"People who have had near-death experiences often report experiencing features that form a common pattern among the millions of people throughout history who have reported near-death experiences. Scientists investigating near-death experiences have found that the pattern of what usually happens during them is consistent worldwide and among people of all different ages, cultural backgrounds, and religious beliefs
A near-death experience (NDE) is an event that happens when a dying person's soul goes out of his or her body and travels through time and space
People often describe their souls (the conscious part of themselves) leaving their bodies.
While having an NDE, people can see their physical bodies below, and they can watch everything that happens to their bodies, such as doctors and nurses working and family members grieving. After they return to life, they can vividly describe details of what happened around their bodies, even though they were physically unconscious.
A tunnel appears in the air and draws the souls of people into it, propelling them forward quickly. Despite the great speed at which they’re traveling, however, people report that they’re not afraid, but peaceful and curious while going through the tunnel.
Angels and people who have died but knew the person having the near-death experience in some way while alive (such as family members or friends) often greet that person shortly after the brilliant light appears. They all recognize each other, even without seeing each other physically.
Despite the fact that their physical bodies are unconscious, people who have NDEs report being able to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste more vividly than they ever could on Earth. After returning, they often describe colors or music that are unlike anything they've encountered on Earth.
Near-death experiences end when people's souls re-enter their physical bodies. Then they're resuscitated, and recover from whatever illness or injury had caused them to approach death or clinically die."
"Since NDE experiences often happen in hospital settings with professional medical oversight, thousands of NDEs have been sufficiently well-documented for scientific study. This documentation often includes relevant information that can be verified by those present. Examples include actions that took place during resuscitation, conversations in the waiting room, or articles of clothing worn by family members.
In NDE cases, people retain their consciousness. As noted in the list above, there are reports of moving outside the body, passing through walls in the hospital, and sometimes being transported to a transphysical domain (this is where the popularly-known details of moving through a tunnel and encountering a bright light come in).
In a near death experience, people can see and hear what’s going on around them, remember what is happening and know who they are—but their consciousness is operating independently of their physical body."
This idea corresponds with developments in other branches of science. Near death experiences are certainly pronounced and conspicuous evidence of a transphysical soul.
The widely accepted criteria for near death experiences (see above) makes a science of near death experiences possible.
There are four significant peer reviewed studies that provide meaningful, verifiable evidence of the survival of human consciousness after clinical death, strengthening the case for the transphysical nature of NDEs:"