DART-Bux Blockchain Thread
Not on my cpu now so I don't know for sure if there isn't bugs but minus signs don't work and #31 is a valid transaction. Actually, #32 is also but it just doesn't take the minus sign (I can easily make it so that a minus sign invalidates a transaction)
That's a mod transaction, see post #31 for your usable one.
Not on my cpu now so I don't know for sure if there isn't bugs but minus signs don't work...
Never hurts to try lol
What about people quoting another post that has a transaction order in it?
That would just be on that new post and read as part of the new post
Disqualify Ramshutu permanently from the currency for doing that to me.
This thread is supposed to work by you using my greasyfork script and plugging in the url to my reader page
Whatever comes out on the page is what member balances are
Since anyone can use the script and run it through the thread you can't possibly hack it unless my script has a bug
It invalidates post 24
Code still not 100% but I know how to fix it, but will do so tomorrow so I don't keep my buddy up
Fixed code
11 days later
for non-bribery related reasons.
13 days later
bsh1 1300
A-R-O-S-E 1040
Speedrace 985
Discipulus_Didicit 675
12 days later
Unwise investment, brother. ;)
Lol seems that way.
Oof, want it back lol?
I demand that bsh1's last will and testament be publically revealed.
What is the point of this? What can I actually do with DAB other than almost useless things like buying a higher spot in the mafia mod list? Couldn't this be abused to buy votes in debates or likes for posts? Could this be used as bribes in the next HOF election?
I can think of many ways this can be abused and very few ways in which it would actually be useful.
"like buying a higher spot in the mafia mod list"
This could be done and whatever someone would be willing to pay DAB for is where it's value would come from.
I'm aware that could be done because you said so earlier. However, buying a higher spot in the mafia mod list is not very useful. What else could you do with it, other than use it as a bribe?
other than use it as a bribe?
I don't know what you're talking about. Nobody said anything about bribing anyone. You're crazy.
I am entirely aware that no one said anything about bribery, but I'm not crazy. If you're going to set up an in-site currency, you run the risk that people will abuse it, and bribery is one of the easiest ways to do that.
you run the risk that people will abuse it, and bribery is one of the easiest ways to do that.
I deny all such allegations. All my transactions have been perfectly legal.
I missed your joke and took you seriously, didn't I?
I wouldn't care if this was abused, I just want to see what this can do
Fricc, page 3 has a bug