oh no oh no no no that figure has ben completely debunked but thanks for falling right in to a trap that i can debunk!! god you people are so fucking stupid you quote bullshit, does it hurt being tha stupid does it? its killing me, i need another tylonol just to deal with all your stupid
"Every year, the FBI releases the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), a national set of crime statistics which is compiled from data submitted by the nation’s roughly 18,000 police departments. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the UCR is one of the two official sources, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Fatal Injury Reports, from which the nation’s homicide rate is measured. Unlike the FBI, the CDC’s report collects data from death certificates reported by physicians, medical examiners and coroners. Per the UCR, 9,103 murders were committed with firearms in 2015, while the CDC’s figure is significantly higher — 12,979.
For murder data, the FBI figures are broken down by type of weapons used in the following categories: Total firearms; handguns; rifles; shotguns; firearms — type unknown; knives or cutting instruments; other weapons; and hands, fists, feet, et cetera. These figures are provided to the FBI by state agencies that collect encoded crime data from individual police departments.
this is fbi data by the way fbi data you can go to their site and see everything i say is 100% true
According to the most recently updated (as of 2018) FBI data for 2016, the year referenced in the Breitbart article, 10,372 of the 15,318 murders in the United States were committed with firearms. Handguns were the most common type of firearm used in 6,762 cases. In 2,891 cases, the type of gun was not reported to the FBI or was listed as “other” while in 1,853 instances, the weapon was not identified or was listed as “other.”
It’s unlikely that a total of only 374 murders in the U.S. (a figure since revised to 300) were committed with rifles in 2016, given the fact that in more than 4,000 cases the weapon or type of gun was not specified in the UCR. What is clear from the figures, however, is that handguns are by far the most-used murder weapon, probably because they are easier to transport and conceal. Phillip Cook, Terry Sanford Professor Emeritus of Public Policy Studies at Duke University, told us: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/four-times-more-stabbed-than-rifles-any-kind/