Greetings, everybody!
We are in the process of making revisions to the COC. Most of the text is the same, but there are still some significant differences. The proposed changes can be found here:
What's New
The text has been reorganized so that the moderation structure is first, then the voting policy, and finally the conduct policy.
The moderation structure text has been changed from "Mod decisions are final and not subject to appeal" to " If you are banned and wish to appeal a ban, you can email the moderation team at"
The restraining order section added, " Additionally, a user may request that an RO be placed between them and another member."
Added the following new rules:
B. The Golden Rule
Treat others as they wish to be treated: If someone makes a reasonable request to you, please comply. In other words, don’t be a dick.
C. Authenticity
You may not:
- Impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a manner intended to or likely to deceive others. Parody accounts are acceptable as long as they: are clear that they are a parody and not a parody of other Site users;
- Violate other intellectual property rights;
- Plagiarize content and pass it off as your own; and/or
- Impersonate the staff or the moderation team.
D. Violence and Criminal Behavior
You may not:
- Threaten or promote violence against an individual or group of individuals to include terrorism or violent extremism; or
- Engage in or promote criminal activity;
DebateArt is not responsible or liable for any users that may violate national, international, or local laws. It is your responsibility to know the laws that pertain to you and act lawfully at all times.
Added a link to the privacy policy
and finally added a "harassment policy."
J. Harassment
You may not:
- Harass other members;
- Stalk other members;
- Encourage harassment; and
- Post harassing or hateful images in your profile photo.
If a member politely requests that you leave them alone, do so. Do not vote on their debates and do not follow them around the site.
Is there anything else we should add or take away?