Men are not allowed into women's restrooms.
Not according to anything you've cited.
The criminal law I cited mentioned restrooms specifically.
So you can enter a women's restroom and there will be no problem till you exhibit some purient intent?
According to the law, yes.
Good luck with that. You don't sound like a peeping tom at all.
You have consistently claimed that the law applies to heterosexuals but not homosexuals.
Some laws yes.
[Citation Needed]
Citation provided. The law assumes that people of the same gender would not have purient intent.
Homosexuals say so too. That is what they argued about gay marriage. They claimed gays were not able to marry whom they loved. They called the law unequal.
Said law applied to heterosexuals as well. Two heterosexual men could not get married under that law.
Heterosexual men did not want to marry.
But two homosexual men who wanted to could not marry under that law. If the no law took sexual orientation into account, how were homosexual men ignored?
Even you observed that the law was exactly the same for all men, gay and straight.
Because the existing law was unconstitutional and unconstitutional laws should be removed.
First, let's note that you are now calling a law you said was exactly the same for all men, unconstitutional.
Second, what law was removed? No law was removed for gay marriage.
And Third, in what way was the law unconstitutional? The only way you could call it unconstitutional is if it should have taken homosexuality into account.
I do not want any law to take into the account of the sexual orientation of the person.
Then you must be against gay marriage. Because other than sexual orientation, there was no reason to change marriage laws, or think it was unconstitutional.
Are you against gay marriage? If not, why not?
There are no laws at all for anyone based on sexual attraction.
What do you think purient intent is?
The law was not discriminatory, there was simply no law.
That's my point. The law does not discriminate based on sexual orientation. Ergo there can't be a law that affects one person of a sexual orientation but not another.
Then on what basis did you call marriage laws unconstitutional? Two men of different sexual orientations, one could marry the object of his sexual desire, the other could not. Is this difficult to understand?
Clearly false because the law did apply to both equally and there was still the outcry.
Then in what way was it unconstitutional Draft? Homosexuals disagree with you. They think the law did affect them negatively and wanted it to take their sexual orientation into account.
we need new laws that, just like the marriage laws, take into account who homosexuals are attracted to, and the risks that poses to children.
And yet you say that the implementation of [the BSA] Youth Protection Program in the 80's was a good step in the right direction. How so? Because all the new laws did was to make it harder for men with a sexual attraction to male children to abuse them.
And in fact, as fueled by the crisis of homosexual pedophilia, that is exactly what the new laws were supposed to do.
If we needed new laws in the BSA, why do we not need them in the general society? Are boys at risk only in the BSA?
open admission of homosexuals will necessarily result in open admission of homosexual pedophiles and thereby increase the risk to Youths.
This is an uncontestable truth. Male homosexual pedophiles come from the pool of male homosexuals, and as they don't wear signs, we cannot let one in without also allowing the other.
And history has borne out this truth. We now have hundreds of abuse cases in court, and hundreds waiting to file.
The only way to eliminate risk would be to eliminate the program.
This is a lie. There would be no sexual risk to boys if there were no male deviants who are sexually attracted to their own gender.
What you mean is that there is no politically correct way to eliminate the risk.
And this is how political correctness is detrimental to society. It makes people deny real risks if acknowledging those risks violate PC dogma.
So we have the lives of hundreds of children being crushed, and the PC yahoos are advocating for inclusion of MORE males with a sexual attraction to males. Really?
However, we are talking about potential offenders for which existing law and existing regulation is not an impedance.
Exactly! Because when the laws were made, homosexuals were considered an insignificant factor.
They joined and committed their offenses without regard for the existing prohibitions.
They were able to join because homosexual pedophiles were not barred, and committed their offenses because they had a sexual attraction to boys.
The idea that some potential offender wanted to join the BSA to commit offenses but was restrained by existing prohibition is completely nonsensical.
That is your argument in praising the new rules and regulations. My argument is the opposite. It will do nothing to safeguard boys.
The only people deterred by the prohibition are the people who care about the prohibition in the first place! We're talking about people who care about rules and order and are willing to follow by them.
All of this is moot if men with a sexual attraction to males are barred from being boy scout leaders. Keep the people who don't care about rules and order and are unwilling to follow by them out, and there will be no violations.
Frankly, the idea that a homosexual person is an inherent risk simply because of their homosexuality is offensive.
What is offensive is this sanctimonious stance when you know and have acknowledged that every sexual orientation has inherent risks to someone.
Men have been traditionally restricted from women because of heterosexual sexual attraction. That you are willing to be obtuse about is immaterial.
I am not offended if I cannot become a girl scout leader, I would not find it offensive if women object to me entering their private restrooms.
Were I a single man, I would not be offended in the least if a parent refused to allow their 12 year old daughter to sleep over at my house.
I am not crippled by PC nonsense, and know that it is reasonable for society to assume that my heterosexuality produces potential risks. I have no reality-denying dogma I have to follow.