I recently posted this on debate.org. I think it is necessary for you folks to read it as well. Hopefully we can simmer down. This is an amalgamation of 2 posts that I created on DDO. I think it is highly applicable to the current state of affairs on this site.
I do not understand the need for constant flame-wars in which people hurl insults at each-other to inflate their own ego. You people are on debate.org! Population: spammers, trolls, bullies, and faux intellectuals. Of course there are those you disagree with. An immediate reaction to try to emotionally hurt them through petty insult and claim yourself more smart, rational, or more mentally stable is not only contradictory, but also unhealthy. Extreme anger clots the blood, possibly leading to circulatory complications that could result in death. As a result, studies indicate that those with no past medical history related to heart disease, but were chronically angry were 19% more likely to develop heart problems than those who rarely experience anger according to an analysis of 44 studies (1). While it is also unhealthy to "bottle up" anger, it should also be noted that by showcasing aggressive behavior, it is unlikely that either of you are going to feel some sort of resolve and get over it. Art Markman, professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, as cited by The Scientific American explains:"At the end of it [the flame war] you can't possibly feel like anybody heard you. Having a strong emotional experience that doesn't resolve itself in any healthy way can't be a good thing." (2)TL;DRChill out, I am worried about your circulatory systems. Ergo, think about the hearts! What did your circulatory system ever do to you? You should always treat it with the utmost respect. So, have a heart, and save your heart.This was a PSA from the Save Hearts, Instigate Tenderly organization.