You wouldn't be the best at scripture deciphering then hey?
Ok let me try it another way.
Gerald 23 : 11
Things called Religious groups existed longgggg before you religious group did right ?
Patricia 18 : 4
And some of these religious groups before and certainly after run EXACTLY like your group does right? ( with in reason. like a god, a human god, a book, a clubhouse. )
Did a group before your group go like this?
Derek and Jacquie 43 : 22
Now Did God speak to someone that ended up being in your group first?
( was god the reason why your religious group come to be? )
( is you religious group the one true religious group? )
Frank 12 : 7
Can you say that all religious group before yours are fales or fake religious groups?
( YES ORRRRR NO ) thang.
: yes or no
Dance thang Dance.
Well I'll leave it at this for now.
If there is something you don't understand please feel free to ask.
If you don't want to answer any of the questions straight forward like thang , don't bother. I already know the answers.
Soooooo your religious group. Was it
( A ) God started what can be best explained as a fake religious group.
( B ) The makers of fake religious groups somehow got it spot on.