Thanks for the concession, but my hope is that it engaged your thinking and that you thought about it in a more thorough way.
When I said you won, I was referring to the game of endurance it turned into.
Do you believe in evolution?
It depends on what you mean by "evolution."
I believe that God has designed us to adapt and change to our environment but not the change from one kind of being to another. So, we evolve in that some of us have darker skins than others, but as a human being, we are different than the animals.
Your explanation, if a naturalist or materialist, would be that we evolve from a common ancestor millions of years previously, into all kinds of diverse life forms. You take that presuppositional proposition by faith since you were not there to observe beginnings. You build the worldview (or others have for you) based on particular biases and myopic thinking. From the data, usually, a naturalistic worldview reads into the data an interpretation that they try to falsify and can't because they manipulate the data from within the naturalistic box. Anything unexplainable is left for a later time and more knowledge of the data by such catchphrases as "we do not currently know but science is working on it." One of the basic assumptions of a naturalistic worldview is the present is the KEY to the past. All we have is now so we make assumptions based on the present as being the same or similar to the past. What is more, your worldview does not have what is necessary for complete knowledge of origins, thus science of origins (scientism - look it up) begins with speculation on the past and builds a worldview on what is likely until another worldview and more data that does not comply with the existing data supersedes it, thus creating a paradigm shift.
Granting God exists I can have a surety. Without God, we cannot get the big or complete picture since our minds are so limited, subjective, and not all-encompassing. Thus, it comes to a question of what is more reasonable to truly know or how it is possible to make sense of unless God exists?
But you/science continually look for answers. Why would you expect to find them in a universe that has no reason or purpose to it, yet you do. As I mentioned before, God makes sense. A universe by chance happenstance does not and you live inconsistently by adopting such a worldview, but that is your choice. I say your belief is irrational. It can't explain itself. It does not have a means of explanation from where you start from or from your core presuppositions.
Is the Christian worldview rational? I believe I can demonstrate reasonably it is. Is it logical? I believe, again, I can demonstrate it reasonably.
The options are you can continue to live as if nothing ultimately matters or you can investigate purpose and reason and what makes sense.
Sense or nonsense, those are your options.
If you want to know (personally, as opposed to knowledge of the concept of God) God you first have to believe He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).