The doublethink is where you first stated that he has lied 10,000 times, which means he is smart enough to know the truth 10,000 times, was in control of the narrative to craft 10,000 lies purposefully, and was mistaken due to stupidity zero times. Then you go on to say that some of the 10,000 things are also insane, stupid, said with no control, tweeting 10,000 things that are false because he doesn't know any better.
It is either one or the other, either 2+2 = 4 or 2+2 = 5.
The press has made it acceptable to SIMULTANEOUSLY hold contradictory views about Trump with no critical dissonance. Namely, that he is smart enough to know the truth 10,000 times and evil enough to deceive us in every case while also at the same time being too stupid to know he was wrong 10,000 times.
It's this very manifestation of Orwellian Doublethink propagated by the Mockingbird press that allows people to be indoctrinated into thinking Trump is literally Hitler while at the same time being a Russian Puppet.
It's a clear failure of our higher education systems to allow such a casual disregard for critical thinking.