I am the man of prophecy. Change my mind.

Author: Terran


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Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
It appears that I cannot make a debate and get an error. So I will try here.

I am the man of prophecy. I have a long story and a long list of evidence behind the story, so I will split it up into links. The story is necessary to understand the proper context of my claim. The story goes for 11 hours. The prophecy list goes for 2 hours. The link I provide on prophecy has more than 100 sources.

I offer one example out of the very big list.Daniel 9:25-26: Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven "sevens," and sixty-two "sevens." It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. After the sixty-two "sevens," the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

The numbers: The 'seven sevens' has been interpreted as seventy times seven years, making up 490 years. And sixty two sevens, which is 434 years. It has been measured as being 483 years when the messiah will show up. Jerusalem has been destroyed multiple times and rebuilt at least twice, so the timeline for these events can happen more than once.

Death: If you review reference [b] in the link below, death is a recent translation. The original means that he will have no-one and nothing, stripped of everything. Some versions of the Bible say 'he will be cut off and have nothing'.

Jesus: He existed around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 445 BC. 434 years and 490 years translate into 11 BC and 45 AD. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded close but not accurately to the timeline of Jesus. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to Jesus' timeline, was not in times of trouble. War did not happen in Jesus' time until the end, since war and peace have alternated in Jerusalem many times since Jesus.

Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD. I was born in 1977, 3 years closer to the rounded timeline than Jesus. There are other references to me and 1969 specifically that I cannot yet reveal. The estimate of 483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
It appears that I cannot make a debate and get an error. So I will try here.I am the man of prophecy. I have a long story and a long list of evidence behind the story, so I will split it up into links. The story is necessary to understand the proper context of my claim. The story goes for 11 hours. The prophecy list goes for 2 hours. The link I provide on prophecy has more than 100 sources.Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvBqcsJG3k0&list=PLx5h-z01lsr8Med74EIRbLpxXScbRf-guProphecy list: https://t5wjoc8yksecjvzdrzttdg-on.drv.tw/Prophecy.htmlI offer one example out of the very big list.Daniel 9:25-26: Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven "sevens," and sixty-two "sevens." It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. After the sixty-two "sevens," the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.The numbers: The 'seven sevens' has been interpreted as seventy times seven years, making up 490 years. And sixty two sevens, which is 434 years. It has been measured as being 483 years when the messiah will show up. Jerusalem has been destroyed multiple times and rebuilt at least twice, so the timeline for these events can happen more than once.Death: If you review reference [b] in the link below, death is a recent translation. The original means that he will have no-one and nothing, stripped of everything. Some versions of the Bible say 'he will be cut off and have nothing'.Jesus: He existed around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 445 BC. 434 years and 490 years translate into 11 BC and 45 AD. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded close but not accurately to the timeline of Jesus. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to Jesus' timeline, was not in times of trouble. War did not happen in Jesus' time until the end, since war and peace have alternated in Jerusalem many times since Jesus.Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD. I was born in 1977, 3 years closer to the rounded timeline than Jesus. There are other references to me and 1969 specifically that I cannot yet reveal. The estimate of 483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem.https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=daniel+9%3A25-26&version=NIVhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walls_of_Jerusalem(Additional)https://www.google.com/search?&q=483+years+restore+jerusalem 
I found this to be  absolutely fascinating. Loved it. Thanks.

Beelzedad's avatar
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Beelzedad's avatar
Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD. I was born in 1977, 3 years closer to the rounded timeline than Jesus. There are other references to me and 1969 specifically that I cannot yet reveal.

Millions of people were born in 1977. Since that's your only reference, it looks like there are millions of prophets, or none.
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
How many of those millions of people claim to be the man of prophecy? (Likely) Zero. How many of them fulfil the rest of the prophecy? Zero. How many of them fulfill all prophecies in their entirety? Zero. The best of any claimant to prophecy is 1 hit to 99 misses. I am 100% hit rate, zero misses. I provide more than 100 sources to more than 100 more references. Not one. Your argument is invalid, and dishonest. Deal with the 99 other hits, both on their own merit and collectively.
secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
As the man of prophecy can you tell us how many conmen exist on the planet at this moment?
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Is this you yes or no:

Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
There are estimated around 7.6 billion humans on this planet at this moment, about half of which are men. The term 'common' applied to men is devoid of context. Any number I type out will be immediately replaced with a new number before I can post it. As for uncommon men, there was an investigation several years ago into the size of my kingdom. While they could never find the total number, what they found on the surface was a number the size of a nation, 22 million. It has since grown exponentially. The more they try to stop it, the faster it grows.

Knowledge of these statistics has nothing to do with being the man of prophecy. Being the man of prophecy has no connection to knowing the total world population. I don't claim to have supernatural powers. I am however endorsed for eternity by such powers that have moved the very heavens to fulfil my plan.


Yes, the image you display is of me, during an interview I did with the media while on the run from the government, shortly before I was caught again, imprisoned and extensively tortured for a long time to the point where I am now scarcely recognisable. The following images are also of me.

RationalMadman's avatar
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Terran's avatar
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I have been extensively psychoanalysed by the government, and declared completely sane. Have you? Personal attacks are not an argument. Even if I did suffer from 'schizoid personality disorder' or any other silly name you want to throw at me, it does nothing to refute my argument. I still am who I say I am, my argument still stands superior, and you don't have what it takes to refute me. What' you're doing is gaslighting, a tactic of psychological manipulation used only by narcissists and psychopaths. I am immune to such tactics. They are a spiteful confession of your own defeat. If you want to refute me, then deal with my argument and evidence for real. I also suggest a different username than 'Madman', if you are to accuse other people of madness.

ravensjt's avatar
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ravensjt's avatar
This reminds me of a movie I once saw called "The Man from Earth"......great movie

I'll check out your link when I get home
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
Thank you. It's worth your time, if you have the patience. I just looked into that movie you mentioned. Curious that it mentions 14,000 years ago, skipping ahead in time and being responsible for world affairs. By the end of my movie, you will realise why that is so curious to me. I would say more but I don't want to ruin the story for you.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Whatever you say man, you're a joke to me but I can't laugh because it's mental illness causing it and not intentional satire.

If you really founded Anonymous, you're probably the dumbest founder of anything on Earth because you founded a group that is dedicated to not holding anyone in any state of respect, especially their own founder.

Anonymous flooded an epilepsy site with flashing images that caused quite a few regulars to the forum to not have their guard up and undergo seizures. They did this for 'the lulz'. This is the group you founded.
RationalMadman's avatar
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I was clearly not saying you are wrong because you're mentally abnormal, I was saying you're mentally ill and need help and wanted to guide you towards it.
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
I am not interested in your gaslighting nonsense and toxic psychological projection. I am interested in coherent, evidence based arguments for or against the topic. Stop vandalising and disrupting this thread and forum.

Put aside everything you have been told about Anonymous, and review the story provided. Anyone can act in the false name of Anonymous. The real Anonymous is what it is, what anyone does in the name of Anonymous (especially to smear and exploit it for personal gain) is irrelevant. Those who misuse the name of Anonymous are a loud minority. There is virtually no hacking done in the name of Anonymous any more, because I organised with the Black Hat hackers who are fans of Anonymous, to make it clear that they are not Anonymous and that their actions are not in line with the principles of Anonymous. And if you want to accuse Anonymous or fans of Anonymous for attacking an epilepsy website, then show me proof. Anonymous is about making the world a better place and being professional and sincere about it. It has nothing to do with humour. Those who associate Anonymous with humour, are internet trolls, fans of Anonymous who came to learn about Anonymous on 4chan. They know nothing about Anonymous. I am not responsible for their actions any more than you are responsible for someone who makes a social media account in your name to commit crimes. At the very least, those who misuse my name are at least inspired to make the world a better place in some way, and are a better person out of it.

You can say whatever you want to say. I won't stop you at this moment, but that won't be the case in time. I am here for strategic reasons in the future. Keep your comments relevant to the thread. You certainly are saying that I am wrong with the justification of false accusations and smear of 'mental illness'. Unlike you, I have been extensively psychoanalysed and declared completely sane. You aren't even consistent with and endorse your own lies. I am not so called 'mentally ill', and even if I was it is entirely irrelevant. I am still right. I am still the man of prophecy and more that you will never know unless you review the story. No matter how much you throw your own poop at me, it doesn't change that. Your own poop bounces off me and sticks to you.

Get an argument. For or against, I don't care which.

But as for 'mental illness', there is no such thing as a mental illness. It is a pseudoscience stigma, a fake medical term made up by a psychopathic, satanic cult, intended for the purpose of smear, fear and social control. Psychiatry is not a medical profession, it is the satanic cult of the Dark Ages, the profession of torture and execution that reinvented itself as a pretend medical profession and gained government backing after being rejected through democracy.



Psychiatric fraud

So called ‘treatments’
Electroconvulsive therapy (modern): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yrNGZRSBHU
Straight jackets…
Forced drugging…
Inducing hypothermia…
Removal of body parts…
Inducing coma…
Hanging upside down…

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
No, Anonymous is or rather was (rip) a terrorist organisation that targeted anyone who stood in their way and anyone who they just felt like preying on for the lulz.

It helped noone in any way and the only reason everyone doesn't think it's an evil joke is because of Snowden and similar fogures who snitched.

Anonymous used to be so notorious that even hacing the freedom of speech to say what I just said would result in them targetting me with doxxing and blackmail where they'd spoof my number and identity to others as they laugh at my misery and people think it's me doing things to them and then when I'd lose my job, my sanity and my dignity, they'd post a hilariously hypocritical line:

We are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget... Expect us!

This being ironic because they are the ones who the government as well as all victims of Anonymous' attacks didn't forget or forgive.

So how about you shut up before I go into further details about how putrid your unorganised joke of an organization was until it got taken down and only the cowards who didn't do much for it remain?
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar

If it wasn't for me and Anonymous, you wouldn't be able to talk crap here on the internet today. You wouldn't have many things, and you might not even be alive. Terrorist organisation? Who exactly is it that is scared of Anonymous? The corrupt fear it, the honest support it, the heroic join it. Show me a single person who has ever died because of Anonymous or even those who act falsely in its name. It seems to me that YOU are the one here for 'lulz'. Snowden you say? I knew of PRISM years before Snowden mentioned it and years before he said it started. I knew of it 6 months after it started, in a refitted building complex with half a dozen two story buildings (and one single story building) with blacked out windows. Just because people act falsely in the name of Anonymous, doesn't make Anonymous responsible for their actions. It is what it is, and despite desperate efforts to smear Anonymous it has only grown. I've never heard of a single situation where anyone was blackmailed by anyone in the name of Anonymous. Those who do tend to be taken down by Anonymous. Doxxing is usually a harmless and silly game children play. They have been doing this since before Anonymous. 99% of doxxing material is already publicly available. If you're scared of being doxxed, then perhaps you shouldn't be doing bad things in the first place. I personally doxxed myself in 2013, and doxxed myself  as the founder of Anonymous in 2016 and fully doxxed myself in 2018. I have been investigated and confirmed by heroes and villains alike. I'm not afraid, I have nothing to hide and I am immune to blackmail. It sounds to me that you pissed some people off with your degenerate online behaviour, which you have expressed here in this very thread. If you want to go around throwing baseless accusations and smear at people, expect consequences. Just because it's behind the internet and you never have to face your victim, doesn't make it any more acceptable. Own your shit. Own the consequences. Stop being a snowflake. False beliefs are forgivable, false motives are not. You don't appear to be a victim to me, you appear to be a villain who is perpetually scared of consequences for things you thought you could get away with over the internet. You won't get any pity from me.

Anonymous has been taken down? Here I am, the founder, right in front of you. Anonymous is bigger than it has ever been, and growing more rapidly every day.

Putrid? Here I am, with the greatest story ever told and a plan to save mankind in its darkest hour. If anything is putrid, it's you for trying to get in the way of that. If you don't want to be part of the solution, then at least stand aside and don't be a part of the problem. I don't judge you based on what other people do in your name. Neither should you judge me based on what other people do in my name. I judge you based on your own words and actions. Judge me the same way, by reviewing my story before criticising something you don't even know. You might be surprised at what you see, and think twice before ignorantly accusing me of insanity. I judge all people by the standards they judge others.

I await an actual argument and contribution for or against my claim and topic. I'm not interested in the excuses of a butthurt internet troll who got publicly exposed by my fans for his online behaviour. If you have a complaint about those who claim to be my followers, then do something about it by first setting a better example yourself. If your example is the same or worse, then you don't have the right to criticise them in the first place.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
What have you prophecised that actually happened?

Terran's avatar
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I never claimed to be a prophet. I have prophesied many things nonetheless, an example of which is what would happen if my followers went through with their plan of advertising on 4chan. I said it would lead to a generation of lost and confused followers, that evil would mix in with the good and hide as wolves among sheep, and that a time would come where my interventions would be necessary. And so it happened, and so I performed the interventions i said I would do. And so I returned to bring back the true way of Anonymous once it covered the world, as I promised when we made the logo.

Your link is irrelevant. It is fake Anonymous, promoted by the mainstream media and likely made by the mainstream media as others have been caught doing so in the past. And they're all talk. Anyone can act in the false name of Anonymous. that doesn't change what the real Anonymous is. As the founder, I and I alone define what Anonymous is and is not. The maker of that video and the accounts associated with it, are fake. I denounce them as others have in the comments to their video. The video has a 50% dislike ratio for a reason. Since your video promotes antifa, take a look at what the followers of Anonymous think of antifa and those who promote/defend it.

If you have the time to look up fake Anonymous videos, then you have the time to watch the real Anonymous video at the top of this thread, and produce an actual argument for or against my claim. All you seem to be capable of is smear.
RationalMadman's avatar
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I know what the real illuminati is and I know what Anonymous are.

I am a flat earther who could have become a science genius of the century but realised the entire science+innovation industry is corrupt and has opted out of entering it due to many factors.

I know what corruption is, I know who the elite are and how they work it's just that I also know that my enemy's enemy is in no way at all necessarily my friend.
Terran's avatar
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There is no such thing as the Illuminati. They were a short lived gentleman's club 200 years ago. They were outlawed for doing each other legal favours under the table. A silly conspiracy was made up, and went largely ignored. In recent years, that conspiracy has been picked up by con artists and anti-White conspiracy theorists to falsely label the globalist conspirators as being White men. They are not, they are mostly made up of Jews, who the real Illuminati were against. Those Jews have become caught in their own web of lies, and now their own Muslim puppets have turned on them and have overrun the United Nations. And now, all their Trojan Horse ideologies have turned against each other. I know very well how Zionism works. I am here to cure the world of it. All Zionists will be rounded up, placed into a world prison and left to rot in their own filth until nothing is left of them. And should any of them make a single threat from their prison, they will be completely destroyed. This is how things are done above.

You know nothing about what Anonymous is, and you refuse to educate yourself from the links provided. You are to blame for your own ignorance.

A Flat Earther scientific genius eh? You do realise than Flat Earth was supposed to be a joke to mock the stupidity and ignorance of ancient people, right? You have gone and ruined the joke by taking it seriously. I have seen the roundness of the world for myself. I have seen things far beyond this world, and here is proof. Just yesterday I had my internet connection cut off shortly after providing evidence of extraterrestrial aliens during a NASA livestream.


I have gone through the first 5 minutes of your video while I write this, and haven't come across a single reference or shred of evidence for your Flat Earth, so I gave up wasting my time. You do know that my own video about Anonymous Symbolism (and origins) is endorsed by Flat Earthers, right? Their mirror of my video has recently been deleted (perhaps along with their channel). Remnants of it still appear in searches.

You don't know shit. Yet you are full of shit. You don't even know the difference between truth and belief. The pursuit of the truth comes at the cost of beliefs. The pursuit of beliefs come at the cost of the truth. You are your own worst enemy. If you want to find corruption, then first look in the mirror. Your lies have no power here.
RationalMadman's avatar
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I have reported the final paragraph to the site admin. I won't react to your bullying. Even if something is designed in order to mock itself and its own supporters that doesn't mean it can't actually be true.

You are correct though, the original flat earth society was (and is) run by plants from the round earth society.
Terran's avatar
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What is it am I being reported for exactly? You call me mentally ill. You call me corrupt. You call me a terrorist. You call me a liar. You call me a blackmailer. You call me a coward. You call my a bully, and whatever else I may have missed. You can't produce a single argument for or against the topic of this thread, and do nothing but smear. And then YOU report ME and call ME a bully for saying 'You don't know shit'?

You are the bully. Own your shit. I am not intimidated in the slightest. You are only proving what I say. Your lies have no power here. Either contribute to legitimate discussion, or leave. I welcome any and all legitimate criticism and scrutiny. I have zero tolerance for vandalism, smear, bullying and lies.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Do you know of the Vanguard Group? Blackrock? blackstone? There is a real illuminati.
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
Shady people who conspire and exploit the monetary system scam, sure. But nothing to do with 'Illuminati'.
RationalMadman's avatar
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part of the vanguard group (and others) are private military corporations (meaning they are basically serving the Illuminati and ignoring national ties or reason to use military strength), media giants like Disney serve the vanguard group while time warner is indirectly linked to them and is responsible for the shill that was alex jones.

Blackstone is literally blackrock, they have the same name because they needed to seem like competitors to avoid raising monopoly alarms. they focus on the side of controlling education syllabuses and brainwashing us in actual 'facts' from birth by what science boards teach and ask you about. One of the things they realised is a round earth makes us feel worthless in the middle of nowhere so they preferred that model to the actual one.
Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
You don't have a single shred of evidence for any 'Illuminati'.

9 days later

Terran's avatar
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Terran's avatar
False, and irrelevant to this thread.

11 days later

PGA2.0's avatar
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@ Terran

With your pronouncement, I see visions of grandeur dancing in your head. (^8

I'll stick with your example of Daniel 9:25-26 and use the greater context since I don't want to get into what is called a Linkwarz. A linkwarz is where two people use links as their main source of an argument instead of providing the relevant information (summary) from the link. If you want to use a link please summarize the information you want me to gather from that link. I don't want to spend twenty hours searching for what you are trying to say. 

1) Daniel 9:24 gives six conditions that would be met before the time frame for Daniel's people is fulfilled. They are all fulfilled by Jesus. 
BTW, Daniel's people are an Old Covenant people. They follow the Mosaic Covenant. 
2) The Mosaic Covenant cannot be followed as stipulated by the law of that covenant after AD 70. (i.e., no more animal sacrifices, no more temple, no more priesthood, no more feast days, etc.)
3) The six conditions of Daniel 9:24 are in judgment of the people's disobedience. (i.e., finish the transgression, put an end to sin, bring in everlasting righteousness, etc.)

So you do not fit into any of these categories.

Philip Mauro has written a book on the 490 years that I believe satisfied the timeframe. I can offer that evidence next.
Don K. Preston has offered another timeframe that does not see the period as literal but does see the fulfillment as meeting the six conditions and the one more time destruction of the city and (rebuilt) temple. 

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@ Terran

Philip Mauro http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1921_mauro_seventy-weeks.html starts the time frame of the going forth of the decree by Cyrus (Ezra 1:1) to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

"The decree which was to bring the captivity to an end by freeing the Jews, granting them liberty to return to their own land and to rebuild the city and sanctuary, was to be also the starting point of the "determined" period of seventy sevens of years. This is clearly seen from the prophecy itself in connection with Ezra 1:1...

Mauro makes the point that every chronological system (excluding the biblical) of old works on a Ptolemy time frame, which he shows as wrong in some of its dates regarding the Persian kings.

"Concerning the dates given in Ptolemy's table of Persian Kings, Anstey says: "They rest upon calculations or guesses made by Eratosthenes, and on certain vague floating traditions, in accordance with which the period of the Persian Empire was mapped out as a period of 205 years." And he shows, by a great variety of proofs taken entirely from the Scriptures, that the period which Ptolemy assigns to the Persian Empire is about eighty years too long. It follows that all who adopt Ptolemy's chronology, or any system based upon it (as all modern chronologists prior to Anstey do) would inevitably be led far astray. It is impossible to make the real Bible-events agree, within 80 years, with the mistaken chronology of Ptolemy."

That would make the issuing of the decree around 456BC. (536-80=456)
The 490 would coincide with the crucifixion of Jesus in AD 30.

Jesus, with the Olivet Discourse narrative, gave His generation 40 years to repent before His coming in judgment (the Deuteronomy 28 curses) on the temple and worship system (Matthew 23:38; 24:1-2). That coincides with the destruction of the temple and city in AD 70 (and also with Daniel 9:26) and the end of the age (Daniel 9:27).

The Bible, which is its own interpreter, gives an understanding of its chronology. A generation (Matthew 24:36; 24:34 - "this generation") is 40 years (Hebrews 3:9-10, 17).

Note that Daniel 9:26 says that AFTER the Anointed One/Messiah is cutoff/killed that the city and temple would be destroyed. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Don Preston's take is a little different. He sees the 490 years as figurative, or not an exact number, culminating with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Again, every one of the six stipulations of Daniel 9:24 can be demonstrated to have been met within that timeframe.
