A very good question. It's not a dodge, I never dodge a question or point, yet the fact is that I don't know what a universe without time would be like however that I can't imagine it, that I can't understand it, doesn't mean it's not possible or even that it's not probable.
This is great. I'm understanding how you are looking at it. I obviously can't really push any ideas into this that can't just be "dodged" ... i put that in quotes bc i know you're not dodging. Your position is reasonable. We can't know what a universe without time would be like bc we don't know it exists, or if it does... we don't have a way to access it to "know know." However, i think this is where our minds differ a little. I think it's easy imagining such a universe, and i think it is probable i'm right, off what we know. Something without time, is nothing right?.. If we just take it as what we know. I think there is significance in this for our imaginations and conscious, is kinda a literal superpower. We can imagine this, so why make it harder and more complicated than it needs to be (which only comes down to changing definitions of what time is)? We can do many things imagining implications of time (calling each by different names even), one being imagining what it would be without (timeless, empty, or whatever you'd call it). It's just changing definitions just like a comic book writer may call a time hero ... changer. Everything he/she does is change... but that's still manipulating what we know as "time." Therefore, i don't think it's insignificant that we can make these speculations. When it comes to "knowing" ... sure i agree with your angle, i've never seen it personally nor know if it exists... but, why throw out what i can imagine? I can make calculated speculations. I mean, all this could go either way if we keep changing definitions and calling time something else than what we see right in front of us. This does sound like the "look at the world it has to be designed" argument... but i think it's stronger bc we experience time and also know our imaginations are inventive and can imagine proofs.
Until we can observe and verify the traits beyond this universe speculation about it seems to be a fun thought exercise, but not much of a way to determine anything beyond speculation.
But like in anything, can't we say some speculation is better than the other? For instance, isn't it better if i get speculate about a simulation theory with you, rather than Christianity? Can't we both measure each speculation and think one is better or at least at this point seems more reasonable?
What makes sense to us may have nothing at all to do with what can be or is indeed what is.
Lol i really agree with you here... the only thing is i don't think about this angle much bc i've already accepted i can be wrong. I think it just comes down to my overall belief... i think we are something magical. Even if there is nothing beyond this, our imaginations alone are magical imo. Therefore, i don't think our ability to imagine these things is insignificant. I think it's highly significant in the grand scheme of things. Although, we are still infants... so ya, everything could be wrong... or maybe, there are small pieces we have caught onto... just like anything else, it's slowly getting there.
I'm still not seeing any way you determine likelihood.
Just imagining different platforms. Like any fictional writer would do for creating a reality. Then there is my experiences that kinda threw me in this direction, but i think you'll discuss that later so i'll discuss it when you bring it up... i'm going one quote at a time.
Yet we have no way of knowing that it's comparable to our universe at all in any way shape or form, we don't know that anything that applies here would apply elsewhere, we have no way of knowing that any conclusion we draw is more probable than any other due to lack of information.
This is interesting to me just bc of my ultimate speculation. I didn't want to bring it up so you don't judge me, but i think everything we have imagined exists in some form. It's extreme, but where i'm at. Therefore, i think there are absolute different universes to ours. My point isn't "knowing" ... which is a reoccurring sentiment i've seen. Knowing there is a reality where people can fly with wings... i don't 'know' it. But can i see a world where people can fly? Sure, why not... they'd just need wings. Is it possible? Sure why not?... of course my ultimate speculation gets crazy, but ultimately i'm not trying to know... maybe things are exactly how they are bc 'knowing' would be a detriment to this experience.
When you say tested what do you mean? What was the criteria of this testing?
It was in my moment, so i didn't have any instruments or stuff like that. Quick recap since i don't want to go through all of it. Kid said his house is haunted, i doubted him, i told him if it is than it should be able to manipulate my necklace, and it did. But before i asked him to tell it to manipulate the necklace... i sat down, observed the natural spin while holding it. Said go. It spun uncontrollably right. I still didn't believe so i told it to say stop the necklace from spinning. It stopped on command, i still wanted more proof so i said now tell it to spin left, it spun uncontrollably left. The only way it could have spun as hard as it did i would have had to do it... and i'm 90% positive i didn't move. 10%... maybe i somehow lost my mind and did... i don't know but i'm sure i didn't move. My test was stabilizing myself, observation of what's natural... then the directional commands... which all gave me the finger. I wanted to disprove him. In hindsight, i should have hung it on a lamp or something or recorded it... it just didn't happen that way. Which is interesting about these experiences... they just happen. Why? Idk know exactly but i have a theory if your interested in digressing into my "beliefs."
If it's repeatable then subject it to further testing, confirm what is happening and study further. If there's something there then you'll be able to verify and expand on what you know.
The kid thought it's a demon trying to kill him, he died a week later, i can't get back into his house, i've tried it many other times and it didn't work. I don't know how to test it in a repeatable way. I don't think these things work like that. Repeatable is something for understanding "simple" things in what we can see in our reality. I don't think that method is appropriate for something like this experience. But nonetheless, i experienced it.
when we get beyond this range however evidence suggests we're not so good, both our senses and our reasoning tend to become less reliable when working on the macro and the micro for example.
I agree with you. But i know myself, and i know on the reliability of these memories. The reason i say i wish i didn't have them is bc it's significantly changed my life... almost in a traumatic way bc you can't stop thinking about it on top of everyone telling me, it's a delusion, made up memory, etc. etc. Therefore, i kinda empathize with people that talk about crazy things that shouldn't happen... which btw, most i debunk or think they are drawing conclusions they shouldn't like it must be the "christian / muslim / whatever god." My whole point is towards what the "something" that happened is... i think it's clear there is something here.
(I knew someone who believed that if ghosts could be shown to exist that would prove that a god exists... Never got a clear explanation as to why).
Yep, like i said... i'm with you here. It just means something unexplained happened... can't draw an actual conclusion. But we can use them as an added tool. I'm actually a paralegal so i know the whole evidence and testimony thing. People are pretty wild. However, with very strong experiences, although they can exaggerate it, there are truths if the person actually experienced what they said they did. The problem with these types of experiences is the cause is often times "invisible" so you can't trace it. Like, how can i prove my mentioned experience other than testimony, and corroboration with one other that was there (which is why i usually only focus on this experience bc that is the only thing that makes it "stronger")?
Honestly, I can't speak to any of this without further information on your own experiences.
I went over it cliff note style, the only things i'm leaving out is how i was feeling, our conversations that lead to it, the environment, and some other connections, but the experience happened how i explained. I've looked at it critically and the only thing i can come up with is that i spun it unconsciously, it was a trick, or some invisible natural phenomena that just happened to go down exactly then. All of which, except for the last, i was aware of not to do... even watch the kids hands to make sure it's not a trick somehow. I was fully aware, yet it still happened... that's why it's one that has stuck with me as really unexplained.