What does it matter? All the Founding Fathers were Nazi, racist, slave owners anyway, who didn't care for human rights.... who cares what they thought, right? even though they were smart enough to leave wording vague enough for the ability of different interpretations to in order for the Constitution to last through the future, but keeping our basic rights intact. No one in this day and age would be smart enough to write something in that manner.
We have gained a lot of knowledge in math and sciences, which contributing to major innovation in the past few hundred years, but we have lost the ability to think intellectually, and put things on paper that will last for years to come. No one is thinking about the consequences of the decisions we make now and how they may backfire in the future.
For instance: Being lenient on how we identify ourselves sexually (it is binary, be one or the other) and choosing our own gender at 3 years old, no one understand sexuality at that age. Soon, we will be identifying as animals, and bestiality will be legal and common place, then we will be marrying people to animals, or people will be identifying at different ages..... This is the future of what we are becoming. It may sound far fetched to us now, but it will not the further radical we become and further into the future we are.
My name is DBlaze, he, him, his...them, theirs, we, mine, guys.
This is whole introduction thing above is ridiculous, we should not have to walk on eggshells because a pronoun hurt someone's feelings. Get over it, and get over yourself. Sorry for the rant.