Giving free education...
First off, government-owned industries like public education are not "free"
Secondly, there is a huge difference between handing out welfare or vouchers so someone has the opportunity to go to school and the wholesale ownership of the education industry by the government.
We know from the classic tragedy of the commons that the people who work in government-controlled education have very little personally invested in their product. they have tenure for life as long as they follow the die stamp the government gives them. AOC was once caught bragging that she helped her family member escape the tragedy of the commons by getting said family member into a Charter School.
Most of the Nordic nations Sanders wholeheartedly endorses have far more educational opportunities and far less government ownership of the educational industry as the USA.
If there is one area where you can say the USA has fucked up royally with socialism, you can say it is most certainly with the government ownership of public education.