I'm David. Screen name here Raymond Sheen.
Uh - I'm apolitical and irreligious.
A Bible believer, observer of practical spirituality.
I've been debating religion, the Bible and spirituality online since 1996.
I don't have a problem with religion itself but I loath ideological fixation. The unwashed heathen I will gladly tolerate but the xenophobic, narcasistic ideologues and woke bullshit makes my bald head stand on it's end, as it were.
So, I don't give a flying fuck about Trump or Bidden et cetera.
I can be a real nice guy or I can be a prick. When in Rome.
Nothing I say here matters much. Maybe we'll get to know each other.
My reason for being here is for feedback. If pressed - necessary - I can debate for the sake of debate, but I prefer to discuss and learn about why other people say what they believe in. Grammatically, I'm retarded. Frank Herbert's Dune and Douglas Adams HHGTTG are awesome. I like music and art. I spend most of my spare time working on my website.