Spineless old school tecnology
The fetilized human egg thinks ---( *( i )* )--- and soon I will have, 31 bilateral spinal nerves { 62 total }. I am ---or will be somebody-- so mark my words, if this fertilized egg is not terminated, then humanity is about to meet me ( *i* ) ergo look out at humanity here I come!!!!!!, provided I dont drown from the amniotic fluid when taking IN my first INspirational breath of air :--O
To breathe INward is to become IN-spirited....( *( i )* ) breathe { ( ( o ) ) } initially IN then OUT ergo, I am somebody, with individual status and now that I am free, I choose to feed off the nearest breast { (.)(.) } nipples that I can get my lips around.
......( (*i*) )........bilateral
.....( . )( . )......bosom buddies
.........( . )........umbilicus connection point
........\*Y*/.........sex internalized or externalized
......../......\.........leg, fin or side arm
....._/........\_......leg, fin or tail fluke { cetacean }
A biped on land that fishes for squid and other less complex marine life.
I posion the Earth more than any other animal on Earth.
See my plastics invading your murky depths. LINK
..."But it’s not just the plastic we can see; tiny particles of plastic called microplastics are showing up in our water², our food³, even the air we breath⁴. This flood of plastic is poisoning communities and smothering our environment, threatening whole ecosystems.
....This isn’t a waste management problem; it’s an unmanageable problem. There is simply too much plastic being created, and nowhere for it to end up besides in landfills, in the environment, or being openly burned⁵. Indeed, only 9% of the plastic ever created has been recycled⁶.