Yes capitalism is the only system by which the individual through his own efforts and own risk can create wealth.
Real wealth { 2 }=
1} energy resources to sustain individual and/or whole set { humanity and ecological systems },
2} wealth as metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts of individual and whole set of humanity
No other system allows that.
Again, your lack of spiritual/moral considerations for both individual and whole set of
They all without exception pick and choose who will win and who will lose, pretty much like you would do.
Huh? Again more false projections by you. Your stuck in your armpit of individualism only counts. See narccisstic Super-Trumpanzee mindset
"You make to much money I have to take it and give it to this person who did nothing to earn it like you did."
Money is not real wealth.
I on the other hand would handle all poverty through the private sector.
"private sector" = pure capatilism ergo no government and no spiritual/moral concerns.
I would give huge tax incentives to donate to private charities.
I see money and taxes being in the way of real wealth and human resources increase or deplete those resources.
Charity = addresses low end of fat class ergo lower standard of living aka poor.
Again we need to be moving away from dumb-bell >< society and toward fewest poor and rich. Again, this is beyond capatilism. This is about spiritual/moral concerns for humanities survival with least amount of sufferring being priority.
You capatlist approach is capatilism first all else will hopfefully fall into place as result of capatilism.
Your stuck in your armpit of capatilism only. That has led to dumb-bell >< society and that is only getting worse. That approach will have bad endings
You have no place for spiritual/moral concerns of humanity and ecological enviroment that sustains all, and none for government.
Private charities would be more mindful of those who deserve help and those who don't.
Your approach >< dumb-bells and those in higher standards are allowed to give to lower standard of living if they choose to.
Your system doesn't differentiate a real person in need and a useless pile of lazy ass shit that will milk your system for every dime they can get.
I dont have a system. I have an approach that begins with spiritual morals.
You have an approach that begins with all for self and all others can stay out of your way to whatever you so choose to do.
You lack both spiritual/moral considerations and a government to regulate the distribution of all resources that tend toward a octahedral <> resultant for humanity standards of living.
<> vs ><
So how to do we get to here <> is the question you and humanity needs to be asking itself.
The question your asking yourself is how to get more for yourself and all else is irrelevant. Narrow/short sighted/minded.
<> inclusive of whole set
>< exclusive of any outside of self