Since you don't claim to make sense of it or are unable to how can you rule out God as the most reasonable answer to existence?
I don't rule it out.
Yet your worldview is geared towards a strictly naturalistic viewpoint that does not make sense of your existence. That is the way you look or explain existence. It does not make sense but you are welcome to it. You are welcome to go through life not making sense of things because you have a worldview that can't. It does not have what is necessary. That should tell you something right there.
I haven't seen evidence to support it, and furthermore I've never seen convincing evidence of anything that is clearly supernatural.
The universe is evidence that something very significant happened that can't be adequately explained from a naturalist materialistic position (or inside the box, so to speak). If you think otherwise then please give the evidence that it can. So you are left in a more disadvantaged position than I am.
As for the evidence of God, I see it in everything I look at in all the complexity and diversity of life. I see it in the laws of science, the starting point for morality, the unity of the Bible as a written revelation so that we can know God personally, and the reasonable and logical verification of prophecy. So just
stick your fingers in your ears and pay no attention to what I have said.
Without any supporting evidence for a claim, why would I keep including it as part of the "most likely" answer?
Because it is reasonable and logical. If you want an irrational and illogical worldview then stick with your naturalistic materialism. You are welcome to it.
It's exactly as likely to me as aliens or fairies or magic or in a giant's eye.
So how does your fairy tale magically start?
"Once upon a time, a long, long, time ago...nothing exploded into something (self-creation)...and that something acquired consciousness. We don't know how or why but it did and don't tell me God because God is not reasonable...."
That is one scenario, granting you believe the universe had a beginning.
Do you believe the universe had a beginning? Or shall I start from another ridiculous scenario of philosophical naturalism?
I work from what I can see. If you'd like to present evidence, go ahead. You never do, because you want me to do what you do: accept the proposition and THEN build support underneath it. That's not how it works. You build supporting evidence to arrive at a conclusion, rather than look at a conclusion (as you have done, as EternlView does) and then work backwards to find "just so" support.
I've laid out the evidence to others and I'm not willing to go through the effort in doing it for those who are not interested. For instance, with prophecy, my claim all along has been the evidence is reasonable and logical, most compelling, to believe from what the Bible states and what history reveals.
It is also a two-way street. If I agreed to do so I would expect you to answer my questions also.
As for accepting the propositions, I would like you to explain how your worldview adequately explains my charges. That interests me, for I don't think your worldview has any idea of how to do so. Why would anybody believe a worldview that can't make sense of the most important issues in life?
I'm willing for others to ask the tough questions and try to answer them. I do not see the same response from atheists, generally speaking.
You're willing to answer them so long as no one questions your answer: Jesus.
I do not fail to address those questions either. Usually, I answer the whole post.
Meaning of life? Jesus. Purpose of life? Jesus. Origin of life? Jesus. These aren't answers insomuch as they are guesses, because you cannot demonstrate them or prove them in any way, one, and two, "Jesus" isn't even answering the question.
They are not guesses. The information is contained in the Bible either through direct statements or from logical inference. Whether you accept the Bible as what it claims is another matter.
It's akin to "What's your favorite pizza topping?" "Star Wars." I don't speak for all atheists. I think I've shown I'm open to dialogue. What I'm not open to is you saying "The bible is true," then me saying "can you tell me how you know?" and you responding "BECAUSE THE BIBLE IS TRUE AND IT SAYS IT'S TRUE." That's not dialogue and it's not an honest engagement of the question.
May I ask you a question that I hope you will answer?
I'll go ahead and ask it after I build up the background.
The Bible discloses God is Spirit. Therefore, knowing God is not something we can quantitatively verify. But in verifying a witness we check to see whether that witness statements line up to reality and are not contradictory. So, as the Bible explains, to know God is to know the Son. Not only that but if you do not believe in the biblical God how are you going to believe in what that God says? No matter how reasonable why would you believe? Those are rhetorical questions. I'm getting to my question to you shortly. Hebrews 11:6 states,
6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
QUESTION: If you do not believe that God is then why would you come to Him to receive a rewarder of those who seek Him?
And if you do not believe He exists (or are not willing to put your faith in His existence based on His word and authority) you will not come to Him in the prescribed way, through the Son and through the New Covenant He established. No matter how good the evidence it will be like Jesus said,
Mark 8:11-12 (NASB)
11 The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him. 12 Sighing deeply in His spirit, He *said, “Why does this generation seek for a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
The Christian moral? God is not under obligation to give you a sign. He has given His word. If that is not good enough then what will be? But with faith, God opens up and verifies His word.
[Here is the rest of the context - Nevertheless, the Christian worldview is logical, rational, and makes sense of existence.]
From a necessary Being comes other beings.
From personal, intelligent, mindful, logical, loving Being comes other beings of the
same likeness.
From a necessary moral Being comes other moral beings.
Demonstrate the first premise: why is a being necessary, start there.
You ignore the rest of the context that I included above in brackets. I'm describing why a Christian worldview makes sense. From an evidentiary and an experiential standpoint that is what we see and witness. Your worldview starts with a presupposition that explains the world strictly in naturalistic terms. Do you grasp that if that is the case then to make sense of being and consciousness you must begin by something that is neither conscious nor intelligent yet somehow produces both? You also begin with materialism and naturalism if no supernatural Being is behind the universe. Go ahead and explain how that happens and how it is reasonable and logical to believe. (Silence as usual)
Why a necessary being? Because you are not it. We derive our existence from something or someone. The Christian worldview teaches it is from Someone. You do not have the answers nor from you do all other conscious beings originate. If you want a reasonable explanation (which evolution nor naturalism supplies) you start with such a being - God. As I said before, ultimately you have two scenarios, God or blind, indifferent, random chance happenstance; intent or the unintentional; purpose or chaos and randomness; intelligence or no reason. Yet we find and DISCOVER these attributes from nature. In nature or the somehow mechanical universe, we see that there are patterns and we put purposes to what we see/understand. We describe gravity, thermodynamics, energy, nature in precise mathematical formulas to explain what we see physically or understand in principle logically.
As Van Til expressed, it is like a train traveller journeying through the English countryside that sees the words on a hillside, "Welcome to Wales." The words convey information. Does he think they just materialized via hundreds of years to spell out that phrase or were they put there at that specific point for a purpose to provide information?
Show me the evidence for such beings.
Not until you tell me you'll accept it as real. Frustrating, right? My evidence: earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunamis that kill indiscriminately, both christian and non christian, unpredictably and without explanation, are more easily explained by grecroman patheistic feuds than they are by a personal loving god who just wants to love up on everyone but accidentally maybe kill thousands of people or cripple their way of life, for not loving him even though he would have programmed them not to love him.
The universe doesn't care or have an answer to why this happens. Why do you care that it happens? You see, whether it is atheism or Christianity, each worldview has an explanation. Is that explanation satisfactory?
With the Christian worldview the problem is answered like this: If God is omniscient and omnibenevolent why is there evil in the world? The answer is that God allows it for a purpose. Earthquakes and floods are a result of original sin in which God placed restrictions on the universe (decay) and restrictions on humanity (death). He prevented them from living forever but gave only a limited amount of time to live. Since humanity in their federal head - Adam - rejected God He allowed them to live outside of His light and understanding (thus they lived and experienced the work of their own hands - evil). Some people look at this evil and look for a better way which is God and restoration to His light and understanding.
Romans 10:16-18 (NASB)
16 However, they did not all heed the good news; for Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” 17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
18 But I say, surely they have never heard, have they? Indeed they have;
“Their voice has gone out into all the earth,
And their words to the ends of the world.”
Yes, I understand you do not like me quoting Scripture but ask yourself why? Why do you take such offence that you try to inhibit my freedom of expression?
Please note something here. The word, written by or attributed to the Apostle Paul says, "And their words to the ends of the world."
That is a done deal. Now remember what Jesus said,
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Did the end come? I say it most definitely did. What end was Jesus speaking of in His PROPHECY?