I apologise for my typos in the previous post. I am typing from my phone on the bus, a bad combination I'm afraid.
I feep having read your posts again that our discussion needst to move back to its beginning, namely your statement that processes develop the un8verse. I ask what processes you believe develop the unverse? I ask this for the lurpose of being clear on the specifics of what you mean by processes.
I apologise for my typos in the previous post. I am typing from my phone on the bus, a bad combination I'm afraid.
Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly willing to hear you out, but as yet I haven't heard anything to consider other than you're claims, which so far run counter to what we already know, that which is verifiable.
If it's a superior view, as you say, why doesn't it have a superior explanation?
Yes, I would agree a design might be apparent and for sure the world thought that way for a very long time, until science came along and started to unravel the mysteries surrounding that apparent design, but instead of making confirmations on what they observed, they found the design was only a facade and that what lay underneath was another story altogether. What they found did not exempt a Creator, as you say, but it did show that the processes were natural and were able to operate on their own accord. This is what the scientific method uncovered.
I understand what you're claiming, that the processes aren't natural and don't occur on their own, but if it has been shown that they do operate on their own and that those explanations are detailed and verifiable, so you would need a very extraordinary explanation that not only would refute what we know, but also offer an explanation to replace what we know. By just claiming that they don't is not really an explanation, nor has it been shown in any way or is it verifiable. I think you would have a great deal of work to have anyone consider your claims as valid.
Its fine to make that claim, but you would need to explain how that works and how you know it to be true?
I'm sorry, but I have to ask how would you know any of that? For example, can you show that God arranges patterns in solar systems or that God begins the process of a stars death? Since these explanations already exist supported by observable evidence and based on a stars composition and its process of evolution, what can you offer to show God is in control of them? At this time, all you're doing is just making claims, but you aren't actually offering any explanations supported by observations or evidence. I'm wondering at this point if you're just asking me to accept whatever you say without explanation? If that is the case, I'm very sorry, but my common sense tells me that would be wrong.
Okay, but why has science already shown that those processes do act on their own? Why do they have valid, verifiable and detailed explanations that fit with what is being observed?
By just claiming that they don't is not really an explanation,
nor has it been shown in any way or is it verifiable.
I think you would have a great deal of work to have anyone consider your claims as valid.
Processes would include anything undergone that would bring about an end result, since we know nothing poofs into existence everything has a process to exist, literally just about everything other than maybe energy (and of course energy is utilized by God). I gave some examples earlier in the thread, the process of things forming such as stars and planets (which would include the process of the Big Bang), and those stars being used to continually seed the universe, the process of things arranging such as galaxies and solar systems, the process of things being developed such as eco-systems, habitats and the evolution of embodiments which are all the creatures you find on Earth. This is more or less a general outline.
Other than my claims? what other thing would you be looking for in our discussion?
it is the very proposition I'm making that I want you to consider, I don't have any need at this moment for anyone else's claims but my own proposition.And again, the only thing verifiable is that you know how the processes work, albeit leaving out the WHY they occur. I understand you don't have any reason to ask why they occur, but that is the point behind my argument...to ask yourself why would any processes be occurring at all.
That's been done already, since you seem unable to pick up on it I'm going to leave it be I guess. Hopefully any readers will see the rationale in what I've been saying. And just to repeat it yet again, my argument rests in the idea that processes cannot occur all by themselves because inanimate forces can't generate intelligent results......that IS my explanation in a nutshell.
And despite many people accepting that they do, I'm building the case for God through the use of common sense and rationale that God has been the Source behind the processes that have occurred in our universe.
You asked me show that, my practical answer is.....it is the very processes we see taking place that are used by God to bring things into existence, in other words if there was no intelligent source none of these processes would be taking place. So what we observe through the scientific method is how God creates the universe.
So I must say again, that from the Creationists perspective it is indeed a superior view and one reason it is, is because it deals with WHY processes occur in the first place, since it is illogical to assume that they occur by themselves. From your point of view, which I do get, you are content not asking why they occur since it appears there is no Prime Mover and I also went over that already briefly.
I understand science quite well, thank you. I am not avoiding anything, I am waiting for you to explain who you know what you know and the detailed explanation behind it. That's all I ask.You have the wrong idea about science which is somewhat typical, it's just a method of examining how the natural universe works. But that's it, it doesn't have the capability to reach the hand of God because of the nature of God, all it can do is confirm what it can observe and show the ingredient behind a process or end result. Science is a neutral study in that it makes no claims about or against God, that's not what it is for. So Theism is perfectly compatible with science, but Theism takes it a step further and deals with WHY these things take place since God is the Mover. By assuming science has all the possible insight you are avoiding the issue which is why I'm bringing it to your attention.
I really went over this already which makes this somewhat frustrating, I dealt with it by giving you the recipe analogy. Perhaps go back to that explanation. As for your claim about them operating on their own read above. Science is only able to show the ingredients, not the one putting them together.
Obviously I can't show it to be true other than appealing to your rational mind, first I know God exists so that part is already a done deal. The only thing I can do for you is to have this discussion and hopefully move forward or get to a place where you are satisfied with my explanation.
Well despite the fact I HAVE been explaining how this fits together I don't know what else to say. Maybe someone else will pick up on the rationale of what I'm writing and be willing to move forward in the discussion but I can't continue to keep repeating the same thing at this point. Once you see the rationale is in my proposition that processes are only associated with intelligence maybe we can get somewhere. I don't have to explain that it explains itself.
Sorry, but what you're claiming is not blatantly obvious or logical as it runs counter to our current body of knowledge. You would need a very powerful detailed explanation to be considered logical or obvious.Well in this puzzle it explains a lot because it's blatantly obvious and logical, to come to a logical conclusion we have to follow rational thought...my argument resides more on the fact that you accept that they do.
Not verifiable through a method like science no but certainly has been shown through the correct methods or sources.
Perhaps, but I think it's more about perspective really because nothing I'm saying is absurd or unreasonable. Once a person is convinced of a particular position it is hard to get them out of that.
Quite a relevant point you have raised there.Theism has been around longer than any other proposition and that isn't because it was stupid lol, more like because it's obvious to rational minds.
And so the formation of planets, eco-systems and evolution are all definitely processes?
Sorry, but what you're claiming is not blatantly obvious or logical
when it dawns on your rational mind one day that processes don't just occur all by themselves
Rational minds look at the evidence, the facts, the measured observations
Rational minds never just believe something without explanations.
You're asking me to just believe whatever you say.
entirely on its own, that no such Prime Mover has ever been located anywhere in those processes.
That would then make the definition of "rational" null and void. That would mean it would be rational to believe pigs could fly. Is it rational?No they don't.
I believe the word I've been using is consider, and that means to consider the rationale in my posts, that are weighed through evidence, inference, correlation, logic and common sense.
Thanks for the opinion. But that's absurd.....IMO of course. But just so you know, science doesn't claim that, that's your personal opinion.
That would then make the definition of "rational" null and void. That would mean it would be rational to believe pigs could fly. Is it rational?
I can't consider unexplained claims, especially when they are not weighted through evidence, correlation, logic or common sense, you provided none of that. No rational person would consider them.
Again, if you choose to provide all of that with explanations, then they can be considered.
Since science has never found a Prime Mover, then the conclusion to that is obvious, that there is no evidence for a Prime Mover and that conclusion will stick until such evidence reveals itself. You can provide if you can and I'd be more than willing to consider it. So far, everything you've claimed is your personal opinion.
It was irrational to ask me to believe in something that runs counter to what we already know, especially when that something had no explanations or evidence. Is it irrational for me to ask you to believe that pigs can fly?You were never once asked to believe anything irrational.
Perhaps reevaluate what I wrote.
I'm not going over the same things continually, I'm also not going to be lectured what the processes entail when my argument is that the processes are created through an intelligent Source, that's WHY they occur.
Until you acknowledge it we can't move forward.
Science doesn't make claims about the Creator, we went over that.
They point to the ingredients (recipe) not the Maker or one that puts them together.
But, to invoke a Maker is your personal opinion
It may be, and one supported by good reasoning
Perhaps if it doesn't interest you or you're not willing to consider creation as a legit proposition maybe don't get involved in religious discussions?
a legit proposition
That's exactly what I'm waiting for; good reasoning, which would include explanations based on evidence. That's how it works.
I have to ask this question and hope others can chime in with their opinions.Is it fair that any claim can be made without explanations and they are all considered legitimate, no matter what the claim?
Sorry, but based on what we already know, four centuries of knowledge, your argument is not logical, reasonable or rational. Are you sure you know the meanings of those words? I can provide detailed explanations of those terms and you'll see for yourself your claims do not abide by them.All readers are free to read the logic and reasoning I used in my posts and at any time engage them. We're not talking about pigs flying, I gave you the basis of my argument and it's a rational basis.
You can go back and find that in any one of my posts with explanations.
You can go back and find that in any one of my posts.
The available body of facts and information can be found in the overwhelming data base of religious and spiritual sources, that's up to you to source.
I have to ask this question and hope others can chime in with their opinions.Is it fair that any claim can be made without explanations and they are all considered legitimate, no matter what the claim?
If it is fair, then why are there disagreements in religious discussions between theists
If the person can't explain anything in regards to God, why then would they claim that what they say is legitimate? I used the example of flying pigs. If I can't explain why pigs can fly, but will claim I know they can, how is that legitimate?But in regards to God, the explainer can only go so far, and then the rest might be up to the hearer.
And because I think God made us to love studying, exploring, thinking, and yes; applying logic and reason, we will disagree on a number of texts.
No, you didn't provide explanations
I wouldn't agree with that, God wants people to have faith in Him.