' than it is now. The first definition presented for good is actually: of a favorable character or tendency.
Is murder good, ever? 
Is it good to covet, commit adultery?
Is it ever good to rape, and for fun? 

Is it good to lie, steal? No, it is not, even though people do this, sometimes to avoid the greater of two evils. 

That's subjective, that's dependent on circumstance. How about these:
b(1): SUITABLEFITgood to eat
(2): free from injury or disease one  good arm
(3): not depreciated
money drives out good
(4): commercially sound a good risk
(5): that can be relied on
good  for another year 
good for a hundred dollars
always good for a laugh
(6): PROFITABLEADVANTAGEOUSmade a very good deal
c(1): AGREEABLEPLEASANThad a good time
(2): SALUTARYWHOLESOMEgood for a cold

3, 6, c1 and 3 are certainly subjective. We have to scroll the page down quite a way before we come to anything that addresses morality directly and then it states:

'something conforming to the moral order of the universe'
What speaks of MORAL good as opposed to personal choice and empirical good which has a physical measure? That narrows the field. 

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That's fine, show that this moral order exists and how we can demonstrate what it is and we may finally have a clear definition of good, but until then, we've nothing to give traits to good within a moral context. You can claim this is why your worldview is better, but what you actually mean is it's why you prefer it. You see I'm not debating what worldview is best, I'm debating which worldview is most accurate to what we can show to be true.
The Bible reveals that everyone understands there are a right and wrong. It is evident in all cultures at all times. Without God, it is all relative to what it is made to be. And those without worshipping God as He is are subject to relativism.

That is what we witness. Every culture. We witness everywhere humans having a moral fabric sewn into their being. It is demonstratable that they do. 

That definition has been marred by the Fall when humans became moral relativists in choosing to know both good and evil. We see both good and evil in the world around us every day. We witness it. It is demonstrated. And some people can confuse the differences between good and evil because they look to themselves rather than God.

How do you get accurate out of moral relativism? Is it reasonable to you? How can it be because it is not logical? 

How do two biological bags of matter find good? One acts and reacts one way, the other another. So an evolutionary chance happenstance can't make sense of morality and evil, only ultimately a theistic one can, and a specific theistic one.

So who is actually right? Which is the true position, since logically they are not both good? You CAN'T answer that because you have no objective best.
It's entirely dependent on what you conclude the moral order of the universe is. I would personally say we've not got evidence that either is good. So I would answer neither.

There is only good if there is God. You can only make sense of good with God. Relativism is a constant flux or change. There is no logic in it. 

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
You haven't shown me that God never ends an innocent life without restoring it
You haven't answered this: So he restores the life of the "human" that he "murders" what does he do with the ones humans "murder"?
I have no authority over a woman's body (heaven forbid). She does. Don't make this personal. It is a moral issue
It's not a moral issue at all it is all about bodily autonomy and you have no right to interfere.
You keep waffling about "killing human beings" when we are discussing the removal of a growth from a woman's body.
Many people would adopt the child in a heartbeat.
Let them adopt the aborted "child" then. Oh that's right it's not a child, regardless of the lies contained in your preachers propaganda.
If your over 60 then let me tell you that you have wasted your only life and have learned nothing. When you die you will be dead but don't be afraid, you won't know that it's over it'll just be over. No more fairy tales just no more anything.
PGA2.0's avatar
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When you say "a favorable character tendency" - which persons or groups favor? If it is subjective then it is not wrong for someone who believes the opposite. Can you live in a world like that? Watch what happens if the Democrat's take back the power to govern and pass their agenda with their relative ideas. Your country is done if that happens. The downward spiral into despair and meaninglessness will continue at an accelerated rate. Watch what happens to the wealth of your country. 
This is again an argument to consequence. I don't have a choice in any of this, I can only logically and reasonably follow the evidence where it leads, so far it has all led to the conclusion that if there is an objective morality we have no evidence to show it or what it is. In short, reality is what it is. I can only conclude based on facts.
When a party can convict a person of guilt without even a fair hearing it is disgusting, and this is a common practice of that party. There was NO presumption of innocence there. The one side was right and the other was wrong before the hearing even began. What is more, that party heaped a whole lot more unproven allegations against the man. They painted things as true before they found out if they were. 

Their hypocrisy on any number of issues has been noted. It is the sickest display of partisanship and power mongering I've ever seen in your country. They want big government to control your lives. 

You can't say you're objective because you don't have what is necessary for objectivity with your worldview. It does not allow it. Yet, people with a relativistic worldview keep borrowing from an objective worldview everytime someone crosses the line. Then their subjectivity goes out the window.
I can be very objective when there is objective data to work with, same as you. The difference is that I don't assume that data when I don't have it. When I'm left without that data, I rather concede the fact that I can only be objective. I will ask again, can you demonstrate objective morality? So far you have argued:

that good cannot be made sense of without it, yet I can make sense of good. Your issue seems to be more with the idea that good is meaningless without it. Considering we have cases where 'good' is meaningless without objective morality and as of yet no one has shown objective morality exists what is the logical reason to conclude good isn't meaningless?
Are the Laws of Logic objective? Do they apply to all people at all times (universal)? How are they objective "data"? They are not physical.

You are not making sense of good, morally wise. You are making sense of good preference wise. Because you like it or agree with it then it becomes desirable. What is good about that? Hitler liked killing Jews. It was his preference. He thought it was good for his society. Does that make it right? Why is killing Jews good? The problem is you can't say it is if all it is was a personal preference. All you can say is "I don't like it." Big deal! "Step this way, please, you're next. Sorry about the community shower." 

Without moral objectivity has anyone shown you that their "good" is better than other persons good, especially when the good is the opposite in nature? 

You don't want to live in a world where morality is subjective. This is moot since the reality is what it is regardless of what we want.

There is no morality in such a world. What there is are personal and societal preferences in which "might makes right." That is called moral good.  

I objectively consider what is presented to me and then conclude what warrants belief based on that.

I don't claim that my worldview doesn't hold subjectives, it does, it holds many of them, the difference is that I admit they're subjective, I hold them strongly, I will do a lot to support these values, but they are subjective and they are no better and no worse than your subjective values, which I suspect you hold just as strongly, just as dearly. Where in all this do I borrow from your worldview? Or do you mean in some hypothetical situation where you spin my actions or reactions to suit what you want? 
It depends on the belief, but can you honestly say that torturing babies for fun is no better than treating the baby with dignity and worth? Come on! No better, no worse??? Who could say the prior is good except someone who is sick and has no sense of virtue?

What you have done is you have ruled out objective morality because there is so much subjectivity and possibly you DON'T like objective values because they come from God. Do you like the idea of God? Do you like the idea of the biblical God?

It still doesn't answer how your views are "good" just because you like them, and you admit that you can't tell that they are, and especially when others hold the exact opposite of your views. (It's all subjective, right?) Then which subjective view becomes the norm? You are at the mercy of any tyrant who gains power.

I'm not spinning your actions; I'm offering a perspective or scenario on the consequences of what you believe as true as if it was so. (the consequences of those actions and beliefs) I'm still trying to get you to open up on your starting presuppositions and find out what is under the hood. (There is no engine there) 

PGA2.0's avatar
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You haven't shown me that God never ends an innocent life without restoring it

An innocent person is without sin. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin are death (by the way that is spiritual death/separation from the presence of God for eternity). How could a JUST Judge condemn an innocent person? Answer - He can't. He is just! 

What is the promise of those born again? It is restored life in God's presence. Jesus continually spoke of the kingdom of heaven. 

It is a SPIRITUAL kingdom, not a physical kingdom on earth.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

So when He said the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, He pointed to the little children. Those He died to save!


You haven't answered this: So he restores the life of the "human" that he "murders" what does he do with the ones humans "murder"?

God does not murder. Life is His to take. Those who are guilty of sin are separated from His presence for eternity. That is a spiritual death to God. Those who have the provisional sacrifice that He supplies are counted righteous in His sight. There is no condemnation for them. God is Spirit so to be in His presence is to be there in spirit. 

If those who are murdered by other humans have faith and trust in Christ they too are in His presence in the heavenly kingdom. 

I have no authority over a woman's body (heaven forbid). She does. Don't make this personal. It is a moral issue
It's not a moral issue at all it is all about bodily autonomy and you have no right to interfere.
You keep waffling about "killing human beings" when we are discussing the removal of a growth from a woman's body.

It is the gravest of moral issues. The unborn is a human being. I'm still waiting for you to provide all those medical and scholarly textbooks that state otherwise. The woman has the right to her bodily autonomy up until it threatens the life of another human body and person. You can't use your body to kill others unjustly. Why should she? 

What you identify as a growth is a human being. You wouldn't call a person outside a womb a growth that anyone can terminate, would you? Then why do you DEVALUE a human because it is in the womb? Hypocrite. 

You think that just because you can state something - a "growth" - that it makes the human being nothing more than a growth (how disgusting). 

Many people would adopt the child in a heartbeat.
Let them adopt the aborted "child" then. Oh that's right it's not a child, regardless of the lies contained in your preachers propaganda.
If your over 60 then let me tell you that you have wasted your only life and have learned nothing. When you die you will be dead but don't be afraid, you won't know that it's over it'll just be over. No more fairy tales just no more anything.

I use the term child loosely, but you spoke about extracting the unborn from the womb. What do you call it (oh I forgot a growth)? Is it human? If not what kind of living being is it? Is it a mouse, a moose? No, it's human and can be nothing but a human being. You are the one spreading lies. How would you like it is someone devalued your life to nothing more than a growth, and not in the good sense of the word? 

How do you like slavery? That is a devalued human being. Would you like to be a slave? 

How would you like to be a person of color in Apartheid South Africa? I was there. I witnessed it. Would you like to be one of those devalued people? If not, then why do you do it with the unborn? Disgusting! 

Child: A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.

You said: "You keep waffling about "killing human beings" when we are discussing the removal of a growth from a woman's body."

Fact check - The unborn is a human being. 

Prove otherwise.

Is this growth you speak of living? 
Is it human? You are so far out of sorts with popular belief on this. Even those who support abortion admit it is a human being. 
What other kind of being can it be?
disgusted's avatar
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An innocent person is without sin. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin are death (by the way that is spiritual death/separation from the presence of God for eternity). How could a JUST Judge condemn an innocent person? Answer - He can't. He is just! 

What is the promise of those born again? It is restored life in God's presence. Jesus continually spoke of the kingdom of heaven. 

It is a SPIRITUAL kingdom, not a physical kingdom on earth.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

So when He said the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, He pointed to the little children. Those He died to save!
Relying on a book of myth and untruths to support your erroneous beliefs is simply absurd. We are discussing human life ie the woman's life and her right to control it.
You produce a fantasy about some fictional character in a book bringing the foetuses he aborts back to life. When I ask you does he do the same for the foetuses humans abort you run away and pretend you don't understand the question.
But I'm being harsh, the real reason you have trouble answering questions is because you have so much religious propaganda dominating your very existence you are incapable entering reality, the place where your fantasies only exist as fantasies.
If you and your fictional god were consistent then aborting a foetus is the best thing that could happen to it. Allegedly they go straight to heaven no matter who aborts them, or are you going to make another claim?
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
An innocent person is without sin. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin are death (by the way that is spiritual death/separation from the presence of God for eternity). How could a JUST Judge condemn an innocent person? Answer - He can't. He is just! 

What is the promise of those born again? It is restored life in God's presence. Jesus continually spoke of the kingdom of heaven. 

It is a SPIRITUAL kingdom, not a physical kingdom on earth.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

So when He said the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, He pointed to the little children. Those He died to save!
Relying on a book of myth and untruths to support your erroneous beliefs is simply absurd. We are discussing human life ie the woman's life and her right to control it.
I'm not falling into that trap. You asked: "You haven't shown me that God never ends an innocent life without restoring it."

It was you who brought up this topic and then you ridicule me for answering. It was YOU who brought this into the discussion.

It is absurd to think that a woman can choose to kill an innocent human being without consequences. She can control her own life but how far does that control go? You can control your own life but you can't kill another human being.


You produce a fantasy about some fictional character in a book bringing the foetuses he aborts back to life. When I ask you does he do the same for the foetuses humans abort you run away and pretend you don't understand the question. 
But I'm being harsh, the real reason you have trouble answering questions is because you You produce a fantasy about some fictional character in a book bringing the foetuses he aborts back to life. When I ask you does he do the same for the foetuses humans abort you run away and pretend you don't understand the question. 

God is not a fictional character. That is your constant mantra. An aborted fetus is an innocent human being.
Where is your support for your claim that it is not? So is it alright for a woman to kill an innocent human being?   

I'm having trouble answering questions, am I? What about all the questions I asked you? You can't justify your position so you ignore them. Prove the unborn is not a human being like you claimed.

If you and your fictional god were consistent then aborting a foetus is the best thing that could happen to it. Allegedly they go straight to heaven no matter who aborts them, or are you going to make another claim?

It is never right for a human being to take an innocent human life. 

disgusted's avatar
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Answer the******* question.
A foetus that your god aborts goes straight to heaven, yes? Where does the foetus a human aborts go?
PGA2.0's avatar
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I already answered your question. Open your eyes. An innocent human life will be restored in His presence. Now answer all my questions of I will ignore every post you address to me.
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I've never said best is subjective in regards to moral good and evil. It is only subjective in terms of personal preference (what is as opposed to what should be). As soon as a moral ought is brought into the equation there has to be a best to make sense of it. There has to be something (or Someone) that does not change in which we can measure everything else in relation to it (Him). If there is nothing that does not change then you can't measure it. God is that something (Someone).

It is not nonsensical to ask why a subjective opinion is good or better and in relation to what. 

It is nonsensical when the person you are conversing with has said that it would appear that A) there is no 'better' in an objective sense or B) We've no way of demonstrating that we can determine objective 'better'. This is the problem is you haven't shown that we can measure objective best, you have simply stated that without god we can't. Can you demonstrate that we can know best? Can you show how we can know this. You can say 'god is best so we measure against him' great, now show god exists. At this point you're not longer able to logically use objective good/best/morality as evidence of god as you need to show god exists before you can show any of those things objectively exist. That would be a circular argument.
Mdh2000's avatar
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Makes sense of it? Why is your view any better than any other view? You have already admitted it is not. Thus, you are inconsistent which means you have major problems. Why is your good better than my good? Not only this but as I have pointed out a number of times, everything has an identity and that identity cannot be what it is not.
Norm Geisler, Any Absolutes, Absolutely, had this to say:

"Finally, if morals are relative to each social group, then even opposite ethical imperatives can be viewed as right. But contradictory imperatives cannot both be true. Everything cannot be right, certainly not opposites."
That's absurd. If morality is purely subjective then no group is 'right' every group is simply stating an opinion. There is no contradiction if there is no objective morality by which to be right. You seem to think that my position is that no bodies morality is wrong. It's not, it's that I have know way of knowing if anyone's morality is right. If I were to assume no god exists and no objective morality then I could make sense of morality by acknowledging morality is a purely subjective set of values, same with best. This would make sense of them. They would be reasonable and easy to understand. Morality would be a set of values a person adopts. Best would be a preference (can you show it's anything more than that). You keep attacking the straw man that I assume all morals are 'right' my position is actually that I can't call any moral values correct because no one has demonstrated we can know of anything to measure those values against.

That brings another cog into the wheel, moral absolutes.
Only if you assume that there must be a 'right'. You're assuming that there's a right answer why? What reason is there to assume that any of our opinions on morality are right? We're still not even passed the simple question of how you can know there is an objective morality, let alone on to how we can know that anyone has come to the correct conclusions.

Funny thing is that you can't deny an absolute without implying one in the process of the denial and I noticed you have been fairly conscientious not to do so. God is that absolute.
I don't deny the absolutes so much as question them. If I have no evidence of these absolutes (which I don't), then why would I believe in them? I notice you haven't demonstrated any way in which we can show a moral absolute exists, until you can why should I accept it's true? You argue 'you need it to make sense of morality' not true, I could make sense of morality perfectly well by viewing it as non-existent, it's something we made up. If so then there is no 'best moral' simply whatever morals people choose, they aren't right or wrong, they're simply preference and opinion. Can you show any reason this can't be the case? Can you show any way in which this would be different from the world we observe?
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Yes, I can show it as reasonable and logical because only one system is necessary for morality and no other meets that criterion. If you want to know what is good you need God - the unchanging, benevolent final standard of appeal.
Missed this, sorry.

No, you can't show it as logical or reasonable. You simply assume that we must a means of judging 'best' or 'morality' You have shown no way in which this is actually in accordance to reality. Can you show that we do in fact have a means of judging best or morality (neither actually state they are objective values, even if they did then you would still need to show that something exists that fits the definition). Your argument seems to be close to assuming an objective moral standard in its premise (that would be begging the question).

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Some truths are logically self-evident. Would you know what straight was without knowing what crooked is? How would you measure good if all you knew was evil?
Can you show that anyone knows what good is? Or what evil is? Can you demonstrate why their definition is better than anyone else's? Let's talk about objective morality and abortion. My position is that neither position is correct to state their position as morally correct. Neither have to my knowledge demonstrated any way they can know their moral position is objectively accurate, or that there is any objective morality for it to be accurate against.

The law of identity states that a thing is what it is. (A=A)

So? In this case we have morality:

 a doctrine or system of moral conduct

So, why do these systems have to be anything more than a collection of subjective values and preferences? Morality isn't in conflict if the systems someone holds are different since by definition the system isn't specific. 

If you assert A in this case to be morality then there's no issue, however if your A is something else then what exactly are you talking about as A?

With goodness, how would you know what that was unless you have a standard to compare goodness to that was ideal? And you can't arbitrarily call something good without it actually being good. Why should I believe your opinion? Hitler thought it was good to eliminate 6 million Jews and 11-12 million undesirables. Is it good because he called it good? NO. Good has to have an identity that does not change on a particular issue and morph into its opposite. Abortion was an example I gave you. Before Roe V. Wade abortion was considered wrong and a crime unless the mother and unborn were both threatened and would lose their life. After Roe v. Wade abortion was legalized to a specific period in the development of the unborn.
Who said we do know what goodness is? We have opinions, but can you prove in any way that we know what is good and what is bad? Can you demonstrate that anyone's idea of good is more accurate to reality to anyone else's? You're still unable to address your claim that a moral absolute must exist, you certainly haven't done anything more than state your preference that there be a moral absolute because you dislike the implications otherwise. This doesn't suggest your position is accurate. Care to address how we can know morality exists as anything more than 
So who was right with abortion? They both can't be logically right since they state opposites. Right, or good loses its identity when it can mean the opposite depending on who holds the view. It is stupidity to say that both views are right/good.

We're not even really arguing this point. All I can really say is so what? I don't know as I'd go so far as to say it's stupidity, but I see no reason to see it as anything more than an expression of opinion and preference. Can show any statement on morality is more than that?
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You said that good can mean anything (and I agree if there is no ultimate standard then any standard goes). You said I could not demonstrate there is such a thing as objective good. I agree if there is no objective source. However, the Bible claims there is such a source and gives good reason to believe it is that source.

No, I said everyone forms their own opinion of good. That's not the same as saying either good can mean anything (though that's technically just in definition, any word can mean anything depending on how we define it, but I also didn't mean that anything can be good). No, I never said you couldn't, I asked if you could and have stated that you haven't.

I chose the abortion debate as one issue in which we can question what the "good" is. Whose view is more reasonable and logical? It all hinges on what the unborn is (i.e., a human being) and on what value there is to be human. If you say none, then why can't we kill other classes of human beings when we feel they don't measure up to our standards? If we can kill one class of human beings, the unborn, then why can't we kill other classes? Surely, in the US if you are going to discriminate against the unborn why can't you discriminate against a person of a certain color, or size, or where they live? Those who control the power and wealth could just go into urban slums and wipe out those who are undesirable. Then you could turn the tables on those who hold a different political view from you (if you hold the power). You could shut down their free speech and kill them for expressing their views. Then you could take aim on those who are weak and sick like Hitler did. Get rid of them too. Then you could discriminate against those who don't meet a certain height restriction. Then you could pick on religious people. Get rid of them by whatever means necessary. 
Not really no, you wouldn't come to a moral conclusion by concluding what is more logical. Morality has never been synonymous with logic to my thinking. The rest of your position is an argument to consequence/appeal to emotion and meaningless to prove anything exists.

So, you must answer why it is okay to kill one whole class of human beings because of the choice of another class (i.e., unborn and women), yet you punish and set rules with other classes when they kill whole classes. That same woman can kill her unborn human offspring but not her two-year-old? The class of born as opposed to unborn gives different laws on killing. Why can't you kill the newborn but you can the unborn? They are both dependent on her. They are both smaller than she is. The difference is their environments. Is it okay to kill someone because they are in a different environment than you are?
This also does nothing to prove an objective morality exists.

If you have no objective standard then you are at the mercy of those in control and it is okay for them to do what they prefer because they are in control. Is that reasonable and logical to believe? If so, "You're next; please step this way!" 
No. I can very much say I'm against it. I can very much say that I will fight to change it, I will just do so with the intellectual honesty of admitting that my reasons for that are a collection of personally formed opinions, preferences and views. The same as someone who does this with a supposed (and as of yet unshown) moral authority.

So, is might makes the right GOOD? How can you know? Only if a necessary objective standard exists. Without it I would be in the same position as you, not knowing any moral truth, and that is where you are. 
You are in the same position as me. The difference is you have pointed at something and said 'that's my objective morality'. You certainly haven't demonstrated such an objective morality yet.
PGA2.0's avatar
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I've never said best is subjective in regards to moral good and evil. It is only subjective in terms of personal preference (what is as opposed to what should be). As soon as a moral ought is brought into the equation there has to be a best to make sense of it. There has to be something (or Someone) that does not change in which we can measure everything else in relation to it (Him). If there is nothing that does not change then you can't measure it. God is that something (Someone).

It is not nonsensical to ask why a subjective opinion is good or better and in relation to what. 

It is nonsensical when the person you are conversing with has said that it would appear that A) there is no 'better' in an objective sense or B) We've no way of demonstrating that we can determine objective 'better'. This is the problem is you haven't shown that we can measure objective best, you have simply stated that without god we can't. Can you demonstrate that we can know best? Can you show how we can know this. You can say 'god is best so we measure against him' great, now show god exists. At this point you're not longer able to logically use objective good/best/morality as evidence of god as you need to show god exists before you can show any of those things objectively exist. That would be a circular argument.

I can demonstrate the reason and logic of prophecy and of God speaking to humanity via the Bible. I can demonstrate that without God you CAN'T make sense of morality, or ultimately anything for that matter for the reason it begs how a relative, subjective limited human being can KNOW the truth in regards to life and origins. Which subjective person has the answers? I can demonstrate what is necessary to know better. There MUST be an unchanging IDEAL that we can compare goodness to that ideal. I challenge you to do the same. What is the ideal that you derive values from? Do you just make them up because you like them, or is there something unchanging that is ideal you can point to? If not then the VALUE you give to something as 'good' or 'better' right now can change and become the opposite in the future when some dictator or tyrant or new leader comes to power. And we witness just this. The question I ask without God is what makes Hitler or Kim Jong-un any better or their ideas any better than Martin Luther King's or Gandhi's? There is no reason except power and charisma. Truth is based on what is the case, yet how can you identify the case if it is subject to change, or chance? Truth does not change. There must be a given identity for truth and goodness (and the specifics of goodness being compared to the ideal) or else the identity becomes arbitrary and nonsensical. 

I have given a good logical reason for God - prophecy, the Bible, the impossibility of the contrary, necessary Mind, etc. Since you doubt the validity of these claims and fail to see the reason behind Him and what He has created, I have challenged you to make sense of these things without first presupposing this necessary Being. 

We can only measure good and better if we have an objective best, an ideal in which to compare values. Other than that it becomes pure speculation and personal preference which I have argued, in themselves, makes nothing good. You have agreed. You first have to have that final, fixed measure before that can be determined objective morals (and in one post you agreed with this, so you go against reason in believing what you do). You have not made sense of it either for what makes your views of good any better than mine or anyone else without such a best? You have said nothing. 

So, you have laid out a pretty poor reason/excuse for believing what you do. 

You ask me to show God is best. What would you believe? What could I ever show you if you do not want to weigh the evidence to its reasonableness and logic? I have asked you to engage in Posts 182 and 191 as to the truth claims stated. You did provide ONE post that began this query, but nothing else. You said you would address these two posts. I'm still waiting. Through prophecy, I can give you many reasoned and logical pieces of evidence to believe, but even doing so I can't make you believe. That is between you and God. 

(Continue on next post)