Going back to my original post here: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/3512/evolution?page=1&post_number=9All of those are real observations. Which of those do you dispute are real?I'm not the one to dispute which of your points is real;
Yes you are. You asked for them, I provided them. Either you accept them or reject them. If you reject them, then let's dive into that.
you are the one to argue the reason each of your points inform a reality that substantiates Evolution because that is what my question asked. Saying that it's real does not suffice.
Well, I did that, and then you denied that those observations were real. So I'm trying to get to the root of that. It would pointless to argue that something substantiates evolution when you deny that said something even exists!
So which of those things do you deny is a real observation?
No, they aren't mutually exclusive. Evolution is the process which explains what we see today.No. Processes are processes. Processes are explained. They can be incorporated into explanations, but they are not the explanations.
They can be. Anything can be an explanation.
And your statement makes no sense: how can Evolution be the "process" that explains itself?
I didn't say Evolution explains itself. I said "Evolution is the process which explains what we see today."
This is not what Occam's razor is or how it is to be applied. Your simplification is erroneous.My use is obviously rhetorical given my following statement, and if you're going to claim error, fine. Substantiate your counterclaim.
Exactly! That's how it works. I claim error, you ask for clarification, just like I'm trying to get you to do with my original points: you claim error, so substantiate that.
Going back to your attempted application of Occam's Razor you said:
I suspected as much. Evolution is not a process. Evolution is the attempted explanation; hence it is referred to as the "theory of evolution," theories being that which explain phenomena (e.g. processes.)
This is not correct. A theory is not merely an "attempted explanation", that would be a hypothesis, and theories are more than simply ideas which "explain phenomena. That is one component of theories, yes, but not the only one. Theories must be testable, falsifiable, be consistent with observations, and be better than existing theories and explanations in terms of scope and/or accuracy.
And Occam's razor isn't a synonym for "simplification" but rather a statement that unnecessary elements from a theory or explanation should be removed.
"Change" can mean a lot of things.Exactly. That's the reason Evolution is not merely a statement of change over time, as many mistake it to be. It's a hypothesis delineating a--and this is important--regulatory mechanism which governs this change over time. Evolution is not the mechanism. It is the "why?" to the mechanism.
Incorrect. The mechanism results in a gradual change in populations of organisms over time. It is this change that we call Evolution.